On Frequent Disconnects

I just got this game and I’ve been disconnecting regularly, sometimes while porting sometimes just while playing. I would estimate that its been happening once ever 20-30 minutes or so.

I haven’t found much help in searching however I believe my issue may be resolved and wanted to mention what I believe the “Fix” was for me.

I use Ubiquity… There’s nothing wrong with Ubiquity, however while playing this game I get several blocked threats from traffic which only appears while playing this game.

The Threat:

  • Detection Category: P2P
    Signature: ET P2P Edonkey Publicize File ACK
  • Detection Category: P2P
    Signature: ET P2P ThunderNetwork UDP Traffic

All of the IP counterparts for these threats point to some servers.com addresses, perhaps too many to allow the IP. So if you are okay allowing this threat signature on your network then you might try this and see if it resolves your disconnect issues as well.

And if someone at Last Epoch does see this, and is using servers.com to host the game, it would be good to not have to allow this threat signature as this is the first game which it appears for that I play.


You might be onto something. I did check the client logs yesterday and found something about thundernetwork and dropped UDP packets.
I do use UB as well, but only Ap’s. I don’t have traffic insight available. But it could be worth checking to set windows firewalls rules according to this.

If the dev’s fix this on their side it would actually help a lot of people with this issue; lots of old and new topics around lost connections.

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I don’t have it all setup yet, if i disable the Windows Firewall i don’t have any disconnects so far. Still trying to set the correct Firewall rules now.

ok,nvm: got dc’ed just now with Firewall offline.

Yeah the difference between myself and my friends (whom aren’t disconnecting) only seems to be my ubiquity equipment here.

As an update: Players experiencing these issues and are trying to see if it is a result of a firewall dropping UDP packets might want to understand that these firewall measures exist both at the level of your Operating System and at the level of your router,.

Thanks for this clue. It solved my connection problems. I have the same equipment from Ubiquiti.
It seems to be, that the reason for most of the connection problems are the p2p rules, which are forbidden in most firewalls.

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I have the same issue,

As a semi work around i made a list of servers. (ip groups) And the a firewall rule, that let my game PC to contact those servers.

At the moment i have collected 27 ip adres from the securty log in ubiquiti.
But i would like a other solution as no other game i play has tis kind of threat warning.

FWIW as I get disconnected the Ubiquity log will have my PC listed in the threat table. I Accept Threat Signature for all of these instead of dealing with the IP’s which could be a massive pool.

I have accepted many (~6) threat signatures but they are all eDonkey or P2P related and my disconnects have died down a lot.

Two different methods, both would work, but I don’t know how large that IP block owned by servers.com is.

I have seen exactly this behaviour since I started playing on launch. Accessing the EU-West server, getting autoblocks from the UDM firewall - which coincide with disconnects. Have temporarily enabled the threat signature and can see much less disconnects.


I’m having similar issues with my dreammachine. I’ve checked the player logs and added any ipadresses that pops up and also allowed the threat signature, but still having issues :confused:

I had this issue, add these two:

  • |P2P|ET P2P Edonkey Publicize File ACK
  • |P2P|ET P2P ThunderNetwork UDP Traffic

To All Traffic or The correct IPs. Seems to have solved most problems for me.

From today I’ve started to see the additional one

  • ET P2P Edonkey Search Request (search by name)

I am also noticing a gradual degradation across the Ubiquiti network performance - impacting other users whilst running LE. Trying to track down the cause…

i stopped adding the ipadress to the IP groups, and tried to allow this “threat signature” but still kept having these issue. So temporary i have allowed p2p traffic… But this is not something i like to have constant.

Creating this rule seems to have fixed the issue for me, where the IP is my gaming PC:

Category Signature Allow Direction
P2P ET P2P Edonkey Publicize File ACK Destination
P2P ET P2P ThunderNetwork UDP Traffic Source

I will give it a try, thanks

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Glad I found this thread. I’m experiencing the same issues on Ubiquiti hardware and I just discovered this in my security detections. Will give it a try as well and hopefully we can get some stability.

Edit: I saw an immediate effect upon setting up the name based rules. Zoning back and fourth between mutliple zones and it’s clearly what the source of my issue was. We’ll see how it faires with some play sessions but this saved the game for our group as two of us are on the same local network.

Can confirm same issue for me with Ubiquiti hardware. I haven’t seen this issue across any other games - is this something EHG can fix/avoid doing?