To be fair… as evolving games generally do
Well, also to be fair… the usage of LP items in the Nemesis system actually has no major downside.
At least not with how OP presented it.
‘Let me use it’
‘Don’t allow it to add LP’
Currently as much as I know Nemesis can produce up to 2 LP Legendary items with the egg, which is a massive upgrade after all, albeit 99,9% useless with the affixes it gives you.
So using LP items on it to not add LP but instead have an alternative but fully random Julra effect… makes sense here.
The mechanical aspect of it could be to choose a random affix to put on with a random tier at the first empowering and a chance to upgrade that affix at the second further, making it an alternative to the weakest aspect of legendary creation… the base hunt.
We have that already, you just can’t have LP on them. Which is the topic here.
In OP’s case we could throw in 1 LP items (despite more desirable without a base they’re less so) and hope for pure RNG to give us a nice outcome as we desire.
It has no actual downside as it takes a more valuable item to enforce it to go through the same steps as a less desirable item, hence reducing its theoretical base value as it sets it onto the same stage as the lower valued item.
This… is good design actually!
Rarely I can say it here but because of this: Kudos @Aschere that would be one amazing and interesting inclusion.
They are when 2 situations arrive:
You have no base which provides an upside to you which can be slammed onto the 1 LP unique.
You encounter a Nemesis which would take a 0 LP item, hence not allowing you to use your 1 LP
In that case 1 LP becomes less valuable then 0 LP and that’s… a problem.
2 LP can never become less valuable as it’s more rare and you’ll likely find one only by the time you have several exalted items as well, which relates well with the perceived value intended in the system.
1 LP is encountered in such amounts though that they become less desirable then 0 LP items because of this new mechanic.
Yes, that’s a given.
Power-creep + natural goalpost shifting of a ongoing video game.
Look at PoE only 5 years ago and then say ‘yeah, the items are roughly the same’… because nah… nah not even close. Power creep is a thing and has to be taken into consideration, it’s also a mandatory aspect of a evolving game as players need a new ‘peak’ to achieve gradually as more mechanics get into the game.
It’s not negative until rampant, which several developers don’t understand. Neither stagnation nor uncontrolled usage are good… you need the right amount.
To be fair that means it’s fairly early for you to have a legendary at all before 1.1
But I get what you mean.
Which if you’d understood OP’s post… is impossible.
OP asks to use 1 LP items in the egg without the option to add LP to it.
Which enforces that this 1 LP item at most becomes a 1 LP legendary.
This mechanic would hence bring a respective upside and downside, which makes it a good game design actually.
To put into consideration:
A 0 LP item can have 4 different outcomes in the end:
1 LP
2 LP
1 Legendary
2 Legendary
As much as I know at least.
In his case 1 more state exists.
1 LP becomes 1 Legendary, period.
To alleviate the downside of using a more highly desirable item in the Nemesis system like this the chance for higher affix-tier hence would increase.
So while a 0 LP item often would become a 1 Legendary with a T3 affix the 1 LP input would in the same roll-range acquire a 1 Legendary with a T5 affix for example.
That’s the gist. Your chance for the high affix is increased and no chance for a 2 Legendary.
The same can be applied to 2 LP, 3LP and 4 LP items actually with the system, making it more universally usable without downsides. It’s a gamble mechanic versus a ‘deterministic’ mechanic. Hence more item input less quality output compared to Julra.
Exactly! Hence why I’m saying ‘good design’.
It increases your options in the game without a direct upside. Which is good. Desirable but not power-creep.
No, since in a well implemented version the chance for a high-tier affix is better. Hence 1 LP crafting - which is the eater of exalteds basically - would be more viable through Nemesis while desirable bases are then more desirable with higher LP.
It actually fills a void in the current progression system to a degree since the limitation is bases, not uniques.