I’m so excited for this update!!! Seeing experimental WASD and mastery re-specing, two things we were told couldn’t happen, come to the game is MASSIVE. Still loved the game even without those and very excited for all the end game additions and changes, but WOW
Were did they say that about mastery respec. I follow this game a ton. Not once in 5+ yrs have they said this.
They have explained there stance and reasoning behind not allowing. Which isnt the same as saying it cant be done or wont be done
Looks potentially cool. I really wish we had more straightforward info though. I kind of hate hype drip feeding.
The dungeon portal charms are… surprising. It’s kind of just giving up on that content for now. “It’s bad, so here, skip it.” I would have liked to have seen a proper rework, but I guess if that’s not a priority for now, I guess this is better than nothing.
I’m happy to see that we’re getting some new endgame content and system updates, although I’m kind of concerned about some of it. It looks like it’s adding a lot more setup complexity with the woven echos and I assume the weaver tree is going to be like the Atlas passives or something? One of the things I dislike about PoE is just how much you have to prepare before you even get to play the game properly. Need a build, need a loot filter, need endgame modifiers, need some info-graphics to show you how to actually make use of league mechanics, etc. I just want to play the game man. Just finding/making a build and setting up a loot filter is sometimes enough of a hurdle to stop me from wanting to play a new character and then with CoF we also have the need to manage prophecies. I don’t really want even more of a set up burden. I just want to go in, kill stuff, and have an interesting variety of things happen.
Glad to see mastery re-specialization. Fun should always be prioritized over trying to force retention. It’s good you didn’t listen to the stubborn people. Now do shard auto pick up. Please. My poor hands. I’ve broken 2 mouse left click buttons in the process of playing ARPGs. Literally anything you can do to get rid of unnecessary clicks would be a godsend.
The crafting additions look nice. Although I have some mixed feelings on the more general effect of all this that I might make a separate thread about.
Let’s go!
wooooo! Looks amazing! Can’t wait to hop back on this with all the improvements and new stuff coming out!
As cool as this is, this should be season 6 at this point. The fact it’s season 2 after a whole year since 1.0 on top of taking 9 months after the previous season is still a tough pill to swallow. Especially since it was supposed to come out months ago too, and the original season 2 was going to bring a new story chapter.
Awesome! Super excited to find out more about the Weaver Tree. Also, Master Respec is a great addition. Would love to know how much it costs. Maybe 5-10 million gold?
Improving the monolith is great.
I’d also really love to see new classes and subclasses. A lot of time has passed, and players have already tried out almost all existing classes. In my opinion, this is exactly what will retain and bring back veteran players.
I’m really really looking forward to 1.2!!
And I notice 4x Exiled mages at 1:26 in this video!
Also, It seems Rune of Havoc has great potential!
By the way, does the champion affixes treat as sealed affixes definitely?
Insane trailer you guys !!! Love every bit of the new content that is gonna be live in April, especially the crafting stuff !
Can’t wait to start making videos about it !
Yeah, that’d be EHG deciding to pivot on what they wanted to put into season 2 mid development so they had to start from scratch. It sucks.
While I don’t disagree with you, what would you rather see? Updates that don’t hold to the standards (which were already crumbling with the last few updates) and EHG not trying to rectify mistakes from previous patches (long lasting ones too).
LE is still a bit wonky in the ARPG landscape, even though the foundation is very good and people generally had a very positive opinion about LE. It still tries to get a hold and rectify some things, which needed some time.
EHG said that they would prefer the more regular 3-4months schedule as well, but if they can’t deliver what they want within that timeframe why should they bind themselves to those arbitrary schedules?
Once LE is in a more stable state I am very confident thigns will return to these regular schedules.
Please post the Sentinel changes at least 2 weeks in advance before the launch. This is very important for HC players. To be able to create a build on lastepochtools.
Thank you in advance!
It would actually just be season 4, not 6. Season 1 (1.0) was game launch in Feb 24, Season 2 (1.1) was on Jul 24. So we’d get Season 3 around Nov/Dec 24 and Season 4 now.
And they might be calling it Season 2 for normalization purposes going forward, but it’s actually the 3rd season they launched.
So we only missed one season release, really.
I don’t think that’s why EHG added portal charms. People have been posting non-stop about how much they hate having to repeat the 10minute dungeons when they die at the boss. I believe dungeon portal charms will be used to return to the dungeon boss so that you don’t have to repeat the entire 5-10minute dungeon all over again.
MTX for skills? But anyway WASD is a big thing. THX
I guess. But I feel like some % of that complaint comes down to the dungeons just not being fun to run. They could also just have added a few lives and a respawn point at the boss if it was just about letting people try again quickly.
I think the dungeons are fun. I also never minded having to restart them since it takes me 5mins to get to the bosses.
I wouldn’t assume that “adding lives and a few respawn points” to an ARPG would be easier than adding a teleportation item … We can already teleport in LE, we can’t “add lives” tho …
Likely, the portal charm was the path of least resistance (least effort) to solve this thing people complain about.
The dungeons before the bosses are basically a watered down monolith with a ‘find the exit’ minigame. They’re nothing else.
The supposed method to play them is to use the respective dungeon mechanics, hence Soulfire Bastion expects you to switch between the resistances… which you fully ignore outside the biss-fight. The light mechanic in Lightless Arbour makes exactly zero sense to use outside of the boss-fight and Temporal Sanctum is nothing else then ‘search where there’s actually a way to walk forward’ which is on the same level as a very easy labyrinth puzzle in old magazines.
The mechanics aren’t great at all sadly. That’s why people don’t like to play em.
It would be a difference if each dungeon would offers something unique on the way to the boss, be it actually mechanically or reward-wide. Like… a base type that can only drop there. Or actually making it a proper puzzle in Temporal Sanctum needing to use the decay over time to find ways while triggering mechanics when it’s not yet, similar to Act 2 of the campaign but more in-depth. And in Soulfire Bastion places where you actually need to attune to the respective element to be safe, especially so if it’s dexterity based by avoiding damage through switching it in a timely manner… would also prepare for the boss-fight properly this way.
If we take examples of other games which have similar content provided then Grim Dawn and Path of Exile come to mind. Grim Dawn offers specific item bases only dropped in the dungeons, which makes them worthwhile to clear out. Path of Exile has puzzles strewn about, be it altars which are supposed to make your life easier during the boss-fight or actually extra rewards, even if the mechanics are fairly decrepit there you can still see them at work.
Last Epoch simply fails to provide a meaningful mechanic there as even the drop-rate is awful since all corruption level based increases are missing, reducing drop-rate to the baseline of the game… which is fairly awful.
It feels a lot later than season 2. To me…
Season 1 - launch
Season 2 - Pinnacle Boss Update
Season 3 Imperial Uprising Reset
Season 4 Tomb of the Erased
I think with ladder resets every other month or something you can keep the game feeling fresh with minimal effort. Most of the early D3 seasons were super basic. Ppl just wanted and liked the resets.