LE has a horrbile respec system

i didn’t like respec system, i still dont understand why i cant level up all my spells and respec them in town using gold. Ok, it’s devs decision so be it.
What i want an “apply button”, i had quite a lot of times where i miss clicked talents.


while that part i agree somewhat. im fine with paying gold or resources to respec. where im not cool with it is losing a point for trying something.

like i get if you were to respec a whole tree that should have more weight in the choice, but like a point or two that doesnt make sense losing a point.

especially with how buggy this game is.
there have been times if i have two unspent points left and i hit x to put a point in it puts both of them in. like thats messed up that i have to be punished for their mistakes. or sometimes x doesnt work so i have to use the mouse to put a point in.

yes!!! thank you!!!
this is a must have feature that needs to be in considering how buggy it is with controllers.
this is what i said above
especially with how buggy this game is.
there have been times if i have two unspent points left and i hit x to put a point in it puts both of them in. like thats messed up that i have to be punished for their mistakes. or sometimes x doesnt work so i have to use the mouse to put a point in.

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ah thanks! didnt know that. as i said, its not a huuuuge deal anyway, but it feels a little weird to do the passives hah

Did you report the bugs?

It’s not as bad as it seems. You’ll get it back pretty quickly if you keep playing. I don’t mind this so much, but I do wish we could respec our mastery instead of rerolling a whole new character

LE has the best respec system. Deadract is a troll.