LE has a horrbile respec system

That doesn’t mean it isn’t lazy and bad etiquette to do it.

Thanks mate, appreciated. I have bookmarked that thread; it has excellent answers!

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not terribly necessary unless its a crucial point. you gain back points at a decent rate

then by all means. grab a seat, get some popcorn, and chill out. then experience the dumpster fire lol

^ this right here man.
thank you so much!

my point exactly.

you sir are a hero!

Nah this topic is a cyclejerk between people who dislike the system in place and the people who are okay with the system in place sprinkeled with some haters and some people who defend the game as if their life depends on it. As mentioned above just read one of the many topics about this there are enough loading screens to catch up ^^.

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how is it bad etiquette?
i searched “skill respec” out of the top twenty threads just about all of them are closed topics

First of all, you could have read those threads, since this issue is so important to you, and seen that your argument has been given plenty of times. And what the counter arguments are. Then at least you’d have a more informed opinion on this.
Secondly, I also used search and found several open really fast. I even linked one up above.

i have said it a few times now. but
i search “skill respec” and out of the top twenty results just about all of them are closed topics.
kind of cant reply to a closed topic.

but can we please keep this posts about the topic at hand!

this topic is suppose to be about skill respec.

not about whether you should make a new topic or search for one

As others mentioned above you are beating a dead horse. There is no need for a respecc topic when it’s debated elsewhere for days ^^. Just widen you search and you find what you are looking for in still open threads.

how am i suppose to reply to dead topics?


just about all dead topics.

Change sort by relevance to sort by latest posts and you’ll see plenty, including the one I linked.

Community shaping up to be toxic af kmek. Especially veterans, on their high horses.

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I have a pony. Though, I am not a veteran… :upside_down_face:

As i pointed out above; i kinda agree on this despite understanding where people are coming from. But:

With that sentence alone you lost all your creditibility.
“Oh people disagree with my critique. They most be fanboys with rose tinted glasses”.
^- Stuff like this doesn’t work in your favor and makes you seem more like an hater than other people (which you call out as such) as fanboys.

And you were better? By getting personal just because people dare to disagree with opinions and share their own? And it’s funny how often i’ve seen it in the past in a more neutral stance, how delusional people can be, who joins a forum just to rant and than act surprised pickachu-face when a iron-fist lands on them. Than they go into victimhood and call out “toxic fanbase” meanhile don’t see that they were the first who threw the toxic punch.

People are heated and frustrated esp. with the server/online-situation I GET THAT. But going emotionally loaded into topic, throw passive agressive statement, sell mere personal opinions as facts and if people counter argue on that (or point that out) attack them personally, etc is throwing the first stone and needs to be hold accountable as well.

OP could have phrased it better and not that entitled and arrogant as it comes off, then maybe the topic wouldn’t have derailed that much to begin with. And considering that some people even got into the topic itself and shared their opinion (myself included), , but the OP have nothing better to do, to throw punches or insult people personally, instead of going into the actual discourse of the topic (which is ironically because the op in the edit specific asked to stay on topic but derail themself) is pretty telling as well.

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I’m no native speaker but to me you sound entiteled and blown up while not smart enough to use a search function and then getting worked up about others while your inability is the root of said “toxicity”. People just tell you “Use the search function there are plenty of threads!” and you act like they make up storys.

You just get the answers you provoke and that’s that. For the vets… .well they are sick of it and after people open the same threads quadruple times a day there is nothing more then to tell said people to use the search function. Maybe a dev will pop up and fuse the threads togheter at some point but I think they have better stuff to do right now ^^.

i did search…
but apparently i didnt do it right according to the “vets”

actually these “vets” you speak of are getting worked up and spreading toxicity. they are mad that someone random person posted a topic in the forums that already has topics. so they feel inclined to go out of there way to belittle people for not doing things according to how they like it. its just sad that these people have nothing better to do then to belittle someone. like that dj guy literally goes on peoples posts and links the search function to someones post.

there are millions of people out in the world who are doing what they think to be right. and some internet trolls have to come by and destroy them because they feel they are so “entitled.”

It’s no insult to say a dead horse is dead.

One guy discovering it for the first time is not a legitimate reason for another thread complaining about this. It’s just spam at this point. The system is fine.

Character development choices should come with some feeling of permanence to the actions of the user in ARPGs in my opinion. So we’re already starting at a fundamental disagreement OP.

The skills level faster when you’re behind the curve as-if no change had ever been made. So your loss of power for respecializing is temporary on the skill tree. In addition, passive point changes are instant so there is no temporary aspect of those powers.

In my opinion, the temp loss on skills is a good middle-ground between the “respec at all times” crowd and the “choices should have permanence” crowd in the ARPG market.

I like the middle ground explanation.