Last Epoch Roadmap

he isn’t making definitions up
cycle /sī′kəl/


  1. An interval of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs.

“Sunspots increase and decrease in intensity in an 11-year cycle.”

  1. A single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon.

“A year constitutes a cycle of the seasons.”

  1. A periodically repeated sequence of events.

“the cycle of birth, growth, and death; a cycle of reprisal and retaliation.”

A Season IS a Cycle by definition - they chose “Cycle” as the word to fit in with the time theming of the game as it also fit in with the literal definition of the word cycle.

So much this.

Grim Dawn did the same (adding in a dodge mechanic after release) and it was all doom and gloom in the forum for a while. But when the patch dropped mostly everything was fine. There were a few balancing issues that needed to be hammered out (which is to be expected with new mechanics on release) but all in all it went very well. Even though it’s animation was a goofy super mario jump. :smiley:

On the mechanic itself a question:
Will it allow rolling “through” enemies? So if you are surrounded can you dodge through them or will they block you?

Very good news!

Still torn about dodge/roll introduction, but we’ll see what happens.
I’m sure you guys won’t be afraid to change again if needed.

Keep up the great work!

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I think it will be similar if not identical to D4 dodge/sprint mechanic , there’s no need for it to be a roll Dark Souls style like in NRFTW.

From Mike in Discord (7th May '24) - ‘We are still investigating the viability of WASD movement.’ :slight_smile:

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My only desire for the dodge roll is please make it thematic to the class using it.

An old wizard physically rolling forward on the floor just won’t look right. Honestly same for a paladin that is decked out in full metal plate armour. I feel like a ‘roll’ only really makes sense for the Rogue. The mage should blink forward, Sentinel should charge etc. Obviously these movements should look different but fundamentally perform the same (distance, cooldown, speed).

Otherwise I like the addition and think it’ll open up a lot of design space for encounters and specifically boss fights.


So that question is asking if the unlock condition for Pinnacle Boss to be added to Legacy - Cycle Online player defeats the Pinnacle Boss - should that be limited to a specific game mode in Cycle.

So should the unlock condition specifically require a Hardcore Cycle character to defeat the Boss before it’s added to Legacy, or should it require a someone using a Cycle Online Solo character and so on, or should it just need any type of Online Cycle character to defeat the Boss before it’s unlocked for Legacy?

I realize that this is not logical at all, but I am concerned about the implementation of dodge rolls because I have never had a long enjoyable experience with a game of the same genre that has a dodge roll system.

The diablo-like-games that has dodge roll system are not good, this is my personal jinx and I hope LE will break that jinx.

On the other hand, I agree with “Allowing time for cycle charcters for pinnacle contents.” :+1:
I can understand the antipathy from players who want to play non-cycles, but I like this new approach because it is challenging.

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Offline players getting shafted once again, what a surprise. So we choose to play offline so that means we get shafted by delaying content so sweat lords can kill a boss first…… like we didn’t buy the game and waited all this time for the new content just like everyone else.

I don’t understand the concern with offline or legacy characters having access to the cycle content right away. Who cares if they immediately beat the new content? Who cares if they make videos right away? It’s going to be beaten within hours anyway. If you’re upset about a YouTube video of the bosses being defeated…… don’t watch them.

I say this as someone who exclusively plays online and Cycle. I genuinely don’t understand the mentality on display here. We’re talking about restricting content from people who play other game modes…… To not hurt the feelings of online cycle players? This is a really puzzling issue that has been created.


This I agree 100% with.

The evade animation should be somewhat thematic to each class. Acolyte or old Mage dodge rolling in combat will be so weird.

Gr8 idea. Can’t wait to see that LE is TOP 1 HnS equally with POE 2

The devs care, in this way they give another reason to start a new cycle character, and so play the game for another 100+ hours, with all the content avaible instant to the legacy this will not happen, or will happen for fewer users. Yes, they had said that this will not happen, but perhaps they realized that such a thing is not that bad, they already are taking the PoE path when staking all the new content toghether make the game almost unplayable for new users, and they were almost forced to do 2, so a small delay when possibile it’s not a bad thing in my opinion.

And aside for that, in my opinion can be something more “epic” this way, will be a challenge to get the boss, that almost no one can solve aside the streamer that play the game 24H/24H, but will anyway push the community to buzz about the game, and hopefully reach more new player, which are now completely absent, and this is really bad for a live services game, just my thoughts.

I recall that in a stream of months ago Mike said WASD was an issue due to how the game engine handled it (or how EHG used the game engine itself).

Basically they would have to redo all or almost all the characters animations and that would be quite the work.

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With question 2 it reads: “IF we do go with the proposed plan from question 1…”

We understand that players may not want to have this implemented at all and that data will be reflected in the first answer. However, in the event that it is implemented, we are also interested in hearing from everyone what timeframe would be most appealing to them.

So don’t worry, you aren’t endorsing the idea by selecting a timeframe in the second question.

First of all, all of this looks excellent! All of the content meets needs in the game and a perfect way. However one thing that I’ve always personally enjoyed is the seasonal resets. It’s an excuse to come back to the game and try a new character and be on equal footing with everyone else. If Legacy characters get the same content as seasonal characters it just makes it that much harder for me to want to play a seasonal character and therefore that much harder to come back to the game. I would prefer the seasonal content remain strictly locked to seasonal characters.

Hence why the team is still looking into how it could be added and if that method is viable given Dev time, testing etc. It’s something I feel the team will keep working on, until they know it cannot be added OR they figure out how!

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My biggest concern with this, is that it homonigizes classes and looks stupid if not well implemented.

In the short gameplay example Mike offered above it is already borderline stupid because a big chunky Primalist is doing a shoulder roll. That is a grey area for me.

I hope Sentinel is NOT doing an actual roll and rather a quick shoulder dash/sidestep that feels like it has some momentum.

Only Rogue can have an actual Roll IMO.

Acolyte and Mage should get some magic-esq teleport side step.

Make this new mechanic feel slightly different for all Classes, maybe even balancing it differently with timings, cooldown and charges (Rogue gets 2 charges that recover super fast, but Sentinel only has 1 charge with medium cooldown for example)

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pretty sure Mike already said in stream that the first few cycles would be everyone and in future it would be seasonal resets.

I like Heavy’s idea of maintaining class fantasy with different animations for different classes. Here’s some thoughts I had about specific form dodge animations:

  • Shaman Spriggan Form, turns into roots and quickly travels across the ground, regrows into Spriggan Form.

  • Runemaster steps into a Dr Strange type rune portal and reappears out of a second portal ten feet away.

  • Paladin should cart wheel in full plate armor and shield to dodge, kekw.

Here’s another idea with the new dodge UI button and key bind.

  • Make it so the class specific spells for movement can be bound to this new dodge button and the key bind can be changed to whatever the player feels like.

  • If the player chooses to not have have a class specific movement spell bound to the dodge button, then it defaults to a generic class/build specific dodge animation.

  • This gives players agency to either free up their action bar for spells, or even have two ways to move or dodge if they wish and losing an action bar slot to a class based movement spell.

My final thoughts today for this subject:

  • Class fantasy and unique mechanics should be top priority for the LE devs, lets not give everyone the same dodge animation, that’s like doing this

  • Class homogenization is a slippery slope.

Cheers. :upside_down_face: