Poorly Telegraphed High Damage Abilities

Lightless Arbor is by far my least favorite activity in the game, precisely for this reason. The one shot mechanics are extremely frustrating, especially given that to get into the dungeon you need a randomly dropped key.

I’m sure there will be lots of people who disagree but honestly, the one shot mechanics are a little punitive when you need a random drop to get into the encounter (not to mention running 2 levels of the dungeon).

Can you either tone down this mechanic, or provide some type of revive at the beginning of the dungeon? OR make the keys drop from a farmable location (like the monolith). The only keys i get from the monolith are arena ones.

They drop quite a bit from monolith bosses.

Interesting. Played the game for over 110 hours, I’ve seen 2.

not the format you want i know, but literally anything that applies a DoT

I honestly feel like almost every boss I fight is always off screen, and a lot of the bosses have attacks that are unavoidable. While I get that resistances and my build can dictate or negate damage, not being able to see the attacks or where I am being attacked from can be frustrating at times.

As an example; the Echo bosses, it’s almost always a small area/arena, and yet it feels like every boss is invisible because they are off screen most of the time. Maybe a wider FOV is needed in some of these fights?

I don’t mind being 1-hit, but, I would like to at least see where the attack is coming from, with a chance to avoid the attack. Most of the time I know the general area the boss is in, but not knowing when or what type of attack is coming can get frustrating. I know there are indicators of an incoming attack for a lot of the off-screen attacks, but that isn’t always the case, sometimes I feel like the enemy being off-screen impedes my ability to possibly avoid certain attacks.

Anyway, I am enjoying the game, but just wanted to give some input. Keep up the great work!

Volcanic Pyromancer and it’s magma ball skill.

  • Is basically a shotgun
  • 0 visual indicators when in melee
  • hits for 1050 base(which is up there with a lot of boss skills but is only a rare)
  • also has a giant AoE, which means anyone with minions is getting hit with it 100% of the time
  • has next to no cooldown, so it just gets spammed
  • and if there happen to be two of them in the same area, might as well just roll over

Vids/screen shots to show what is going on. first one is the slow mo death where you can see the bottom pyro shotgun the magma ball, second vid is the whole encounter, with some magma balls exploding (seemingly) without touching anything, double casting with little cooldown,


In monoliths:

Corpse Emperor’s Soul Bomb hits well outside its radius intermittently. (sometimes by as much as 30% outside its telegraphed area).
Corpse Emperor’s blood ground degen pools blends into the background for people who are RG colorblind, this includes those using the color correction tool MS provides (it still blends in with the background, because of lack of contrast between similar colors). No real indicator when a ground effect is hitting you. No sound effect either.

Lagon Moon Beam occasionally doesn’t telegraph.
Lagon Moon burst (the small breath/puddle) bugs you if you are up against the side of the map (i.e. melee) Effect hits before you see it.

Formosa’s Necrotic Beam intermittently extends almost to fully encapsulate melee distance from his rear. Dancing blade sends you right where no telegraph happens but you take damage as if in the beam.

Many ground-based effects (and their telegraphs) don’t render when a large number of effects are on-screen.

Smoldering Lithrac

died several times to them, and always so fast I couldn’t really tell what’s going on.
Pretty inconspicuous mobs, the ground around them explodes (on death?) with a very short delay and does massive damage. Very hard to see when they are in a group of mobs and nearly impossible to react fast enough.


What I would like to see is being able to cancel an attack, possibly with movement. I’ve died a few times because I’d attack (erasing strike or void cleave), get stuck in the animation, while attacking the enemy briefly telegraphs an attack, I try to move out of the way but can’t, so I die.

Similarly, using sigils of hope seems to stop movement to go into a casting animation, so if i try to cast it while running from any rotating beam type attack, I stop and get hit. It would be really nice to have certain skills work while moving.

This is true for anything that isnt an instant cast. For sigils specifically there is the node to allow for instant casting that removes this issue entirely. We generally call it stutter stepping - its most obvious in the devouring orb void knight builds - its so janky that people refuse to play it even though its one of the OP builds at the moment.

While the animations in these cases could definitely be improved to “smooth” the casting wrt other animation already active its likely to be quite a big effort (i.e. work/time) to make it work for every possible situation and combination of animations.

I am not sure regarding the devs approach on cancelling/interrupting these kinds of skills as they seem to have “designed” them with this cast duration for a purpose. They did recently make changes to skills and skill buffering etc but I doubt they are done with it (I hope not).

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As far as I remember, all skills have a certain part of the animation where they can be interrupted by a second skill (or movement).


Would be nice to have some work on these inconsistently telegraphed high damage abilities before 1.0. One that I have noticed frequently is Profane Flesh. The big circle rock drop will sometimes have a normal amount of telegraph time and then sometimes have a very short one that appears to have much more damage then the other times. At level 58 and 1050 HP I can take the normal hit and survive or most of the time avoid it. The hits with less warning are always one shots. Hopefully this is not by design :slight_smile:

Edit: I’m currently just starting Monoliths and currently playing a cold summoner necro

That sounds like lag to me. That or haste.

Good call but I had 6 minions out, wouldn’t that have made almost all of them have haste? I have not had another map with that combo again yet but will pay attention if I do i’ll try to record(and not die)

I meant the mob might have haste, not you/your minions. Or maybe frenzy. Whichever is the one that speeds up channels.

I just had a situation of this happening. Happened in the Harton boss fight in emowered monolith. Offline character. I uploaded a video of it to youtube: https://youtu.be/grWdRE_l87c When you slow it down you can clearly see that I died instantly out of nowhere. After this happened I refought him and a very similar thing happened again. Luckily, I survived just barely. If you want, let me know and I’ll upload that clip too, I have it recorded.

You dodge back into where the ability was being channeled by one of the tentacles, just in time for it to explode on you.

I see what you’re saying. The tentacle on the left was channelling its attack there. But I shifted into there after that attack had ended. I just rewatched it several times, including slowed down, and there’s no indication of an attack happening there when I entered that space.

I definitely think the blood pools from the boss Majasal fit into this category. Especially as someone who is partially colorblind. Red on brown is not great. An outline or something around them would be great.

The camera is just way too far zoomed in. Pull out the camera much further when you are outside. You have that in common with every other ARPG. You can’t see anything and add pets and minions to the mix, and that is your entire screen. Now add that I have to avoid attacks with no flag that come from off that screen.