Poorly Telegraphed High Damage Abilities

I’m going to step away from the game until this mechanic is nerfed (if ever), I’ve wasted too much time on this already and while I have been looking forward to trying empowered monoliths for weeks now I just simply cannot keep wasting time on this one boss fight that I cannot get past. Back to POE I go.

the fact that you think is “telegraphed” enough so is player responsability to manually dodge some attacks, e g. by moving away, sorry to say but that is Super Mario Bross game.
in an aRPG a player shall be possible to create a tank build that can survive any hit in game. yes, in that case might be that build do very low damage, e.g. look to Diablo 3 support builds with 0 damage, but that shall be allowed.

this philosophy that players shall dodge manually telegraphed one-shot hits is very wrong, there is no reason to even discuss it.

I can’t think of a single 1-shot mechanic in D3… D3 is normally death by attrition – either a bunch of little/moderate hits in a tiny timeframe, or too much damage while your potion is on cooldown.

Also, if there was a build (or builds) that could completely trivial every dmg mechanic in the game, what would be the point of having those mechanics? As was pointed out before, if there was a build that could survive everything, everyone would just use that build as their primary gear-farming build, for the ‘hard-to-obtain’ items, from the toughest bosses. Thereby completely negating their ‘hard-to-obtain’ nature.

This is known as “Stupid Game Design 1.0”.

This is what I talk about often, you are stating your opinion (which is fine) but you are presenting it as fact. The “fact” that it is your “opinion” doesn’t mean that it has to be that way.

like I said, that build will do very low damage, so no, will notbeviable to use. thatbuilds in D3 are used in party as support.
but devs shall not create intentionally one-shot mechanics.

Spires of any kind.
Sacred Blooms.

I think spires are just conceptually bad. It is literally just a mob off-screening you the entire map with almost no reprieve. The janky mechanic of standing still until it stops does not work well, added with mobs such as Sacred Blooms without any “Stop” mechanic also off-screening you. I appreciate not seeing a ton of “on death” mechanics, but oddly at times this game can feel even more hectic than POE when it comes to ground effects.

I think spires could easily be something interesting without having to off-screen the entire time. Maybe instead, they could offer a prompt between 2 different types of bosses with different rewards options. Or they could be tombs that run on timers, if you don’t destroy them in time, bosses will spawn and hunt you down in map.

IMO, Sacred blooms (and other mobs) just need lower player detection. At times I have trouble finding the mob attacking me, such as a bloom. Due to the mob being screens away and no directional indicator.

On husk of gaspard, screams in agony as i remember doing this boss with enemy heals when undamaged modifer, and boss out healing my dmg 2x because boss had no openers as boss had +70%hp and %movespeed increase. I just restarted it due to modifer

Why not? If they don’t, people will just play builds that can sustain through any high-but-not-fatal damage.

Sacred Blooms can’t hit you if you’re stationary. They will target next to you but not so close that you’ll take any damage.

So not using a skill for 4 seconds is “janky”? You can move just not use a skill and they won’t fire.

Apart from the angle that the projectile comes down at indicates where the mob is.

@WeAreViledNation don’t forget the frenzy and haste modifiers.

yes, but they will lack damage. for example:

  1. a melee build that can tank almost everything and do X damage
  2. a range or glass canon build that need to manually dodge “telegraphed” one shots or high damagehits and do X*1.5 damage

at the end 1 and 2 will kill a boss/rare pack… in same time because 2 spend time manually dodging/mving away

why not all will play 1? because simply some players prefer range/glass canon builds and like to do more damage, and will have advantages in speed farming with 2.

The problem with nerfing the mechanics (getting rid of the oneshots) is that it also nerfs them for the ranged/minion classes as well, so they went from having an easier time before (with the oneshots) to having a much easier time after (because no oneshots they need to avoid). It’s not the oneshots that need to be changed, it’s their disproportionate impact on melee/close ranged compared to non-melee.


Agree. but anyway, a one shot for melee should not the same as one shot for range, that’s why I am saying devs shall not program “one shot” but High damage hit, then tank melee might survive it and range not.

btw, Reign of Dragons monolith final boss “telegraph” all the screen with that circle around the boss :slight_smile: my paladin run like crazy to get out of that circle and sometimes not manage. yes, I can use traversal moving skills but not have one in my build cause not need beside this boss fights.

But they will though 'cause they can either get decent amounts of leech just as much as melee can, or ungodly amounts of ward.

Yeah, a)have movement speed (I did that one years ago with 7% movement speed, it can be done), b)use chill (reduces the cast time so you have more time to get out) & c)always know where your exit is.

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then the game is bad designed in terms of melee vs ranged. e.g. range damage builds shall not be possible to get same amount of damage reductiob(combined armor/res/…) as melee. e.g. a melee tank build get 90% all combined damage reduction, but a range damage build shall reach 60% max, so melee can survive a hugh damage hit and range not, so leach does not matter. ward is a problem indeed, it needs to be very well balanced.

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the very idea of something doing a hit kill is stupid in an arpg. What bothers me most is that both RPG and ARPG never needed this, games that originated the genre like Diablo 2, there was a sense of progress with the game gradually becoming more difficult and nothing killed you instantly, you were losing your life fighting for it. survive until you win or die, HOWEVER everything changes with 2 things the rubbish game called Dark Soul and the generic Korean mmo. EVERYTHING in these games takes thousands of seconds, so in 1 second you lose all your life and get it back, there is no gradation. fights where you spend 99% of the time dancing with marks in the senario and only 1% actually fighting the boss, this in a game guided by the mouse arrow without camera rotation, seems stupid to me, but the “content producers love it” and In the PLAYERS we received this bomb, it was fun in the first week, the 5th time doing this you are tired, now imagine the 100th time of the 10th season? this game has the same fate as D3. Either it will escalate so that everything becomes irrelevant (like D3 is today) or it will simply maintain this and see players abandoning it and never coming back (like at the beginning of D3).
And just to finish, killing a player is very simple, you only need 1 line of code, but doing something epic, that entertains us and is perpetuated, THAT is for very few…

Heorot Ice Stab. It has a shirt telegraph, however with the issues that seem to crop up with animations desyncing the damage often comes out well before any animation or telegraph is displayed.

Not sure I agree with that, I seems to remember Diablo’s lightning breath attack killing me pretty quickly in D2. Don’t remember enough about D1 from the late 90s.

fast yes, but never HK, unless you had a really very fragile build, but a tank build would NEVER receive an HK.

I think I’m going to take a break from the game.

I’m trying to get to higher difficulties but it’s kind of useless trying my best just to die the moment an AoE telegraph appears on the ground… and while the death countdown mocks me, the actual hit appears on the screen.

When you look at every mob separately, as if you were in a test environment. Yes these mechanics look good on paper. But in reality, you’re not just fighting Blooms or Spires. When you have 3 Spires, Blooms, DD Dogs, Frozen Minotaurs (with obnoxious ground effects) and ranged mobs all going at you at once in a 200+ corrupt map. Things aren’t that easy lol.

btw, Reign of Dragons monolith final boss “telegraph” all the screen with that circle around the boss :slight_smile: my paladin run like crazy to get out of that circle and sometimes not manage. yes, I can use traversal moving skills but not have one in my build cause not need beside this boss fights.

What I find stupid is how often the hitbox and the animation are desynced with that ability. It’s truly absurd.