Last Epoch Roadmap

There is no offline cycle.

Cycle is one mode which resets offline and legacy dont

If ur playing offline or in legacy ur not playing cycles cycles here are seasons or leagues

100% agree with this here.

If you wanted each player to have their own dodge, why not integrate the class’s traversal skills into the spacebar, not have them take up a skill slot so it’s still 5 + 1 (if that’s the route you guys decided on). Firmly think the homogenization of movement is a big step backwards to what LE had going for it.

Also concerned with design going forward - I don’t want to be forced to have very high APM to play LE efficiently. POE is too zoomy for me, is LE going this direction too? That’s going to turn me off.


I love LE so much precisely because it is a slower paced, more relaxed gameplay style, that still rewards progression and understanding certain mechanics from time to time. Evade sounds like what another user mentioned called QTE or quick time events, and those are
the types of things where if there’s a lot of them in a game or they’re a main feature of a game, I can’t play that game (unless it gives me the option of turning them off). I have anxiety issues/am disabled irl and adrenaline rushes brought about by such things give me panic attacks. But I understand many like these types of features, and regardless it’s up to the devs. But as yet another user said, I’m concerned about the direction, and I’m concerned whether high APM boss fights are going to appear and become the norm, not the exception.


Massive W

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Great stuff!


I’m sad to read that a generic evade/roll is going to be added to LE. It was a silly gimmick in D4 and I’ll stay open to having my mind changed but I can’t see it being anything else here either. On the other hand, maybe designing more bosses around having a dodge available will keep more of the people who cry constantly that they can’t stand still and face tank everything away, and that would be a good thing.

Everything else though, yeeha, let’s go!


I’ll say I was not a believer in dodge roll (evade) before the team prototyped it and we got to play with it. It feels good and we believe people will agree when they get their hands on it.

No we’re not going to make regular Epoch content require lighting fast reflexes because of this addition. Maybe the pinnacle boss? We’ll see as we’re still balancing the fight.

Just another note - I want to emphasize how much the roadmap leaves out. Look at any of our other major patch notes and consider we’re only getting faster and adding more team members.


First of all EHG, you guys are doing outstanding work and we all appreciate your hard work and dedication.

I really hope EHG continues to release all cycle content to all game modes immediately, assuming it is planned to be a permanent game mechanic/feature. I’m not opposed to bringing unique mechanics to cycle only if it’s temporary.

I have some questions. What is the purpose of adding dodge roll to this game? What does this do to the dodge stat that’s already in game? How is this projected to change the overall combat of LE? I’m not opposed, I’m just wondering how the idea of adding this mechanic came about? Is this something being requested by the legacy LE players, the newer LE players (that want content from other games added to LE), or a combination of LE players, and/or has this always been on the table for implementation into LE?

I’m interested in what Primordial Uniques are going to be (I may be behind on information so please forgive me, but I haven’t seen information describing these items).

My buddy and I thought about a way of making set gear more valuable. Our lazy idea was to allow set gear to also drop with Legendary Potential (LP) just like most uniques. I’m sure EHG could think of a more creative way of implementing this. Though I really think limiting set pieces to 2-3 pieces per set is still ideal.

Thoughts on some of the other items in the graphic:

Random encounters: more variety, yes please. I imagine Nemesis to mean a recurring encounter with the same entity over time until you beat him (and not just another form of ambush).

Primal hunt: sounds like a search and destroy mission. Sounds fun if it doesn’t break me out of game flow too much.

New unique type: also more variety, also good.

Monolith expansion: we’ll probably be dying for it by the time it lands.

Procedural zones: I’m hoping for more than just side areas.

Skill sigils: this appears to be an added layer of customization within skill trees. This could easily be underwhelming, but all the great possibilities this might bring makes this by far the most exciting item shown. My speculation has the bar set pretty high for me, as build experimentation and theory crafting are my primary draw to any game that has it.

Transmog and dye: I’ve never cared that much about these options in other games, but there are some cool looking outfits I’ve seen in LE that I’d love to keep through gear upgrades. At some point, one of my characters looked like this, and I love it:

You will never see DPS meters in LE

Another poorly-designed poll. Seriously, not all of your customers are idiots. Do better.


Considering that “hypocracy” doesn’t exist, that’s going to be a very long search.

The survey linked in the OP here states, “For patch 1.1, we plan to add loads of new content to all game modes (Cycle Online, Legacy Online, Cycle Offline, and Legacy Offline) at the Cycle launch, but we are considering options for the new Pinnacle Boss.” (emphasis mine)

Looks awesome! definitely ready to see some awesome boss encounters, and nice to see the dodge roll giving the ability for you guy to add some harder much needed content!

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I know it says that. Doesnt change the fact offline and legacy modes of play

Are not cycles. Which was the point i was trying to make

Cycle mode resets its just another name for seasons or leagues. If ur playing in offline or legacy u are not playing cycles aka seasons or leagues. Cycles are ment as a challenge mode of sorts

Theres a reason in game it recommends playing cycle when u pick between legacy and cycles.

Most likely after these few cycles. There will be cycle specific content that offline and legacy wont get till a new cycle rolls out. How this works after 1.4 we dont know yet.

If it works like poe after 1.4 then there would be no such thing as offline cycle or legacy cycle.

Then you should select offline and look at the options bc there really is an offline cycle. The fact that the excuse everyone uses that offline can be edited is bull crap. If they cared that much about it they would find a way to prevent it. But they don’t care that much. Some people in the world don’t have great internet or prefer to play offline since online has been notorious for having issues. People who play offline bought the game just like everyone else and deserve to have access to the content just like everyone else. Plenty of offline games have cheat protection. I am sick of that argument.

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Keep up the outstanding work!

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There is not. U cant trade (legacy u can) in offline nor do u have resets legacy as well. which cyles do have. U can go CoF thats it. Other than going account found or character found mode. Or even HC.

Offline is basically the exact same as legacy online mode. Just with out trade or chat. No chat thats if ur playing true offline mode

What part of cycle mode is part of offline mode? Content sure for now up to 1.4 after probably not

Is not just abouy being able to edit ur character both offline and legacy dont reset which means

the point of cycles which is a challenge mode of sorts due to resets is is rendered redundant. Cuz anyone in either legacy or offline (whether its an edited char or not) can just take a high lvl char and. Beat this Pinnacle boss in about 2 hrs. Thats not fair one bit for the competive nature of cycles aka seasons or leagues

Let me ask u this what are u going to do when aftter 1.4 they start adding content thats cycle specific and wont be available for offline or legacy. Which there more than likely will be at some point. Im pretty sure EHG has said they want cycle specific content at some point many times

I’m also against ‘Dodge Rolling’. This is an ARPG, not a Souls-like. It fits the lack control in Dark Souls.


I’d really, REALLY preferred if bosses didn’t require lightning reflexes across the board. It doesn’t feel good that I died because I can’t respond within .25 seconds and get out of the way (which some encounters have, I can’t remember which ones exactly but I know the shade fight has some moves like this)… I guess that’s the unfortunate thing about getting older.
I also have another huge concern that doesn’t appear addressed in the roadmap… is there anything being done to increase the font size? One person I know can’t play because of it and I’ve noticed its been doing stuff to my eyesight as well. Its just weird that its so small while there’s a bug that increases it so much in soulfire.


Poll was awful, why does this content need a delay? Its bad enough devs are doing the blizzard discord echo chamber thing, do we also need this to be e-sportified?

Where is the dev blog on sorely needed balance updates and fixes for many masteries or the poor state uniques/set items are in? In age where gaming companies are increasing untrustworthy, the lack of communication leaves me with the feeling that alot of people arent going to stick around. I bought this game early access so i dont care, but i doubt many people will return to see the work thats been done with such a lack of communication.