Money and Crafting Ingredients should drop directly into stash

For me the current looting of shards is ok. Auto pickup by walking over, I would not mind that much either.

I’m strictly against having shards not even dropping, but directly being transferred to your inventory on enemies death. This is an immersion killer. Loot has to drop. You have to see the enemy dropping something. Else it is no loot.

The “send shards to forge” button is unnecessary for me. I don’t care about the shards in my inventory. I don’t browse them. They are not stacked and only take away space. I loot and loot and when there comes the point when my inventory is full, I press “i”, press “stash”, press “i” again and go on playing. Theres no need for me to see shards in my stash that I can sweep away by a single click anyways.

My suggestion on the topic is:

  • Let the looting be as it is currently
  • Auto send to forge on pickup or implement a keyboard shortcut so I don’t need to open the inventory to send shards away.



This was a joke or meant ironically, wasn’t it?

If so then:

If not then:

While we’re at it, I think mages should be able to summon two wolves, a scorpion and a bear all before level 12. Also, while we’re on a roll, sentinels should be able to have a bow with high-speed, multi-shot flame arrows until level 34 to help them level.

But, to answer the original question, I don’t have a preference about auto-looting, so long as it’s optional.

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I defend auto-pickup for both Runes and Shards.
However, the Shards should still go to Inventory so the player can confirm what he looted on his current run; whereas the Runes are more of the same, they have 3 functions and we can buy some Shatterings at NPC so it really doesn’t shock me to have them added directly to Cstash.

The other option would be an auto-pickup filter or simply an option in the current filter system where you could select what is auto-picked up or not

Totally agree

Really like this idea

To everyone arguing against the OP because it “ruins” the experience of ARPGs, or for those siding with OP, I have one thing to say. It’s your personal opinion, whichever way you want it to be. While I do agree with OP about just auto looting, the fact that there isn’t a CHOICE is upsetting. Let the player decide what constitutes a good experience when it comes to the game. Don’t make that decision for them. Give them options.

Let the default be how it is now. But allow an option to auto loot into inventory. Then also allow an option to automatically loot to stash from inventory. It wouldn’t be hard to code, but it would literally give everyone what they want, a choice to play their own way.

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IMO, the picking up from the ground part of looters is a chore even if it’s part of the core looter experience. Things that you’re always going to pick up, such as gold and crafting mats in LE, because they don’t impact on your inventory or stash space should be as simple to pick up as possible.

Personally I’d like to see mats pick-up work just like gold: you walk near it and it gets picked up. The current vacuum system of “pick one, pick them all” is a step in the right direction but IMO it should be even simpler than that for something that you will always pick-up.

I also don’t see the point of the intermediary step of mats going to your inventory first and then you having to manually send them to the forge. I know, it’s just one button in the inventory screen but also unnecessary IMO.

Manual pick up should be reserved for gear and items that do take space in your limited inventory. Making the choice of what to leave behind and what to pick-up is part of the core ARPG game play decision making. Gold and mats are not since they are always going to be picked up.


Without an actual cap on the shards why would you ever leave one behind? I think AoE pickup is already nice and I won’t cry in agony if stuff is picked up automaticly but then again I don’t mind it at all and the only thing that comes to my mind is the benefit for builds using warpath or zooming arround on maps so I’m mildly against it.

I wouldn’t and personally I would like them to be auto-picked, just like gold, but not everyone likes to have an automated looting experience.
Seen it on several different posts now that some things should be kept as optional to stay true to the “real” play experience.
No problem for me that everyone can customize the game to their liking, just as long as it’s not something others can’t do…

Man you guys obviously haven’t played PoE LOL

this games QoL is amazing. I get why this post exists, cause you loot mats then you have to click “store crafting materials” and it seems like simple logic: “why not just take out the middle man?”, but making things automated is a slippery slope.

Yes, items having “weight” is a meme now because of Chris Wilson, but the logic of what he says is actually sound. You want players to feel like items have weight, and if more and more things are automated that concept kinda slowly loses its meaning.

LE has a very nice balance of QoL and item weight right now, and I personally do not see a need to take it even 1 step further.


I actually beg to disagree :slight_smile: Or if this is added it should be an option I can choose to adopt.

I want to see the loot on the ground. Gold piles shimmering after killing a pack of monsters etc.

What could be done is to make crafting items to autoloot just like gold at the moment.

Yes, items having “weight” is a meme now because of Chris Wilson, but the logic of what he says is actually sound. You want players to feel like items have weight, and if more and more things are automated that concept kinda slowly loses its meaning.

The reasoning is fine, but like many thing in life. Its not just about if something is reasonable, because its easy to give reasons for or against something. Its about weighting the pros & cons, & hopefully making the best decision possible weighting all points. Obviously not everyone will agree with the decision (whatever it is), but its the job of the decison maker to weight & make an informed decison & aviod confirmation bias.

Does the “weight” of an item outweight (no bun intended) the QoL of auto pickup (at least as an option).

In the devs minds, yes.

Which developers? PoE or LE?

Also someone citing “A” as reason for a decision, is NOT the same as,
someone weighting all the possibilities, pros & con & make a decsion, citing “A” as a reason.

Ah, sorry, I meant LE though it’s probably true for GGG as well.

Nevertheless. My point still stand. Has the developer weaight all the pros & con.

As a long time ARPG gamers, I seen it so many tims regarding QoL requests, it was always met with 2 camps. The ones that do not want change (extra inventory space/auto pick up etc), & of cousr the ones that wanted the change.

But when the QoL finally release (like increase stash size in grim dawn, auto gold pick up in D3, crafting hard transfer in LE), they are almost universally approved, with literally almost zero thread asking for revert.


Just because someone doesn’t take you through their decision making process in depth doesn’t meant there wasn’t one. It feels like you’re assuming that the devs were making RNG-based decisions just because they’re not detailing their process at length. And yes, I am assuming that they’ll have gone back & forth internally while discussing things like this, though it’s also possible that they started with a position/view on things and don’t want to move on it (potentially until much later when the game has matured & their view changes, like you mention with GD & D3).

This is true.

"Just because someone doesn’t take you through their decision making process in depth doesn’t meant there wasn’t one. It feels like you’re assuming that the devs were making RNG-based decisions just because they’re not detailing their process at length. "

i am not saying that. They may or they may not, I hope they do, & I am fairly sure they do for all major decision making,
I am just implying we do not know for sure.

Craft Gems are absolutely the same resource as gold. And should pick up automatically. Or do the opponents of this idea want to collect gold manually, I do not understand? If you want it to be like in the POE, then play in the POE. I’m all for it.