Last Epoch Roadmap


Some kind of bullshit. An absolutely sucked skill. And this is despite the presence of fast movement/teleport skills in each class. Thanks, but I’d rather use a health bottle by space.

“Some kind of bullshit” that you have the ability to remap the keybind so you don’t have to use it. :man_shrugging:t2:

Come on man, you know “if you don’t like it just don’t use it” is a bit of a crappy argument.


I do. I also know when criticism is derogatory rather than constructive, I will have no problems responding to a crappy argument with crappy advice on how to get over it. :man_shrugging:t2:


Thanks for the link bud :upside_down_face:

Says you. I don’t think so.

100% agree.

The point of gear based games is acquiring enough gear to ignore mechanics. That is the fun. I like building immortal Gods and if I gotta dodge all the time and move that starts to venture into “Soul like” gameplay that I want no part of in an RPG. I want to look at the mobs and they explode so I can farm better loot and do this cycle faster.

Games like this are loot hunting, trading, farming games. If the farming of loot is tedious due to mechanics and dodging it just means you play less. No one wants to be logging in for 6+ hour loot hunting sesssion and dodging the entire time. It becomes exhausting. No thanks.

I actually agree on not wanting or liking the addition of evade.

But I still disagree with this:

Even in loot based games, were your character should scale in power, I absolutely dispise when you can ignore every single mechanic of a boss.
It is fine if the margin for error gets a lot bigger and you can ignore some mechanics. But being able to ignire everything makes bosses just huge HP sponges and boring to fight.

Even when playing my most min-maxed character I still want to feel engaged by the combat and not mindlessly do wahtever, because I can’t die anyway.


Yeah, I feel like being able to gear up enough to entirely ignore all mechancis is a failure of design (IMO).

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I am confused about the poll. The first question essentially says “we want to give everyone an equal playing field, so only some players will be able to kill the boss initially”. Huh? I get excluding well geared legacy characters but why make a distinction between online and offline players when all start fresh in a new cycle? Am I misunderstanding something?

where is my prize?

Offline allows cheating basically. So offline characters in the “New” cycle can just spawn in infinite items and be geared up and ready and level 100 for the boss in a “New cycle” more so then even legacy characters.

Thats why there is a distinction.

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That I didn’t know. Still, isn’t offline basically a private sandbox where ladder and trading doesn’t work? What’s the harm?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m playing at my own chill pace either way, just trying to understand what the concern is.

Because the devs don’t want people to take their (possibly edited) character from offline & figure out the best ways to beat the new content then post that online. They’d like people to start from a level playing field(ish) to get to the new bosses/content.

This was something a brought up. And was told by a dev that if legacy get delayed so will offline play.

It doesnt make since only thing that should be delayed is legacy. All cycle modes of play offline as well should get all content.

The logic behind this makes no since

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Simple solution to this prevent players from using an editor.

Basicly block it so u cant edit or cheat offline at all

Could they not just make it so u cant edit ur characters l.

This way all are on the same playing field offline and online

All cycle modes should get the content at the same time offline and online. Only mode that shouldnt is legacy

Preventing people from cheating is not easy, especially if you have a full offline mode.

Definitely true.