Let us use LP uniques in Nemesis Egg (Remove LP and prevent rolling LP)

I didn’t say it did. My reply was simply in clearing F0lk’s confusion about types/bases. And I provided an example for that.

They all say “can’t drop” :wink:

There are neutral relics, but all helmets and body armors have a class-restriction.


To create a legendary items with Julra you need 2 things.

A exalted ‘insert item type here’
And a unique ‘insert item type here’

The term ‘base’ comes from the initial items used which then turn into the ‘result’.

You could exchange ‘base’ with ‘foundation’ for the respective meaning there.

Which is different from the ‘base’ like ‘Adept Robes’ which have been mentioned. The official term to refer to it is actually ‘sub-type’ there.
It becomes a ‘base’ the second you try to craft something on it, because it is the ‘basis’ the ‘foundation’ of the following ‘result’ or ‘outcome’.

Same word, different meaning, can be confusing.

Any exalted item on a base which is class restricted (helmets and body armor) is also automatically class restricted for cross-usage.

Yes, that’s true.

Which I tried to refer to the initial item, hence that type of ‘base’ and not the sub-type which is also declared a ‘base’ quite often.

And to end it:
Damn did I push something loose there with definitions :stuck_out_tongue: Didn’t expect that!

I hadn’t noticed that. You are correct.

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I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed. The old helms have been disabled from dropping for years.

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To be fair, I don’t usually pay attention to those things. I couldn’t tell you the name of any body armour subtype, or boot subtype, for example. I just care if the game lets me use it or if the implicit is good.
Much like I rarely know the names of mob types.

So it’s just the type of thing I don’t usually take notice of.

The issue is that as CoF non-LP are going to drop significantly less than 1LP.

1LP is going to be the absolute majority of drops, as much stash could attest, anywhere between 200-500c (at least).

So as CoF, the “perk” where LP chance is higher is, in effect, a big nerf.

It is not high enough to give good enough chances for 2 LP (at least way less that what 2 LP you get from Nemesis - again from my own experience) but insanely high so that non-LP is much, much rarer than 1LP.

Which means CoF players are “stuck” with a huge number of 1LP, some with very good rolls, which are practically useless or, at the very least, in a way worse spot than non-CoF players who have a much better chance of getting 2LPs (simply because they get way more non-LPs to try out via Nemesis).

As I said in the other thread, it’s not really significantly less. As a CoF player, you still get more 0LP uniques than 1+.

No, you don’t.

Sorry, but that is absolutely not true.

Tha wast majority of unique drops for CoF players, at least in the 250-500c range, for normal drops and prophecies, is 1LP.

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Yeah, I don’t experience this aswell…
I’m trying to get the Bo’s Anarchy with at least 3 LP, and I don’t even remember how many 1LP I got anymore, whereas, the 0 LP I got are all stored for later Nemesis slams, and they sum 6 total, against more than 30, at least, with 1 LP already. I also got four with 2 LP.
So the chances for getting a 0 LP in CoF are closer to getting a 2 LP than to get a 1LP.

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Well, that hasn’t been my experience so far, but 1) I usually don’t go too deep into corruption and play more at 100c (since I’m always switching to new characters) and; 2) it could simply be perception bias (although this last one could work for both sides).

What I do remember is that I still had plenty of 0LP drops, even for common uniques. I distinctly remember completing a prophecy for body armours recently and having 3 kestrels drop, all with 0LP.

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my issue is now 1lp is kind a waist of time. you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting what you want after you fight to get that chance.

i can take a 0lp and run a weak run and find a nims boom might get 4lp on it.

what i dont want to see is i put in a 0lp and it gives me a 1lp back. that is just pissing me off. make it at lest 2 lp. or let us take a 1lp and put it in to get better stats or the possibility of getting at max 2lp.

It doesn’t even matter actually, because no matter how many drop, the issue stays the same from a basis.

It just becomes more or less severe.

The CoF aspect for it shouldn’t even be needed to see that there’s a problem existing which should be solved and was - by misguided choice - done the exactly opposite way.

You get vastly less 0 LP in CoF then otherwise.
Which is a given since if we have the same amount of base-drops then an upgrade of LP with obviously reduce the number of 0 LP available in percentile.

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You seem to have missed my point. While it’s true that you get less 0LP items than an MG player, I was saying that it wasn’t significantly less and you still get lots and lots of 0LP. That’s why I said significantly.

After all, the only thing that changes it is the rank that gives you twice as much chance of getting LP. There is no other modifier. That means that for the very very common uniques you will go from 1/4 to 1/2, which is quite a bit, but for most you’ll go from 1/20 to 1/10.

And my only point was that you still get a lot more 0LP items than you find eggs.

Which means you half the amount of 0 LP items.

Don’t start with odd math here.

It’s simply half the available amount, a ridiculously simple thing. Got 10 chances? Now you got 5.
Got 2 chances? Now you got 1.

Very significant in my eyes.

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You still miss the point, I’m assuming deliberatelly.
Yes, you halve the chances. But you still get more 0LP than 1+LP. That’s is my only point.

So unless you’re now getting more 1+LP red rings than you were before, it’s not very significant.
And even for the most common uniques where you now get slightly less than half the chance for 0LP, you also have a very decent chance for direct 4LP anyway, which MG doesn’t have much via Nemesis.
So again, not very significant for what we’re discussing here.

There is no odd math. You just still get lots of 0LP. In fact, you still get more 0LP uniques than you find eggs. Especially with prophecies involved.

But nobody cares if ‘you get more 0 LP uniques then eggs’. People care about ‘I get more of this specific 0 LP unique I need then eggs’. Which by itself generally doesn’t hold true after all.

You won’t get more ‘Shroud of Obscurity’ then eggs, hence when your shroud updates to 1 LP then it’s a hindrance for the usage of the mechanic with CoF specifically there.
Also it’s a hindrance for the usage of the mechanic until you have a 2 LP shroud… and even if you have, until you get a proper exalted item to use on that.

You’re missing the point people are talking about. It’s not about red rings or something like that, it’s a much simpler topic there and not a end-game one. Solely progression and hence usage during progression for this mechanic that specifically targets those fields.

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That may be true, but you also have a much better chance of getting a 2LP drop than a 2LP from Nemesis, since 2LP becomes a 34% chance.

To be clear, I’m not opposed to using LP gear on the egg by making it treat it like a 0LP. But this is only really useful for MG, not CoF.

I thought that completing a few-minute dungeon would be the least of the current Legendary Potential system’s problems.

Nemsis are very good, but favor MG. Of course it also help in CoF with very rare items. It’s extremely easy to tweak however the devs want (ex. chacne to adding LP adjust to 10% and give on CoF rank upping bonus to 50%).

The main problem is that the game lacks a predictable way to progress gear to the legendary in CoF. It’s a slot machine, but this is also easily tweakable by adding it in the CoF rank. For example, the ability to select a single affix that will be 100% transferred when using Eternity Cache.

I suspect that balancing two modes will generate more and more problems with each patch. Any buffs to drops could easily trivialize trade, reducing it to 0.01% of items. On the other hand, the lack of buffs in CoF while increasing difficulty would completely disrupt the balance between content difficulty and the availability of items necessary for enjoyable gameplay, which has been built over the years.

That’s why I consider GGG’s approach to be good—they balance the game for trade, while SSF is simply a mode that increases the difficulty level by significantly increasing the time needed to acquire gear. Of course, this doesn’t apply to top players like Ben or tytykiler.

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I personally don’t think that handling MG and CoF itself will be the major issue EHG is facing going forward. Compared to some other things it’s… even feeling trivial (despite it not being so).

We can see it already with LP, Nemesis, general progression there that it’s a bit of a mess to ‘get right’. And that’s one of the really small bits in the game.

EHG needs a clear-cut goal on what they wanted to provide and then make 100% sure that whatever they implement actually does do exactly that.

I’ve seen the same things for year with PoE in the opposite direction, their philosophies were so rigid and them not being flexible enough to try out new ‘drastic’ things. It caused several years of problems with maps before going into a clear-cut method that allows players to progress without stumbling stones in the way. And it also happened with trade and their extreme aversion against asynchronous automated trading. Both which have been eased up on and have brought quite extreme levels of improvement after.

In comparison when I look at Grim Dawn… they never got into those problems at all, it seems like it’s a design-issue, having clear-cut goals and enforcing design only to be allowed within the respective limits and not saying ‘ah, it’s fine’ when it doesn’t. They did it fairly well, implementing new ideas without major fear but also not stumbling over issues.

So it seems to be majorly something underlying, all they need - which is easier said then done - is to stick to what exactly they want to provide and not allow themselves to cutting corners no matter what as soon as they got that handled.