Leveling system that doesn't involve campaign

I prefer to shut down my brain a thousand times and explode packs in a loop without having to run after monsters. in arena. Or having objectives change into a monolyte than having to do a 50th campaign. I agree that the difference is small, but allow me a question in return, why object to leaving the choice to the player to do what he pleases? As said over and over again, we are not asking to delete the campaign, even less to prohibit it from those who want to start over. So why wouldn’t we just have no choice?

I don’t think I would have more fun doing arena, but I don’t like the forced story of the campaign when its been done so many times.

I would be fine with a level 1-55 monolith type thing. Another options would be an “arena” where you fight one of the games bosses that is scaled to your level. PvP could be a way to level up if they add it. There are lots of options that wouldn’t force you to go to NPC’s all the time just to progress.


Like what the ideal seems the choice, I am more arena, others are more monolyte, others like you are trying a new idea, in short I am for all time that we leave the choice to the player to do as good seems to him. I do not offer any other option for simplicity of using what already exists but clearly a boss arena I said yes.


I’m all for another way to level toons. Playstyle diversity is one thing I love about D3, POE, and here at LE. But like many others have stated D3 did it right in alt-toon regards. I play through the story at least once, paying attention to the quest and stuff. After that, I don’t care.
I’m personally more interested in getting new toons leveled up and trying new builds. If you make a game that has tons of potential for the classes to be built in any way, shape, or form. Wouldn’t the devs WANT to see more characters being played, more skills running and used? New items being played with and tested.

Personally, I would love it, it would be a good sign the game is healthy and still actively engaging their Audience. Which sadly the Big Company like Acti-Blizz has lost touch with.

Building a great story is amazing, and so far I’m impressed. But don’t force us to have to sit thru it over and over again, when we just want to get levels rank up skills and try new builds.


What more can we say, that says it all. 100% agree


The reason for the question is the devs have finite resources and its worth recognizing that if you add this system it is taking away from more endgame expansions. It might be the right call to add alternative leveling but its important to see the opportunity cost of features.

I’m trying to play Devil’s Advocate, making sure that everything is considered. I like the idea of player choice but sometimes I will choose the option that is less fun if it is more optimal. It is something important to consider when adding an alternative.

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What game have you played that made you like alternative leveling? Maybe my eyes just haven’t been opened yet.

Much to diablo 3, after that I do not understand your answer probably due to the wobbly translation. Sorry I’m French, but from what I understood, you are talking about a limited resource. But do not see how it would be difficult to launch the player in an existing system. I agree that it would take some development time to create a different alternate form. But used the arena or the already existing monolyte, does not take any resources.

Simply Diablo 3, once they introduced the Adventure Mode with Bounties. Hands down I know me and friends and the Guild we made a lot more people were active.

It is always better to have options, than not to restrict it to one way and only one way. Yes, that can potentially build a player base, a small niche player base. But having options means more potential people, which would mean the game is growing. Not everyone likes reading the same book over and over, no watching the same show over and over

Diablo 3 was a big one that was pro alternate leveling. It pretty much opened the gate to the idea.

I think a bigger driver for the idea is PoE and how HATED going through that campaign over and over and over and over and over. One of the most loved updates for PoE was when they went to a 10 act campaign over having to replay the campaign 3 times to get to end game. People hate having to replay the same content constantly.

There is also some old Nintendo/SNES games that have options too. Chrono Trigger, which this game seems to take a lot from, has the New Game +. That lets players restart, but retain some of their current stuff, so that they can explore alternate endings. Being able to replay in a way other than the original story isn’t new.


Clearly even if the spectator is magnificent, after 15 times you fall asleep

Or copy D3 Adventure Mode.

1st playthrough, Beat story on all the difficulty settings
New game + would keep the same waypoints/ 60% of them (major ones)
But use the same quests you had just finished completing on prior character, bump up the exp, expedite the lore parts, and give a way to earn the passives, and other things you would normally unlock from doing the side quests and story.

Think of this as New game + Story lite… You already know what happens, so why sit thru it again… it doesn’t change.

This yes 100%.

Ive got a total of 4 characters on POE, once for each playstyle. Figure it might would add spice to struggling thru the Story mode over and over and over.

i think you got what i was trying to say.

It does take some resources to make anything. It is fewer resources than making something new, but it does take time. It would be relative little to first implement it but it will also take time to balance so that it does not make it the only optimal choice.

After clearly there are plenty of good ideas, now as I said even if they do not want to create or copy another system, simply open access at “end of time” to enter leave the choice to the player to relive adventure, or to stay here and go whatever mode he likes (existing) would already suit me quite well. I’m not asking for the developmental moon.

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I tried D3 the other day but i could get far because i didnt see much in the way of build customization. I hated being locked and forces into different skills. I did not get far maybe 2 hrs but i didnt hear enough good stuff to convince me to keep going.

If you want to convince me to try D3 just dm me so we dont get too far off topic

Its I agree, but hey if at this level it is asking them too much work to use what already exists, I am wondering about the rest of the game, and if it was a good idea to create a game. I mean it’s the minimum you can ask devs.

I’m not going to convince you honestly, I think this is a very good game for some people. But I can only agree with you, it is currently too limited in terms of build (viable a minimum)

I use diablo 3 as a reference on what he got, but I absolutely do not believe that the games are flawless, like all games elsewhere.

Actually in the future there is quite a promising possibility in this game in the form of alternate timeline campaigns. As long as a couple key fights and plot devices remain they could have totally different campaigns to play through on random selection after you beat the main story line.

Granted that would be a lot of time and wouldn’t be a near future solution like adventure mode would be, but the plot they chose gives them much more flexibility for the future if they ever want to expand upon it.