Periodically Lost Connection

Second night with no problems. Hoping it stays this way!

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Went all day not having the issue and sometime after 8pm pst 3/6/24 the game is losing connection every 5 minutes or less if Im not actively running echos or dungeons if I am simply managing inventory, it will 100% lose connection within 5 mins

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Game is unplayable for me. Every change of location = Lost connection. I dont have problems with my internet/pc. Every other game works normal.

What is going on with THIS game…

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In in Australia and am having constant disconnect also ever since the launch of patch 1.0 had not trouble before that so its very very annoying.

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Still happening constantly 85-90% of the time you stop to manage skills or inventory you get lost connection.

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my fix was shutdown firewall complete no errors anymore

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Turned off windows firewall completely and no improvement

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The only thing that works for me is CloudFlare Warp. Any other solution has same problem.

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US west also. Getting perma desyncing. Essentially the game doesn’t give me a disconnect message it just doesnt let me teleport or load into a new zone and also my spell become invisible. This happens until I relog.

tried using cloudflare warp after some recommendations. same issue after 30 mins of playing

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EU WEST - I downloaded CloudFlare Warp and it didn’t work for me. I was stuck on loading screen… I tried to change mtu, because someone suggest this on another topic with “Lost Connection”, but also it didn’t work.

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same thing happening here, so frustrating.

edit- US West here

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can i play this game without random dc’s every 20 mins ty?


Still the same. Early access worked better than final product.
At least poe starts tomorrow, LE is dead for me. Disconnect to server all time.

Même erreur pour le serveur EU Ouest, cela dure depuis 3 jours pour ma part.

Anyone find any solutions yet? Very annoying.

Happens to me a day after i started playing yet my friend has no issues and so far no fix has worked for me tf

This Discord thread contains a list of things to try for players having Connection or Server Stability issues - Discord

Here’s the copy/paste for those without a Discord account -

  • Changing your Server on the Log-in screen
  • Using a VPN has proved helpful for many players. If you do not have the ability to purchase a VPN, Cloudflare Warp is a free VPN that has been tested by the community.
  • If Cloudflare Warp fails to work, some players a have reported success using Proton VPN instead.
  • Sometimes a VPN will block players from connecting, please turn your VPN off to see if this is the issue.
  • (Free) SG TCP Optimizer is a program that many players have also found helpful when experiencing these issues. This Youtube video can help you set it up if you need it.
  • (Free Trial) Exitlag has also helped some players
  • Contacting your ISP may also be a useful option as it has been found many providers have a block on certain items.
  • Adjust your DNS settings
  • Check to see if your Firewall has an exception for Last Epoch
  • Please use to see if your IP is being affected by Google Cloud
  • Check ISP for local issues connecting to services

If none of the above prove helpful, please know that the team is working on a solution. It may also be helpful to reach out to our Support Team as they may be able to provide further help.

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