Money and Crafting Ingredients should drop directly into stash

[quote=“Deum, post:80, topic:27235”]Craft Gems are absolutely the same resource as gold.
You can’t sell gold, you can sell shards. They are not the same resource at all. Even if multiplayer is not here yet, the game is oriented towards it. If you play a Rogue and find rare Mage shards, you may want to keep them for later but you also may want to sell them. If they go directly in the resources, it will be more difficult to sell them.

I played several hours of PoE. Very few: I never finished the campaign. And I don’t like it. So I don’t want LE to be like PoE. But the current system in LE is OK for me.
But I understand your point of view. I’d like to have the choice, in fact.

There is still a text popup on the top left which tells you when shards get directly put into your stash so the popup can still remain if you have this option of automatically putting shards into your stash so you can at least see that its happening.

And if you have many shards, the popup will end by “+40 more shards” and you will not know what you picked up. I prefer seeing exactly what I have. Once more, I’d like to have a choice. The current system is fine for me, I understand people who want something else, so I would be OK for a choice.

Yeah I can see that (to be clear I am not saying it shouldn’t be an option). Personally I look at the shards on the ground to see if its rar’ish one, otherwise after they go into my inventory I just completely ignore them because its less efficient to always look at what shards you pick up (its faster to just pick up every shard as you farm).

I allow myself to raise the question for the probable crafting ingrdedients trade in the futur, because i havn’t see this “argument” against “drop directly into forge stash”.
Sry if i misunderstood, my english is not very good.

I can see that clicking on the names of the shards

Do you really read through all the affix shards on the ground?

I see no purpose in reading shards names, because there absolutely not need to choose whether to pick up a shard or not. And as soon as you click on an affix, it vacuums every other affix in range.

You have infinite shard space so you just can pick up every shard that drops. You can instantly send to stash so inventory space also isn’t a problem.

If you’re looking for a specific shard, like a +skill shard, that you wanna use as soon as it drops, you could just occasionally check your stash by pressing “F” after every mono run.

For me theres absolutely no need in

  • reading affix shards names or even
  • filter affix shards
  • having them in my inventory

I don’t see this as an issue. I saw this argument before. But I guess (without any dev experience) as long as you can have immediate access to all your shards when crafting, you would also be able to just choose shards in a crafting mats dropdown menu while trading directly with a player or using the bazar. There’s no need to have single - non stackable- shards in your inventory for trading.

I’m one if the fraction that doesn’t want to have automated pickup on walk over. But I get that clicking on the small name box can be tedious, too.

So in advance for all controller users, why not make a pickup button? It would pick up every crafting mat in range. You would not need to click on the item. But you still would have to press the button so picking up would still have weight.

This could also be accompanied with a pickup items button, that picks up every item in range (after the lootfilter is applied of course).

With a very strict filter this could make the item pickup really easy. Downside would be the strict filter that may filter too much.

Pickup with mouse would be still possible for everybody that prefers clicking precisely.

Right now, no. Later, maybe, I don’t know.

isn’t an issue in the facts, but in the term, we can need to choose betwin “consume” shards for us (put shards in forge stash) or “not consume” for trade. It can be important thing for keep a high value of some rare shards and keep a clean economy due to the perpetual “(more) destruction” of rare (and less rare) shards. And give “multiple choice” in the major multiplayer feature.

i disagree with the notion that clicking shards brings excitement. a nice pickup sound will improve ergonomics and still bring attention to the pickup

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It really depends on the player.
I agree with Heavy, I love what happens when I click shards. I also love the pickup sound when I walk on gold. And I’m happy that the two are different: I must pick one while the second auto picks up.
A choice would be nice, but if the game remains as it is, I’ll be fully happy.

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