Our Gift To You & Thank You

No Autumn wrap, bees and whatnot here neither. After the first launch week my game indicated that I had played 2,5 hours. But 97% of that was in queues and getting kicked out from login screen. So I hope you give us all a little compensation for that struggle.
It’s March 5th today so you should have had time to get these out to our accounts by now, or?! :wink:
Now that the EU West server works again it’s an amazing game for sure!!

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I don’t think youd be getting the backpack unless you putchased in Beta

Ok, thank you. I can stop looking for it. Thanks so much for the fast response. The bees rule!

Thanks, keep up the good work :smile:

I have not received the Autumnal wrap or bees either.

I also have a weird bug where one of the cosmetics I had purchased with Epoch points back in EA is now switched with a different cosmetic that I never bought.

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Maybe read the post they just put out today?
Autumnal Wrap Pees Pets Update

I started to play before this date, but through shared library from the other account. That account didn’t played the game at all, only my primary account did (this one) - through the family. Until yesterday when it stopped working: “no licences” error. So I bought the game again, now to my primary, but yesterday.
I can see this reward landed on the alt account, but I wonder if I am eligible to get this to my primary account?

I played since beta, 2022 but I haven’t received any gift yet

:grin: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I got the game march 2nd, does that mean I’m SOL because I didn’t get it before march 1st? I would have bought it sooner but had to wait until payday. Kind of a bummer if that’s the case. I’m also still having insane rubber banding every time I go to a town.


Awesome. Thx

doesn’t seem like I got one. Another thing to wait for?

i been playing for years and i play before march 1 i still have not goy mine gift

I got mine a few minutes ago after restarting game/steam. :slight_smile:

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So should I be worried that I don’t have this back piece yet? Or are we still rolling these out slowly?

cool thanks guys, the game is so much fun

Take it back and give us proper game

So should I be worried that I don’t have this back piece yet? Or are we still rolling these out slowly?

I still haven’t received a gift