Last Epoch Patch Notes 1.1.5

That’s correct, I had DW katanas, so is a 1.2 modifier (it averages but doesn’t matter as is same speed), or a 20% more attack speed, but is not applying, as if the weapons had 1.0 attack speed instead.

Is a proper bug on a core mechanic, like, armor or dodge not working properly. In offline a similar character doesn’t have this problem, also if I export it to lastepochtools the boost due to weapon speed shows properly. And is there since the release of 1.0.

I agree I can live with bugs, but is a ME thing, this bug and some others reported years ago are still not fixed. I can live with some bugs here and there, but not core mechanic bugs.

Not a big deal, I hope someday gets fixed, and of course I wish them the best. I have plenty of games to play in the meantime.

It does appear to be a display bug on the character screen. If I attack with a Katana/Rust Blade/Nagasa Blade they all are able to apply ~20% more stacks of armour shred (in my example since that was from passives/Puncture rather than gear) compared to a Pickaxe (0.98 attack rate).

It is frustrating that the game isn’t showing you the correct figure, but at least it works correctly when you’re attacking.

I hope you’re right, I also expected it was solely a character sheet issue, but having a few core skills depending on the increased attack speed value, how I know they are working properly?

Because damage calculations are too obtuse, range of damage too high and you need to do a clear effort to test anything damage-wise.

Because, like I did, you can minimise the variables & test for it (ailment stacks is an easy way of checking attack speed).

They aren’t, they’re fairly simple.

+/-20% for hit damage & no range for DoTs.

Yes, you need a reasonable number of data points for the average, min & max to settle down. I did physics at uni so this kind of thing isn’t particularly complex.

Yes I hope you’re right and at least the real attack speed is applied properly on attacks, but any skill that does something with increased AS (conversing it into something else) could be using the same data point used to show your attack speed in the character sheet, thus, bugged. Again is all just speculation.

Yep you need to minimize/remove all the conditional damage effects and test with/without and focus on min or max values and record the result in a big enough data set. I did it once, even uploaded a few videos to show off the bugs, those never got fixed.

40% damage range is a LOT. Not sure what you expect, but is nothing consistent and thus you need to test a lot more, if it was ±8%-10-15% that are far more usual in these RNG situations on RPGs, would be much more apparent if you gain/lose damage. That’s why I mean by obtuse (annoying), not necessarily complex…

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Yes, that is entirely possible/likely.

That depends. PoE’s damage range can be much higher, especially for lightning damage. But the higher the range the more data points you need to make sure the min, max & average are stable. For example, Blade Blast (the first spell that came to hand) has a damage range of 309-464, which is 50%.

Or you can make your life easier. Your calculation goal is important.

For example, if you only want to verify that your damage bonuses are working, then calculating the minimum from your damage range and checking if your attacks are above said minimum is enough.

Not sure where this info about the build performing poorly is coming from. The build can clear 1000 corruption afaik. Really hope it’s not just taking one of the commenters above seriously.

No, it wouldn’t.

A perfect Shield Bash spec can reach 800+ base damage on the skill, so you lose around 10% base damage from the bugfix.

After 1.1.5 bugfix, Shield Bash is still incomparably stronger than 1.0 Shield Bash which had no damage scaling and no % more multipliers.


Fixed for totems, still not fixed for summoned vines. Guys, come on

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Tested a bit further. On top of vines still sometimes ignoring freshly spawned enemies and enemies, that just entered their range, both vines and all totems do not attack, if they are being teleported some distance away. Even hives. Every single static minion shares problems.

  1. Equip experimental “minions teleported” boots
  2. Spam some totems or vines
  3. Leap slam a screen away
  4. Watch and cry, since your minions are doing nothing.
    This can be done on arena dummies.

As expected, upheaval totems also don’t target freshly spawned arena enemies.
Surprisingly, tempest totems do.
Couldn’t test claw totems.
Thorn and storm totems do.

This is a complete mess. The bag with minion targeting was introduced in 0.7 (it worked properly before), which had released back in 2019(!), was reported countless times by me and other community members, had at least 2 false “bug is fixed” announcements. This level of testing is also beyond me.
Maybe, the time has come to fix the issue (which is static minions targeting) instead of sticking leaky band aids all over the place?


The devs didn’t notify us here, but this patch was rolled back to version 1.1.4 to resolve issues that it introduced. It has yet to be redeployed.

Source: LE Discord Link

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Bleed Shield Rush is also pretty good but who knows if it’ll still be good when they nerf Volatile Reversal and DoT Sentinels to the ground.

Why would they “nerf it to the ground”? Is it doing 1k corruption?

I’ve heard there is a nerf to Volatile Reversal planned for next patch which will mostly end up affecting all DoT Sentinels since the skill provides a big damage boost to them.
Pretty ridiculous to me since Sentinels are not overperforming in any way so I hope they don’t get nerfed.
Meanwhile, skill is still bugged in Temporal Sanctum from 0.8.4 beta…