Last Epoch Roadmap

I cant express how i love to read that they plan to add a dodge roll! Big win.

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love it, always felt a need to dodge but couldnt. Now here we have evade. And quite nicely balanced too it seems.

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It’s seems a great future is ahead of us, super pro to the dodge movement, these really will feel the game modern with even more mobility option, at now the major competitors have it, as Diablo 4, or will have it, as PoE 2, so being on par also with these for me is a massive win, with all due respect to all those who repeatedly said that dodge made no sense and would never implement it, literally the first thing that devs are doing, and also happy for the delayed content between cycle and legacy, or at least the poll to decide that, they realize that put simply all together for all mods will only kill the hype for the cycle content and for new characters.
Almost all that I see seems really good, last mention to the procedural content in the nexts cycle, run everytime the exactly same maps isn’t something that an arpg should aspire too, so glad to also this new thing.
Maybe the only thing for what I’m not convinced is the new campaign chapter, if you let the story part be more long, and still not skippable for the alts, will start to be a bit a pain in the ass the more we go ahead and the more the campaign become long, let’s hope for some changes in this.
In conclusion great work for the devs, go ahead like this :smiley:

Just here to add my voice to the people abhorring the idea of a dedicated “dodge/evade” skill with an additional binding.
If you feel you must add it, I urge you to have it take up a space on the bar, and share a cooldown with traversal skills, as it will invariably cheapen traversal skills, potentially making them redundant, and be an additional required button press.


Really excited to hear about more story chapters and Ancient Age content coming. I’ve been waiting a long time to see that.

I was surprised at how much anti-evade sentiment there is out there. EHG can’t please everyone, but I want to add my voice to those in favor of adding Evade to the game. I love that I won’t feel obligated to use one of my 5 skills slots for movement skills on every character.

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They should just give us a combat window like they have in mmo’s which will tell us which skills are doing how much damage and what kind of damage. Enough with the target dummies.

I have to admit, Undecember was the first ARPG where I saw an evade button, and it is also the one with my favourite (and hardest) bosses fights.
I suppose evade is needed to allow bosses to be that mobile, fast and deadly.

Just be aware, it deeply changes the identity of the game, in playstyle, difficulty, and general feeling.
Is it good or bad? No idea. It is just extremely different.
We might end up remembering Last Epoch pre-1.1 as a different game from Last Epoch post-1.1.


Yes i have played since 1.0 been playing for many yrs now no intent to stop

I dont think offline is going to reset in the way you think it does.

Point of offline is to allow players to play with no internet. I highly dought offline will reset and if it does in 1.1 TBH it shoukd be fixed offline shouldnt be reseting unless u play online.

Cycle play afaik cycle play is the only one that actuall resets

Just cuz the UI is the same doesnt mean u will get the reset like cycle does. Its easier to just leave the UI the same rather than changing it for offline mode.

U do know all offline characters are saved locally right??? Hiw is ehg going to reset ur local saves whether u pick legacy or cycle play in offline mode.

Unless some how EHG is able to mess with ur own data files.

Now with there being two offline modes i can see the not true offline mode ( by this i mean u dont have global chat) being able to do this some how. However if u arent playing the true offline mode. Im pretty sure even those characters are locally saved.

So how woukd EHG reset a locally saved file thats on ur own PC vs servers were they have control of those files

I will remain a nonbeliever and leave Last Epoch and will not be recommending it since it’s no longer an ARPG. Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you should too. Homogenized into obscurity.


We will continue to do offline cycle rollovers just like we did when 1.0 dropped.


I really hope that evade isn’t faster than regular movement for a long straight path, so that constantly using it off cooldown is meta. From the posted video it doesn’t seem, that the character has any movement speed penalty after rolling, I hope you reconsider that.

Bosses are balanced around having a traversal skill, that punishes builds without one being always ready.

  • Sentinel without shield rush or negative mana hammerdin builds will like rolling. The one really lacking is the druid in spriggan form, can transform builds roll? But the real winner is builds using minion/dot/duration skills, cause they deal damage while rolling, while other builds don’t.
  • Some builds rely heavily on traversal skills to buff themselves for maximum DPS (like aerial assault for ballistas), but then struggle to not have a traversal skill when needed. Evade is a good addition for those.

Overall I’m glad this is added, but hope it doesn’t mess up the balance too much and doesn’t force players to always use it to be overall faster.

If your saying offline has a cycle that resets why would i play online on your servers just to get the same experience.

This doesnt make since to me. Other than being able have my wife join me. Which we do everytime we play. At that point why not add LAN support.

Imho i dont think offline should have any resets this isnt whag i thought u guys where doing with offline play. If thats u u ment by ur comment.

Im just confused like crazy now. I figured resets would be an online thing

This will make the moment to moment combat feel so much better. Awesome.

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In offline the “reset” in 1.1 is really just a fresh gameplay character environment opening up. You’re right, it’s all saved offline so if you want to do some editing and keep using the same character but “on the cycle” you can do that. It’s just a text file on your computer.

If you’re referring to the survey, it separates online cycle from all of online legacy, offline cycle and offline legacy.

Some big draws to play online is access to the Bazaar and playing with other people.

We don’t have LAN support because we didn’t have a few thousand spare dev hours to spend on it. I know it might seem like an easy one but it is one of the largest potential features that we could consider adding. We are not considering adding it.

Extremely hyped for the new evade. I noticed that it has the “Movement” scaling tag. I hope Vaion’s Chariot’s [next Movement skill does more damage] buff will not burn up on evades. I really like that unique, because it opens up new build possibilities. If evades burn up the Vaion’s Chariot buff it would make those builds worse to play.

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one comment from my side that may appear strange to most of you. I want firstly said that I’m not expert in this game (but I played arpg since diablo 1), so of course some of my observations could be not exact, but I think they are a good point to consider.

Maybe because of balancing and/or mechanics, I feel we are missing class diversity and class fantasy in the practical (lets leave theory aside).
Example: I would like to play a good archer, I can do, but I also know it will be underperforming because the best marksman in the game doesn’t use bows… The second best use bombs… And so on.
Second example: going with a sword to hit one by one tons of enemies is… scaring, when there are builds that have screen wide aoe.

Other comments: I don’t know why, but dungeons in this game are really really boring. I never liked arena in any game, so I don’t comment it.

Item management: I can understand some gear class-specific, but I don’t understand that some gear is all class specific. I put some order in my stash (exalted items) yesterday and I noted that all of my armours and helmets are mage restricted, while for example all of my boots are for all class. Why some parts are restricted? As in the new cycle I ply another toon, I will have lots of armour tabs unusable because of restrictions.

So many people are SO MAD in the comments here for no reason.

It must be disheartening for the devs to read these negative comments when they are hyped for that new content!

We dont know HOW any of this is implemented. Its just a rough outline, yall gotta CHILL a little here.
If the dodge mechanic sucks, they can still remove it in a later patch. They listen to feedback, but give em a break, guys and look positiviely forward to whats coming! :slight_smile:


I missed the part where you are forced to go to social media and search for LE pinnacle bosses videos.

Dude it’s literally YOUR choice, I don’t get why offline people have to be penalized because someone can’t resist auto-spoilering.

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The new roll looks like a lot of fun, I’m very excited. Can’t wait for next cycle!


Some of these issues can be avoided by using dark souls approach, as in the rolls are a short distance, only have iframes near the start and lock you in the animation for the duration(thus you become vulnerable during the end frames). In such a case you would still use the movement skill to cover larger distances, but would avoid spamming it in case of big boss attacks.