Please Please Fix Temporal Sanctum! And Let Us Bypass it!

Honestly, because some people have fun doing that. If you don’t, you’re right, you could be playing another game.
Much like you don’t have fun in PoE, so you play another game. And apparently the same for D3/D4.

ARPG games are niche and each tries to appeal to a different crowd. There are many out there, including torchlight, hero siege, grim dawn, etc.
If you’re not having fun in one, move on to another.

Much like I stopped having fun in PoE and left. Much like I had fun playing D3 for a few days at a time(since that was enough to have everything) and then left.
Much like I regularly play D2 (usually PD2) still. Or Grim Dawn.

It’s fine that you don’t like that mechanic. But other players do. It’s not objectively bad. Or good. You just don’t like it. Others do.

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To be fair, a lot of people here DO complain about Julra being a hard gatekeeper, but this particular poster is not one of them. This is a select group that wants to play LE 8 hours a day every day for the next 5 months, so anything that adds seconds each run across thousands of runs will be perceived by these sweatlords as a catastrophe.

This particular player wants 1-button, screen wide, 1 million damage nukes where you just press a button and everything blows up. For this type of player, the first two rooms of Temporal Sanctum are mind-blowingly boring, especially if the dungeon happens to have barriers that force the character to make a wide-sweeping arc around them.

If the dungeon were more interesting, I’m sure the OP would be praising the dungeon instead of “slamming” it (hence the comparison to D2 uber fights). Instead, combine the pointless barriers (I mean the actual barriers in the dungeons) with the chance to get disconnected or frozen, alongside the 50/50 chance you go through the dungeon and get screwed hard by RNG, and it can lead to a frustrating experience.

Though I’m not sure how to placate the sweatlords that want to play this game every minute, as they get hung up by the tiniest of things most players don’t even take a second look at.

Allow me to explain. When the only thing you know about about logical fallacies are sound byte level information you got from infographics on the internet, you redefine them as synonyms for “NO YOU”.

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Because it unlocks the most powerful gear in the whole game.
You just want it for free without effort, and that’s boring.

Removing the gameplay is not a cure for the gameplay.

And why are you running Temporal Sanctum “100s of times” that’s a gross exaggeration. Running it several times due to RNG may be true per item, but how many uniques could you possibly be wearing? There’s only 11 equipment slots in the game. Are you running TS 8-10 times per item? Why are you only wearing uniques?

I must be blessed by the RNG gods because I usually only have to run TS several times when I’m very unlucky, to get the slam I need. Several being around 5+ times…

This is pretty accurate. I don’t agree with everything you said in your post but you did nail a lot of it. Temporal sanctum isn’t difficult. It just is a badly designed atrocity in the way of enjoying LE. That you have to do over and over and over again. Which eventually causes myself and others to quit because Temporal sanctum strips all excitement of finding cool items and making new builds.

With that said I’m on the forums instead of playing the game this morning. I’m not looking forward to a lot of the pointless grind that I have to do. LE and Devs need to stop making players waste their time instead of getting too the good stuff.

That’s only your opinion. I have no issues with TS and actually think its kind of fun.

I recognize some people are experiencing bugs with it, although I haven’t. That’s fair. But saying it’s design is bad because YOU don’t think it’s fun is just incorrect… Not everything you dislike is “bad design”

Bad design is bad design. It has nothing to do with my personal preferences.

Thanks for confirming your words are completely meaningless, I’m safe to tune out now. Take care!

Since a lot of people are going to ignore this and attack the poster, I’m going to highlight and emphasize it. It highlights the biggest discrepancy between the “elite” players and the more “casual” players.

An exalted item with T7 of the stat you want, alongside good affixes, on a not-terrible base, is meant to be a huge dopamine rush, the apex of that particular play session. A well-designed Unique can be build-defining on its own, and obtaining one is also supposed to feel really good. Having one with LP is supposed to be rare, but with a vibrant enough economy and enough players participating in it, the drop will come eventually.

Combining the great exalted item with the great Unique can lead to exponential boosts in power. Many players are sufficient to have this awesome item and simply have fun with the build. For other players, it’s just the beginning, they’ve only completed 5% of the game. To reach the top of the ladder, you need multiple of these items combined with an overpowered class / skill / passive synergy. Many players will simply watch someone else explain how powerful this build is, and jump at the thought that they can be the #1 player.

When 50% of players think they can get in the top 1%, the economy will get busted because the people with the “must-have” items (that are rare enough that 1% of players will see them drop in their lifetime) will all fight each other to purchase them. Then comes complaints about “my build doesn’t get online unless it has 3 perfect rolled LP3 Uniques with all T7 affixes in them,” things that nobody ever envisioned being reasonable to obtain. And if they don’t get these perfect items, they think the game is not worth playing.

Ultimate question being: if these sweatlords quit the game en masse, would anyone care?


They would because that would mean the devs would quit. Since they’re making the game they like to play, the mechanics they introduce are geared towards them and other players like them.
There’s always some jiggle room for balance (like adding LP to filter), but BiS gear being accessible only to a small portion of the playerbase is a design choice.

On the other hand, no build needs BiS gear to do all content. You can make any build work perfectly fine with 0LP uniques and still reach 300c. So only the sweatlords care enough to farm them so they can push to the absolute limits.

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I understand @DJSamhein reply about Devs designing what Devs like to play …

But this is the beauty of one-time purchase games, their revenue is not encumbered by masse quits, and in fact, most players don’t play most games more than a couple hours.

I think it’s silly to pursue the most powerful possible build, because it doesn’t seem worth the effort to me. I’m perfectly happy just getting by, and experiencing the new content. I enjoy some min/maxing but there’s a cost/benefit analysis that prevents me from trying to maximize every stat… I would consider myself casual, I only have 1-2 hours a day to play.

This is exactly my point too. LE makes it so that getting decent gear to make your build work is very very easy. Getting good gear to make your build reach empowered monos and close to 300c is easy. It’s just BiS gear that is very very hard and you don’t need it to do any content in the game for now, you just chase it if you want to push the build limits.

For sure,

My 1.1 build only uses 2 uniques, which only require 1 LP slam each, although more would be nice. Neither of the uniques are mandatory tho. I’m almost at Aberroth now and am confident I’ll kill him eventually. So far 200+ corruption has been no issue.

In fact, I rarely use builds that require more than 1 or 2 uniques, so T4 Julra isn’t really a concern.

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So you are agreeing that you do not understand what a logical fallacy is? "

A straw man argument, also known as a straw man fallacy, is an informal logical fallacy that occurs when someone intentionally or accidentally misrepresents their opponent’s argument and then refutes it"

The OPs argument was made to be “I should not have to do difficult content to get the best gear”, when clearly that was not his argument. Get it now? The next time you want to call someone out for not knowing something maybe you should do a little more critical thinking. I do not disagree with your statement, but that was not what the OP’s argument was. You are the one who went for the cheap sound bite, not me.

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I would not argue that, but neither was the OP. THAT is the definition of a straw man argument.

“A straw man argument, also known as a straw man fallacy, is an informal logical fallacy that occurs when someone intentionally or accidentally misrepresents their opponent’s argument and then refutes it”

Correct, and that’s why I didn’t strawman - I didn’t misrepresent anything. What I said is exactly what their argument is, just stripped of its copious amounts of Motte and Bailey dishonesty, and stated more succinctly.

OP wants free, unfettered, effortless access to the method by which the most powerful items in the game are created. Their five paragraphs of fluff surrounding that do not change the core argument - They want the best gear easier. You’re not calling out a strawman, you’re flailing because my callout is as much about you as it is about the OP.

So please, don’t try to internet pseudointellectual at me to avoid admitting that you’re BSing about what you want too.

Someone remind me - How’s that colloquialism about glass houses and stones go, again?

apart from the bugs what else makes that dungeon so unpleasant to you? Just curious. I on the other hand like that dungeon and Julra fight. It is easy as soon as you understand her moves

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Whatever dude, you’re completely warping his argument into what you want it to be. Reply away, I’m done with you.

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It’s been said several times. This has nothing to do with difficulty. This isn’t a difficutly discussion. This is focused on the horrible bugs, meaningless time-sinks, poorly designed mechanics, wasting players time.

It’s been mentioned several times above inpost.


I agree with this.

OP is just saying the upgrade mechanic is overly complex (which is reasonable to say). IMO it’s almost on the same level as a Ascendancy quests in POE except the rewards aren’t permanent and don’t offer the same ROI.

I see a lot of white knights defending the non-sensical merchant guild as well. People act like RMT, trading, and economy are “solved” problems even though most mainstream games have basically stopped trying to place too many controls on trading / economy and instead resorted to TOS enforcement / bans. A good indicator that your game is doing well is if it has a healthy amount of RMT and active trading. That means people are playing the game.

Just make free trade baseline for the game and remove MG. People who want to play semi-self found can play CoF. Although I’m sure many people see that these features weren’t well thought out-- and that’s feedback that the devs need to hear and accept since I suspect people are only active on LE right now because they are waiting for D4 S5, D4 expac, PoE next league, and PoE2.

What LE is good at is being a build and crafting sandbox. Double down on that and remove the controls and caps. Right now it just feels like a budget version of the other games out there.