Leaving damage like that is best solution EHG found?

like my post name said, ehg best solution is leaving damage like that? baning dupers, iget it what about sellers of items? why billions of golds still in game? and u guys calling “we fixed”? market inflation is crazy atm red rings are up to 160-170 mil from 13mil double mana idols are up to 500-600mil from 15-20mil how can u say its fixed? i just saw one discord post half hour ago one guy sold his item for 1b. Delete the golds from exploit or give us (to MG players) one time faction swap chance without any condition. I dont wanna progress again from over. People can do unlimited times Lightless arbor dungeon with exploited golds and dupe exalted items u think thats fair?

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I’m sorry, but you’re kinda delusional to think a gigantic issue like this would have any simple fixes for it, and even the simpler solution of all (i.e giving people a transfer from MG to CoF) will not be as simple to implement like this.

Even if they decide to roll back a couple days, it’s also not a simple choice to make, because the damages of this action might outweigh the benefits, where masses of people could potentially just quit after losing their weekend efforts, instead of changing to CoF.

I’m not here to defend the company by any means, but posts like this add effectively nothing to the situation. You’re demanding things as if they had a ready-to-go button to just press, ignore everything else, and attend to your likings.

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Solutions are really simple, and in fact time tested in many other arpgs from the past.

  1. First of all fix the exploit, which they claim they did (given the track record of exploits in this game i simply don’t trust that).

  2. If possible - find every single person involved in trading cheated gold and remove both gold and the items traded for that gold.

  3. If precise tracking and removing of those trades is not possible, then wiping the inventory / gold and stash on accounts of everyone involved is a good solution, they will be able to farm new gear in no time, in a clean economy that’s not hard.

  4. If they just can’t do anything in their own game but fix the exploit, after the fix - make a full rollback, explain the situation and ask for forgiveness. Sure some people will quit in that case, but much more will quit if you leave the cheated gold circulating in the economy, because that fundamentally undermines all the effort legit players put into their character and the game overall. I personally don’t see any reason to keep playing if there is an unlimited amount of cheated gold in the economy, i would simply waste my time trying to farm legit gold when there are people with billions of fake one in their inventory.

Wait, I thought you agreed with the guy in the other thread saying no other aRPG has had problems like LE is having now (you even challenged @DJSamhein regarding PoE’s long history of dupe mechanics) now you say those solutions had been time tested in many other arpgs from the past? I don’t quite get it then… Did other games suffer from dupes or not?

Either way, you just made a list of not so easy things to implement in a game that’s already suffering to identify exploits before the damage is irreversible.

Poe is not every other game. There are other arpgs out there, you know ?.

Just play CoF next cycle.

if we have to talk about other games
lets take diablo 2 to our hands
Blizzard still deleting duped runes and runewords from game in d2r
they take down auction house because of dupes in diablo 3
in poe i never saw dupe playing since 2014 if there is one i dont know
but in necropolis league they did really stupid move people find exploit with atlas nodes and scarabs and farmed like 15-20 mirror in two day (they take action after 2 day) mirror is highest currency in poe
another bug happen after few weeks in poe Six link shields and one hand swords that bug discovered after one month can you believe that? i bet many people milk that bug, they removed extra sockets from every item and gems are gone too but i m not sure why we talking about other games? we are in LE and leaving damage like that is terrible solution. We are far behind from market at this point as legit players in game. Many people sold his items for 1,5b now they can have advantage from us. They can dupe many items from rewards of Lightless arbor and more. Leaving billions gold in circulation is not solution.

For many people trading is half of the enjoyment of arpgs and to suggest playing arpg without trading is the same as to suggest people playing fps games to only use keyboard to both move and aim/shoot. Sure, some people would have no problem doing that, but the majority don’t want to do it.

So to get this straight(based on your 4th point):
Your Solution is to screw absolutely everyone, even CoF/Normal Players which didn’t have to do anything with it, just because some f’ckers exploited/duped Gold. And you do think that this would go well?!

I mean atleast suggest it just for the MG players then because MG Items will be tagged anyway… if you delete that items and all gold from people who are in the MG, then atleast you piss just a part of the trading community off.

Do we’ve official statistics from EHG about the actual ratio of CoF and MG Players? And if not i’d like to know your magic trick how you can claim the ‘Majority’ of players.

I mean i’d be with you that ‘many’ players enjoy economy/trading in ARPG’s, if that wouldn’t be the case that EHG wouldn’t needed to implement a faction system like we’ve. But that goes the other way around as well, that many players prefer to play selffound without trading, and it’s also possible that the vast majority of players is there to be found. Either way, to screw one part of the community because other f’cks up isn’t really healthy either. Just saying.


I’d argue, to do a full rollback for everyone also
undermines the effort legit CoF/Normal Players put into, because they get punished for something they weren’t even part from and not even are really effected by it.

Just to clarify what i mean with ‘Normal Players’ → pre-faction players. Y’know the ones which are at the road towards a faction. With the rollback they also get punished…

Rollback is not solution, no one deserve that punishment. Looks like best solution is Free swap to MG players to CoF or removing duped golds from market. Exploiters get ban but sellers of items gets nothing. EHG devs said in discord " sellers did nothing wrong " lol milking exploiters is not wrong? billions of gold in few hours is not wrong? but mg is f,cked up believe or not. https://imgur.com/a/eoQ1qJ6 yesterday that ring is 13mil now prices is 10x double mana idols are 200-300mil each, legit players are far behind from super rich people in game (who sold items for 1,5b) sellers of items dont deserve any punishment but we legit players deserve that inflation, thanks EHG.

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I mean to be fair: Most people aren’t terminally online and know about this stuff, nor care about the chat, most people just want to play the game, and then adapt to the prices set in the bazaar. And even for the ones who were ‘milking’ it, IF people wouldn’t have abused/exploited to get that amount of Gold from the getgo, there wouldn’t even be someone to milking it at the first place.

So i’ve to support EHG on this decision, esp. because you won’t be able to distinct which sellers knew about the dupes and suqeezed out the money, and whom which just adapted to the prices.

And i want to add / point out, i’m a CoF player and aren’t really interested in MG, even last cycle barely touched it, but IF i would ever go back to my older mmo-like-days to play AH/MG/Bazaar… i’d also focus on the Bazaar prices and don’t do always a proper background-check if the prices are right now legit or whatever. (Edit2: I also want to add, i’m not even at the point yet to pick a faction because i didn’t have had enough time to play LE which is also a reason why a rollback would highly frustrate me to the point that i might want to sit this cycle out).

While i understand dev/programming is hard/complex and stuff like this can happen, in the end it still shouldn’t happen and that’s why it shouldn’t be pinned towards to the player to background check if everything works fine or if there is another golddupe which influx the market.

EHG is correct. It is not wrong to play the game without living on the forums and Discord and therefore having absolutely no knowledge that a gold dupe existed. It is not wrong to list an item for sale at a price equivalent to what others have listed at, and then have that item be purchased.

Being mad that a gold dupe happened again is not a justification for demanding EHG go on a witch hunt and crucify people just because they happened to have an item purchased by someone with duped gold.

u guys are crazy our game is ruined cant even push end game without any high tier items, we cant buy any one of them because people listed them for 1b 1,5b and there is still buyers of those items LOL if they dont want to remove golds or ban someone. Let us switch Factions without any condition, MG players are upset right now even streamers hate new prices. I dont wanna progress from over i m at corruption 650 , i got my mid gear. i put effort on my character. and now i cant make progress i have to buy red rings they are 200mil each now and all i got is 20mil. i have to buy idols with double mana they are 500mil right now? so u saying thats fair for legit MG players? if they leave damage like that. i will quit last epoch, sorry but i dont have 10 day to put in garbage again. im not mad to anyone sold items for billions, legit players are far behind from market thats what im saying

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I don’t think you’re really thinking straight on this one…
Say they transfer you over to CoF with the same level you had in MG, so what? How does that stop you from being frustrated, since you’ll be unable to use ALL your items, because MG items are tagged as MG and cannot be used by CoF players? How will that help you progress in ur 650 corruption?
Unless you’re suggesting they also remove faction tags from items, which will cause much more mayhem and potentially more bug abusers to show… So yeah, you’re just emotional and not really looking at the whole picture here.

Edit: it’s funny and ironic how you started your post calling LE “our game”, then finished saying you will quit if X happens.

maybe free faction change with ONLY EQUIPPED items for one time idk if its possible, but they need to do something.
yea i will thinking about to quit because this dupe thing happen again to MG first cycle people make millions from keys, looks like legit mg players have to deal with inflation every cycle

So your response to me providing a solution to this catastrophic disaster for the game’s economy is to call me a drug addict and lie that 99.9% of people who traded willingly or not with cheaters somehow didn’t cheat so its fine to leave billions of cheated gold on their accounts ?.

I wanted to go and discuss this further but honestly talking with you seems like a waste of time and the devs are doing nothing anyway, so yeah, enjoy this broken game and devs that do nothing, play cof or ssf or whatever the boring single player solution there is to make this game semi playable, meanwhile a huge amount of players already quited for good and will keep quiting.

Well what are realistic options?

Rollback certainly isn’t one. You can’t mess with items that were legitimately gotten in an arpg. D2 was different when it wasn’t gold that was duped but items.

EHG could reset everyone’s gold to zero and have legit people deal with losing several millions like we did in legacy.

Can’t judge if the collateral damage is worth it.

Best option would be to hunt down exploiters and undo all trades related to them, but that’s probably technically impossible.

So for the future:

  • Is player to player trade important to people? I wonder, because it’s obviously way easier to manipulate.
  • And shouldn’t we use something else than gold (favor?) as trading currency? Has been asked for many times already.
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I don’t understand how that’s technically impossible if literally every single trade we do is tracked in the ‘sold’ tab on the marketplace.


Player 1 is a scumbag who duped gold. Buys 20 Red Rings off legit players 2-21 - annul those trades, return rings to sellers, no problem in theory.

Practical problem: time.

Player 2 has logged in since and used that gold to buy items off players 22-31. They buy more yadda yadda.

Also player 32 might have found a new Red Ring and sells it for 500x it’s previous value to player 33 who happened to sell his Ravenous Void to a duper.

How do you want to catch all that?

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Simple, reverse every single trade all the players involved in trading with cheated gold done since their first cheat trade.