Please Please Fix Temporal Sanctum! And Let Us Bypass it!

Doing this dungeon is like giving yourself a 1,000 paper cuts and pouring lemon juice over them while vegans explain how they are better than you.

I’m writing this admist another loading screen freeze trying to go to another level where I’ll have to force stop the game. Sometimes you just DC, sometimes you freeze.

Even “IF” this Dungeon wasn’t bugged. It’s the worst thing ever put into an ARPG and it makes me want to uninstall every time I’m forced to go down there to slam an item I’m excited about. It kills ALL excitement, enjoyment and things I love about Last Epoch. Temporal Sanctum literally makes me hate the game and you have to do this place 100’s of times every cycle.

  • Dear god or whoever is listening please just put a Legendary Forge at the End of Time that you unlock after beating Julra. There is no reason for this madness and bottleneck of frustration.

Everything about it is just so bad. I just can’t say enough bad things about it. I love the Devs but they gotta do something about this. It needs multiple fixes to complete it and QoL where you can eventually skip it. I’m going to have nightmares about the atrocity that is Temporal Sanctum.

Last Epoch is an amazing game with lots of potential but you gotta fix everything about Temporal Sanctum.

Some additional context:


Why dont you just go offline and save yourself a lot of extra frustration? Are you type of so called competetive gamer? Just asking…

There is no reason for this madness and bottleneck of frustration.

There’s no reason to make you have to do something difficult in order to get the best possible gear in the whole game?

lol, ok


I’ve played ARPGs for 24 years and never did offline as that removes End Game for me. At the core of these games they are Loot hunting trading games. The reason I log in is to farm for holy grail items to use and trade.

I know some people enjoy Offline but I’d never play it because it removes End game.

Where did I mention difficult? Nothing about this situation has the word difficult in it. This is just atrocious design that hurts the overall game. Period.

I did say you should “unlock” the Forge that is at the End of Time. Thanks.

Another idea is put the Legendary forge at the Harbinger zone are next to the stash. You unlock it when you finish with the new faction and beat the Pinnacle boss.

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Thats interesting take. I am in the opposite camp, I always play SSF and offline if possible (and HC on top if title is worth it), because I like to find things myself. I even had time I felt about trading smthng like “thats just easy mode to buy best gear and clear all content with it”. But that was long ago, now I dont give a shit about people having fun the other way around :slight_smile:
Still… I see a lot of advantages playing offline like in not taking care about economy and just slashing monsters in chilled environment :slight_smile: Also game takes much longer to perfect items etc. I really would like to understand the beauty of trade though… I just simply cant :tipping_hand_woman:

Yea it’s why I consider D2 having the best End game of all time. Since the End game is loot hunting/trading. It’s why you do 1,000’s of pindle or meph runs. It’s why people still log in over 2 decades latter. The economy drives the game and there are so many builds that fuel that economy/End game. Making D2 timless. D2 figured it out and no one has duplicated it yet.

Maybe LE will? The game has potential but the Devs gotta listen on this one. I’d also like to mention the last time I quit LE was 2 months ago when I was in Temporal Sanctum. I just Alt F4 and quit till launch. I feel this strongly about it and it will make people quit.

Yea it’s good LE has this option for you but I just wouldn’t play the game if this was the only option. It’s just not interesting if I can’t find items to trade online with people or play with people.

I see. For me LE is technically too bugy to even consider online play.

I like to lure into technical part of the forum where people report the bugs. It is for me very interesting to see what kind of interactions between ui/skill mechanics/animations can cause game to crash. I also find it very weird that for so many years of developing there are still so many ill-functioning passives… or at last it seems so after reading all this forum part.
It seems that a part of your frustration also comes from technical problems with dungeons. So maybe it is valid to say the game is far from perfect in engine performance, especially online.

Which brings us too this thread.

Yea LE needs a lot of work on that. Maybe with recent success they can expand their Dev team with people focused on these issues and bringing up just dead talents to improve builds.

I hope the game grows and improves I really do. I really want this to be my main game to just lose myself in. Just has some really big problems that keep popping up that end up being just too much for a lot of players.


Well I am too new to say myself as I have strong rig and not touching online, so overall my experiance is quite smooth.
But… I only played about 400h and with only one char so for now at last for me there is many chapters of this journey still ahead.
Still when some node in the passive tree doesnt work it is just so bad for the player experience. I just want to play my way, no only have to play what function (doesnt mean viable for endgame but in a sense that works as desinged). Thats the way for arpg when you are baking your own ssf meme builds imho, would you agree? :crazy_face:

Yes, that’s the bit that makes it easier since you then don’t need to do Julra each time.

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I understand why they put the forge where they did. Legendary crafting is the most powerful thing you can do in the late game, so they put it behind the hardest dungeon. But I agree with your suggestion because it’s the buggiest dungeon by far. EHG doesn’t seem to be prioritizing bug fixes over other things though, sadly. I made a list of bugs last season and most haven’t been fixed yet. And I doubt they will implement your suggestion, so we are going to be stuck in this state for awhile.


No it stops us from wasting time and being frustrated. Again…never have I mentioned difficulty. Again…you can give me a huge difficulty wall I’m willing to climb to “unlock” this feature.

People really need to stop projecting.

No they put it behind the worst designed dungeon. One that you have to do 100’s of times which just ruins the excitement of playing LE and getting awesome items.


I agree, the dungeon is atrocious imo. I have had so many problems while running it, and it just completely kills any excitement to play the game. To explain, I ran the dungeon about 12 times this cycle. 5 of those runs ended in the middle by just randomly getting stuck in place everything staying at 1 life and me being unable to move/die or do anything really. 2 other runs ended because after the first floor I got stuck in a permanent loading screen. Another one ended in me dying, because on the second floor I had a good second or two stuttering every few seconds, which made the game unplayable. And the remaining few times I have actually managed to get to the last boss. Horrible experience. A friend of mine had a similar experience.


I agree 100%, the bugginess of it just makes it that much worse. The white knights are out in force on this one.

It’s a dumb upgrade mechanic in an otherwise brilliant game.


You’re straw-manning his argument.

How is pointing out that doing difficult content isn’t unreasonable to get the best gear a strawman?

I also think this dungeon (and the other dungeons as well) need a proper rework. It’s a real pain in the ar*e to stuck in 2 out of 3 attempts.
The Sanctum is crucial for ones progress!

I played 800+ hrs. in Cycle 1 with countless dungeon runs. Without ANY issues in any dungeon.
Seems to me this problem came with 1.1.

Also sometimes out in the world, I stuck in a loading screen or have invisible enemies and then the game freezes.

Only the Monoliths run flawlass so far. If this phenomenon will appear in the Mono’s as well, I’m done then.

This situation is disappointing and frustrating. I don’t wonna frustration in a game, I prefer fun.


Yea it’s the usual suspects in every forum post offering nothing like usual. I’d actually like the game to be better so it’s worth continuining to play it. Most of the player base is about to be done with this cycle. Same problems different tune.

I do love LE and there are many dumb mechanics that ruin the experience or WASTE OUR TIME. There is no need to waste players time with some nonsensical time sink mechanic. If it’s a good game we will farm for 100’s or 1,000’s of hours.

The Devs got it wrong and hope it gets fixed before 1.2.


Temporal Sanctum takes 15 minutes.

Run northwest, and keep an eye on your minimap for the door icons to appear …

I haven’t noticed any bugs in it either :confused:

No. You’d like to make the game better FOR YOU. Even if that would make the game worse for others.
Which is fine, is what people usually advocate for. But you can’t be dismissive of other people’s opinions when they try to do the exact same thing you do.

There is for some players. Some players actually want the chase of something hard to obtain.

D3 is a great game (for their target base, which are the casuals). And yet many people left it. Because it was too easy, everything was handed to you and there was no chase.

Different games offer different things and different experiences. Not everyone has to like them. That’s why there are many choices in the market.

As I said before, LE is much closer to PoE than D3.

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