Yes, but you’ll always need to do ‘some’ of them. And they likely won’t always align with what you personally enjoy to do.
If I need a %mana hybrid roll on my weapon in PoE I need to do Incursion to get it, even if I hate incursion, it’s only there. Or Heist when I need a cogwork ring. Or Delve when I need to the + 1 skeleton affix on a chest.
In LE we have the same. Some characters have tons of uniques, others… basically none needed to function. So Temporal Sanctum might be done after 1-2 runs, which is swift anyway. Otherwis you’ll need to run it 100 times.
Now we’ll also have the champion affixes on top, so if you don’t enjoy that content you’ll be out of luck to get remotely BiS gear, and you’ll need that stuff as the game progresses content-wise as you’ll need more power to deal with the higher ceiling of the content available.
Yes, which is why I dislike the way how Legendary Potential is included. It’s overall a good mechanic, but it should’ve been something to gradually improve your unique with a exponentially scaling effort needed to do so in my mind, to have variety from the otherwise pure RNG systems in the game. But that’s a ‘me’ thing for that part.
And more cool uniques is always good in my eyes.
And that’s a major issue too. They are simply designed to ‘annoy’ you, not to give you any reason to go for them. They could simply be the boss and be done with it and would be better received then currently as the time before the boss is purely well… a time-waste. A stop-gap to make it take longer with no meaning.
You mean like… having a tower-defense minigame in it? Like Blight?
Or a Pokemon capture style minigame… like Bestiary in the original form?
Or a puzzle-game style one to create your own layouts? Like Synthesis in the original form?
Diverting from a genre is good overall, but the core gameplay loop alone needs to always and without fail be viable and rewarding nonetheless. So no matter what you aren’t forced to run that other stuff.
It’s why I hold GGG in high esteem since they allow you to run everything but also allow you to sell special access to special content freely by now. Enjoy the Incursion mechanic itself in maps but not the temple? Sell the temple, let someone else do it, no need for you. Buy the results. You choose personally what you want to engage with. It’s all profitable as it’s all unique in what it rewards. Someone will need the stuff anyway in some way, but nobody is forced to run the stuff.
A few bad exceptions apply still, like Betrayal crafts (awful design) and the juice to run delve itself not being able to be sold. But otherwise top-tier in that regard.
LE needs to do something similar. Their core-loop of Monoliths needs to be able to be run endlessly while getting richer and richer and be able to acquire everything else in a viable way through at least MG.
Once more, as CoF you will be forced to do it personally. That’s what SSF-style means after all, no matter if you’re actually doing a ‘pure’ SSF’ by enforcing it or simply picking the faction which showers you with more gear in return for not having access to a market which lets you circumvent that stuff. That’s the reason for a market after all.
But they would love it if it’s done via having to hit/kill/trigger specific things to unlock your way or scale your rewards while you’re forced on a timer that demands you to react quickly and similar to a FPS game would enforce you to… if they’re not forced to do it but instead simply ‘can do it if wanted’.
Absolutely… but it does fit for example into ‘Guild Wars 2’. You ‘can’ do the jumping puzzles but by now way you’re demanded to ever do them.
Incentive, not enforcement is the name of the game.
You can do it that way, or you can simply focus on what you enjoy most. Nearly every content in PoE with a few exceptions is roughly on the same level nowadays.
I can do crowded levels with massive amounts of enemies by doing Harbinger + Delirium + Beyond so there’s hundreds of mobs on the screen… or I can do Blight maps all day long… or delve all day long… or do heist all day long.
Each of them provides around 5-10 divines per hour at the top-end commonly, some need more effort to reach that point, others less. But they do give roughly that amount, so variety has become the focus there.
The only gripe is that GGG enforces map-running - hence their core loop - for some things still, like delve, even if it’s not much. Many people just don’t realize the state of the game and see ‘this seems profitable’ and do stuff they dislike heavily simply because it seems ‘better’ despite not really being the case.
Something similar should happen in LE as well. Variety incentivized but not enforced. GGG has come a long way in their design over the course of the years, those aspects are now rock solid, others are still massive gripes and detriments… but we need to take the good aspects of design from other games and use them in an applicable way going forward… not re-invent the wheel every damn friggin time without research into the design aspects of competition.
Ocassionally, it’s ‘stomachable’ then. Fine definitely, and could be an upside even. But also risky as it can frustrate people without providing the fun of success accordingly.
Reducing the negatives and providing as many of the positives is what has to be strifed for there, not enforcing those things for misguided ‘but it’s because xyz reason’ that could be solved with effort through some other way. That effort should - over time - always be invested.
Yes, the limiting of Prophecies to specific content types and areas should be far more easy, EHG needs to work on the prohecies in CoF still. They’re in a good place with how rewarding it is but some details - like that - still needs work.
Also quantity of experimental affix items or ‘special’ uniques like the laddle from exiled mages need to be scaled with the faction still, that’s missing and has to be included to make it ‘great’ instead of simply ‘good’ as it is now.
CoF is well off, MG currently is ‘barely acceptable’ still, it was a unusable disaster before the search-options but has gotten better already. But… it’s neither ‘good’ and not even remotely close to ‘great’ or even ‘fantastic’ (which would be going the extra mile).