LE has a horrbile respec system

There is a reason they are sticking to ‘only’ the minimum level and accelerated XP:

They want you to be able to swap to a new skill without a full grind, maybe respec a few points fairly easy to try out a new thing for your build.
What they don’t want is the D3-style Wardrobe where you basically have 3 sub-builds, one for Monolith, one for Dungeon bosses and one for Arena, just to minmax every aspect of endgame.

As I understand it from all the dev streams and posts, the purpose is to allow a cheap respec (compare to e.g. PoE) to try interesting things, while at the same time, not make those choices meaningless by making them completely free.

You might not agree with that choice, but calling it absolute garbage is not very respectful, and neither is telling people to not post if they don’t agree with you.

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a few things.
i never said to people not to post if they dont agree with me. they can or not. i said dont post if it has nothing to do with topic. like your point is valid. while i dont agree, i understand.

two me saying its garbage is not an attack at the devs. its okay to call out something when its bad. if i said something like the devs have no idea how to design a game, now that would be disrespectful.

my point is that how this system is set up is that it doesnt allow for experimenting during the leveling process. for example. my sentinel has the hammers in the slot to pick skills in the tree. i saw the one that allowed the hammers to radiant out from you. i thought that was where they swirled around you. it was not. so i didnt like it so i was going to pick something else. but then i lost my point for trying something new.

thats why i dont like it. its a horrible system for new players who dont follow guides. it discourages from building on your own and pretty much tells you that you should be following guides

The system isn’t bad, it’s bad for you.

That is not true. It doesn’t take long to re-level your skills. You can completely respec all your skills and still progress the campaign. I’ve literally done exactly that a few times already. After a few minutes your respecced skill is back on the same level and you can choose different options.

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Do us a favor and go request a refund.

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the guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about at all, leave him alone.

oh so you speak for everyone. didnt know you know what everyone is thinking.

its okay. you dont have to defend the devs at every turn. ive looked at your posts. you are the definition of a fanboy lol

and you seriously posted a link to someones new topic that was the search function for offline cosmetics!.. you my man are a sad sad person.

No more than you speak for everyone. You’re saying it’s a bad system. It’s not. It’s just not one you like.

Yes, I did. I posted a link to the search page. I thought about doing the same for you, but you said you don’t want to bother with other threads. You want to discuss something that’s been discussed many times, where reasons for keeping the system as it is have been listed, where reasons for changing it (including the one you posted) have been discussed, where even the devs have said their point of view. But you don’t want a discussion of this issue, otherwise you would simply post there. You just want the attention of people replying to your thread.

Yes, I am a fanboy because most of what EHG has done they have done right, especially in regards to feedback to and from the community. However, there have been several issues where I don’t agree with them, like shards autopickup/transfer. I just don’t see the need to open new threads on issues that have been discusssed many times. That just leads to people ignoring it because it’s annoying to keep saying the same things over and over when people don’t even bother to read previous posts.

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You cant just respec in a game for free there has to be some sort of cost.
its faster to lvl those extra points anyway.
In poe you need an orb of regret so to respec early game is not as easy as here.
Sounds like your new to ARPG’s or just over reacting

well, while i like the skill tree itselfs, the respeccing is kinda weird indeed. Especially when you want to reskill your passives. I mean, its not a huge issue, but its for sure not really comfortable.

The releving of skill points took me a little to get used to, but i dont hate it actually.

Who’s off-topic now? :clap:

If you’re gonna go trawl through people’s post history to insult them, you’ve already lost your argument.

And the needed time to relevel that point is just enough time to push you towards trying it, imho. If it was free, you would put a point in it, press button twice, not actually see how it works and get back out. Atleast now you’re incentivise to give it an actual try running it, and when you really don’t like it, the cost isn’t absurdly high.

If what you wrote above about your Hammer Throw nodes is correct, what you basically had happen is that you picked the wrong node and want a free Undo. That’s different from an actual respec system.

PS: If you typed in “spiral” in the Search bar in the top right, You would have seen the Iron Spiral node being highlighted, just left of the Avatar of the Spire node you tried. A popular build for Hammer is to eventually end up with both, so maybe try that next time?

Devs have already said that a more ergonomic passive respec is on the todo-list, but imma let them focus on the servers first before I complain about that :wink:

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Look, i was with you the first few answers, because while ‘true’ that you could look up if there is a thread about it, and while i understand the ‘frustration’ people have when same topics popup from time to time (becausei if you’re a regular if you see the same topics over and over again it can become old pretty fast), i don’t really find it usefull to re-direct people always instead of going into the contents of the topic.
/Edit: Especially because in lot of other forums and such, when you go to a older topic and answer on that, than you get criticsized for Necro’ing a topic and you should’ve made a new topic instead. People never are happy if it comes down to this… do it one way? Wrong. Do it the other way? Wrong as well…

But you’re really toxic and entitled here. You attack another user with:

You don’t speak for everyone either, and that’s why you are initially called out for it that it is just your opinion, not counting for everyone or being fact.

Because the fact that this is debated already a few times, should tell you it’s not a matter of factual good or bad gamedesign, but taste / opinion.

And here my take on this? I personally like the concept. I dislike how modern games tend more and more making choices and build matter less because you can change everything so easily without any penality or downsides. That’s why i’m such a strong supporter for mastery-choice matter and can’t be changed, because it makes the choice maningfull and adds replaybility to start over another character.

And i also like the way they handle Skill-Respec, that’s not meaningless like Diablo 3 where you can change everything on the fly for the sake of it, which have no actual impact of your choices. No in LE there is a downside - when you respec you lose some points and have to re-level them (and it’s easier anyway because exp rate is higher for these and you have a bare minimum skillpoints) so it still allows experimenting but at a cost. And if that’s really an ‘issue’ and some people want to force a change, then devs can scrap the skillsystem entirely and rather implement an bastardized version of the runesystem of Diablo 3 where pick a few numbers of ‘runes’ to alter your skill, because otherwise skillpoints makes no sense anymore if there is now drawback for putting them in and out…

And to go ‘personal’ and call out others as fanboy and whatever, just because they more commonly agree with the game-design of the devs (and so disagree with some cirtiques) is pretty wild tbh.

So i decided to take your advice.
I searched “Skill Respec.”
Out of the top twenty results just about every single topic is closed. how in the hell am i suppose to post in those topics? Now since i know youre a fanboy and all youll come back and be like “well you suppose to search these keywords, not what you posted. or you were suppose to go to advance fuctions and pick from these dates.”

i just cant with you anymore. your fanboyism is absolutely disgusting

What if I have nothing to add to the topic but simply… stay?

Everybody has replied to the OP, but I am yet to see an answer on target. I know there might be many other threads on the topic, but I am having a hard time finding them. Could someone tell me where did OP point (the one that was removed) went?

Please, just help by answering, and not bickering. I am not at the same spot of OP, but I will start playing tonight, and I would like to know before hand.

Sounds like you guys are new to gaming forums. Welcome to gaming forums! This is very common that people may create threads about the same topics as others. Get over it or no need to even visit the thread then. All you did was add toxicity.

I thought the PoE fanbois were bad. Man, these LE fanbois are already far worse and also seem to be wearing the rose tinted glasses on this horrible launch which is definitely going to hurt the game.

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skill respecs lose the points, and must be releveled to gain them back. this happens fairly quickly

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Thank you! I will then be very careful while assigning points to skills.

Respeccing just horrible

It’s one of the most basic rules of forum etiquette to search before posting on a forum.

You’re not. There’s no more discussion to have about it unless you’ve got something new to add, and you don’t.