LE has a horrbile respec system

Let me put a point into this skill. oh i dont like it. ill remove it and put it somewhere else. wait, where did my point go?

you just magically lose your points because of this weird minimum skill level thing.

absolute garbage

if you have nothing to add to this topic then please dont reply. this topic is about LE epoch’s bad respec system.


Several threads about this already, no need to open a new one. The reasons for this (as well as arguments to change it) are all in those threads. Search is your friend.

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Serious nerd rage happenin

your actions have consequences

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I think it’s understandable that some people want to respec their mastery. It has to do with how that choice is presented, even though at character creation it says that Mastery CLASS is chosen later.

What I find less understandable is the need to constantly open new threads about the same topics, when there are many threads about it still open. Feedback on those (and voting) would be more useful than yet another thread.


before writing rubbish , pls study the game

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new player here. didnt know that someone is suppose to look up everything on the forums before you are allowed to post…

starting to realize LE fanboys are horrible


It’s basic forum etiquette. Rather than 20 people creating new threads about the same thing that is already known, they should rather just join the discussion. And even vote, since existing threads are usually in the feedback section.
It’s also more effective. One thread with hundreds of votes vs dozens of threads with a few votes each. One is more likely to grab the attention of the devs than the other.


It’s to prevent you from arbitrarily changing your build on the fly so you put more thought into your game. If you think this is bad PoE has an even tougher respec system for players

This your first game ever?

Welcome to the interwebs!

but how am i, a new player, suppose to know this topic exists?
a new player isnt going to search for said topics

and actually basic forum etiquette would be to nice and helpful and try to move along said topic. not belittling a new person for not knowing the “rules” of these forums, even though they arent actually rules…

Bruh not to be that guy but how old are you? Forums have search functions since the early 2000’s. New players absolutely search these things up on forums.

Ok, I don’t think I’ve explained well enough. It’s basic forum etiquette on ANY forum to search and see if your issue has been reported already.

There is a search function on the top right. If you type “mastery respec” there, you’ll see plenty of threads about this already, including some with hundreds of replies.

So you’re saying that I should search and post those results for you so you don’t have to search yourself.

i have never searched anything on the forums in any game i play.

so to keep these conversations civilized, lets get back to the topic at hand.

LE has a horrible respec system.

no. i said move along the topic. its basic forum etiquette. i have said LE respec is horrible. lets keep this convo going. but everyone else keeps talking about other things.

Fine on the topic then…

Respec system is good, as you have pointed out this is a you problem.

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Why would we keep the convo going? I’ve already replied and explained my point on view on this issue. So have hundreds of players before. You’re saying you want all of us to repeat everything we have already said, including the devs that have replied to those threads, just because you don’t feel like searching, even after we said that there are threads about it with all of that. That’s just rude.

alrighty. i added an edit at the top of this topic. please read. if you have nothing to add to this topic then please leave

you do know right. you dont have to say anything. you dont have to be that person who needs your opinion on everything for everyone to hear. you can just not say anything… lol