Please Please Fix Temporal Sanctum! And Let Us Bypass it!

It’s been said several times. This has nothing to do with difficulty. This isn’t a difficutly discussion. This is focused on the horrible bugs, meaningless time-sinks, poorly designed mechanics, wasting players time.

It’s been mentioned several times above inpost.


I agree with this.

OP is just saying the upgrade mechanic is overly complex (which is reasonable to say). IMO it’s almost on the same level as a Ascendancy quests in POE except the rewards aren’t permanent and don’t offer the same ROI.

I see a lot of white knights defending the non-sensical merchant guild as well. People act like RMT, trading, and economy are “solved” problems even though most mainstream games have basically stopped trying to place too many controls on trading / economy and instead resorted to TOS enforcement / bans. A good indicator that your game is doing well is if it has a healthy amount of RMT and active trading. That means people are playing the game.

Just make free trade baseline for the game and remove MG. People who want to play semi-self found can play CoF. Although I’m sure many people see that these features weren’t well thought out-- and that’s feedback that the devs need to hear and accept since I suspect people are only active on LE right now because they are waiting for D4 S5, D4 expac, PoE next league, and PoE2.

What LE is good at is being a build and crafting sandbox. Double down on that and remove the controls and caps. Right now it just feels like a budget version of the other games out there.


The dungeon along with Lightless Arbor desyncs or dcs you 3 in 4 times regardless what you do or dont do.

There is no excuse for it and anyone telling the OP to play in offline mode needs to just stop typing.

Its a video game, dungeons are supposed to work, let alone the one gate keeping the most crucial part of endgame gearing.

Whats more annoying then bricking your item over and over, it taking 5 keys to brick once because EHG is roleplaying the Diablo 4 team.


Correct the current iteration is horrible.

Ding ding ding!! End game is loot hunting/trading in ARPGs. Having to pointlessly wait weeks to get into the juicy stuff because some time-sink says I have too is just another atrocious system in the way of what could be a great game.

Which is why I have another thread on that. The item I want to buy is there then I gotta grind for 12 hours a day for multiple days to meet some restriction? It’s terrible design.

Agree. We could get players into more buids, alts and doing the better parts of the game they enjoy like farming/loot hunting. Shame we have terrible gate-keeping systems preventing fun from happening.

Bingo. No need for these types of frustrations. There are so many gaslighting regular forum posters on here. I question if they actually play the game or not. These are real problems and LE isn’t doing well because of these problems highlighted here, on Reddit and Steam.


Yup the gaslighting is out of control. You weren’t even offensive or anything and it sounds like a lot of people agree, too.

But the bullshit back and forth the white knights are causing will just turn the thread into something the devs won’t want to pay attention to.


There are hundreds of feedback posts about this kind of stuff on these forums.

The same people will reply with inadequate arguments defending their rose tint; every time.

EHG does not want this game to actually be “better” They want it to be their vision of what better means. Its the sole reason why this game will never truly take off–which is sad, cuz they are really onto something here! Wicked core game.

Same reason why:

-we still dont have spec and gear presets.
-we still cant respec masteries
-we are still gated into dungeons for no reason.
-we still have to click a button in our inventories to deposit shards we don’t need to see on screen at all.

Let’s not even bring up the technical issues that are still present…

The list is actually endless…take a look at feedback and take a look at the same 5 people saying everything is fine :smiley:


If there’s anything about the never-ending whining that you have to actually earn the best possible gear that will keep the devs from wanting to pay attention to it, it’s that nobody who brings it up again ever has anything new, interesting, or even valid to say about it. It’s all been said before, and it’s all just different versions of the same complaint - “Getting the best gear should be easier because if it’s not then I can’t get it”.

That complaint is as boring as the predictable, cliche use of “white knight” as a synonym for “anyone who disagrees with me”, and they were never going to listen to it to begin with.

Don’t play games like this if you don’t like having to earn the shiniest stuff through time and grinding and difficulty.

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This has been pointed out many times. This thread has nothing to do with difficulty.

You don’t earn anything in Temporal Sanctum. It’s just a time-gated badly designed bugged system that doesn’t make the game better. Just like MG doesn’t make trade better, you should just be able to trade. It’s just wasting players time and it’s why players leave.

It’s because the White Knights in this thread don’t listen and are projecting their own views. They have no interest in making the game better or being a part of thee actual discussion. It’s annoying and doesn’t help. It’s as frustrating as the badly designed systems we are talking about.


Well, if you wanted to play a game similar to PoE then you should just play PoE. Since you don’t I would assume that even you enjoy a bit D3-ness in LE.

I do. I actually enjoy what LE has made in regards to this balance.
Early game is very easy to get going. It’s D3 levels of easy to get gear and smash the campaign.
Mid game is easy. It’s not D3 levels of easy, but still easy to get good gear.
Late game is hard. It’s PoE levels of hard to get BiS gear.
I like the way this is balanced currently.

Currently one of the reasons why getting BiS gear is hard is because you have to go through Julra for each item.
So no matter what people say, removing Julra from this will make getting BiS easier.

People advocating for just unlocking it and it being available in end of time forever are just asking for easier gear. Because if they were not, they would simply ask for an alternative that they would enjoy but that would require the same effort/time.
But that’s not what they want. They just want free slams forever and access to BiS without friction.

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Dungeon bosses are ok. Dungeons are not, they’re unnecessary, boring and annoying to deal with.


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They could have better refined mechanics this leads to them being sometimes as bugged as the dungeon.

Definitely agree. They feel like chores you have to do over and over every cycle. They need a revamp and going in there shouldn’t be tied to a major core component of the game like crafting with Temporal Sanctum.

There should be separate key reasons to go in there but also skippable if you don’t enjoy them.

If they took down all the goofy barriers I’d be okay with running the dungeon every time. some classes can zoom throu the bars, others cant. doesnt seem very fair.


I don’t think I’ve ever experienced dungeon bosses being bugged, at least not this cycle. What bugs exactly have you encountered? Maybe I’ve missed them or thought of them as being part of the design.

I don’t know why you keep telling this lie and expecting anyone to take it seriously when what said you wanted in your post is to be able to do Sanctum once and then get permanent access to the Eternity Cache function in the End of Time. No more dungeon, no more Julra. Just click a maguffin, and print Legendaries. That is ridiculously easier, full stop.

Then they leave. The game’s not for them. Leaving is the correct choice for them to make and they should be supported in doing that. Players leaving because a game isn’t for them isn’t a condemnation of the game or a feature.

No, the reason people keep dismissing what you say is because you are being blatantly dishonest, treating your personal opinion about what’s fun like an established fact, and playing Motte and Bailey games every time you complain about Sanctum. You did it last time, and you’re doing it here too.

What you want - what you directly asked for - is for EHG to make the best items easier for you to get. That’s it. But any time you get pushback you keep claiming your feedback is about “trying to remove tedium” or “trying to make the game better” or other very noble/altruistic sounding things, even though you are absolutely not. You are just trying to make it easier, and “easier” is not a synonym for “better” no matter how much you treat it that way. The same goes for talking about Legendaries - the best items - as “crafting” and “a core component of the game” when they are absolutely not those things, and you know they’re not.

If you were being genuine, you’d be suggesting ways to preserve an appropriate level of barriers and difficulty to getting the best items, except in ways that you don’t think are “a bottleneck of frustration”. You’d be suggesting ways to improve the design and concept of Sanctum, or pointing out bugs you’ve encountered, or even suggesting alternative activities to access the Eternity Cache. But you’re not - You’re asking for a spammable Eternity Cache that you unlock from a one time boss kill. You don’t want to do anything that requires time or difficulty to get your best items in the game. Calling that “trying to make the game better” is just as dishonest and bad faith as your repeated use of “White Knight” as a synonym for “anyone that disagrees with me”.

Desynced mechanics (boss actually lags his mechanics mistime or multiple mechanics go off at once)

Minions disappear shifting dimensions

He’s not lying, though. This particular poster only plays builds that trivialize endgame bosses. He’s said himself, multiple times, that if it takes more than 3 seconds to kill T4 Julra, then the build’s a complete waste of time. What I’m assuming is that he (and other players) are gearing up a “cycle starter” character, using that to access MG perks, then buying gear sufficient enough in power for these “end-game destroyer” builds. There is no difficulty involved because he’s not engaging with Julra until he knows he can beat her with no regard to the mechanics whatsoever.

That is what powergaming does to a playerbase. This is the nature of having things like:

  • Completely free respec of anything and everything, involving Mastery classes.
  • Leveling up via invincibility exploits and complete campaign skips.
  • The constant complaints that each build only “becomes online” once the build has access to 3-5 LP3 high-power Legendaries with relevant T7 affixes - for each build.

They don’t care about things like world-building or narrative or emotionally connecting with a character. They don’t want to engage with the game, period. They just want a “numbers-go-up” simulator, where they only feel powerful when their fake numbers are so high that the only thing that matters is how many high-power LP3 Uniques drop per hour played so they can sell them on the fake market and make massive amounts of money to scoop up all the valuable market items and repeat the process over and over again.


A lot of talk about me instead of the problems with Temporal Sanctum that is bugged and has many design issues.

Hard to do when your character is stuck in an endless loading screen.

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