Last Epoch Patch Notes 1.1.5

So this would be a big nerf then. Shield bash was already doing just okay damage with perfect gear. Removing flat damage from shield bash would be pretty rough. Unless I’m missing what your intentions are here.

Any compensation for the nerf?

I’m not sure about you, but after the download I’m still showing 1.1.4 for some reason, no matter how many times I exit and reload. Never had that issue before.

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Been online all day didn’t realize there was a patch till recently. I logged to another character didn’t even exit and 1.1.5 shows for me.

Now back to compensating Shield bash for the nerfs please and thanks.

rip party tech to fight bosses :frowning:

Poor choice of words. It is not a lie, the message doesn’t claim that the player declined the invite. The system can do it as well, as you already stated. That statement is still 100% accurate in this instance. But I agree with you in general, it could be phrased better to reduce misunderstandings.

I honestly don’t think this even went live properly. Game version still shows as 1.1.4 on the login screen, and that’s usually noticeable, unless they’ve started using static images for that background then Idk.

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Hi. Any updates on performance? It just unplayable for me, with drops under 40fps in monoliths, and I’m not even using endgame build (lev 70+) is anything planned in the future to focus on it? It’s worse than 1.0

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Same thing with 1.1.4 instead of 1.1.5. File check (in steam options) does not help

Same, still 1.14, no changes. Downloaded several gb of…nothing.

ok logout :frowning:

If a skill is doing extra damage because of a bug and that bug is fixed it’s not a nerf. It’s the fact the skill wasn’t working as intended. You wouldn’t say Shield Rush was buffed in these notes. You’d say that a bug preventing it from dealing the damage it should have has been fixed.

Asking for a buff to shield Bash because it’s not performing well without that bug is a separate issue

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You are missing the point Earth shock bug was fixed so they buffed ita few 100% to compensate.

If you are going to fix a bug to Shield Bash reducing the damage of an already mid tier ability. Then where is the compensation?

It’s not a separate issue. They go hand and hand as highlighted above. Again fixing Earth shock then buffing it a few 100% to compensate is a good direction for EHG. So if you are going to fix other abilities like Shield Bash then where is that compensation?

Just removing all that extra flat damage feels bad. So would love a buff to adjust it like they been doing for other bug fixes. Make sense right.

You mean Shatterquake? It was buffed by 33% (from intended to be 30% more to 40% more).

Numbers don’t appear to be your strong point, but I’m pretty sure, a 33% incremental ('cause if you can’t cope with numbers, you’re unlikely to be able to cope with “more”) buff isn’t “a few 100%”. But what do I know? I’m only an accountant.

If someone who he’s not blocked could let him know about that, that’d be awesome.


I designed a skill to do 1,000 DPS. Hmmm, it seems to be doing 1,500 DPS, I’m going to look into that… Ah, I see. It was receiving a buff that was supposed to be for a different skill when this specific item is equipped, let me fix that… Aaaaaand done. Now it’s doing 1,000 DPS like I wanted it to.

This what’s known as a “bug fix”. The skill is now working as intended. No compensation is required. See Ballista’s explosion formula being corrected from scaling area to correctly scaling Radius. No “compensation” was given because it was not meant to work that way.

The buffs to Shatter Quake and other skills after the bug fixes were because they were not performing up to what EHG wanted them to. If EHG sees that Shield Bash needs a tune up after this bug fix, it will get a buff. Stop being so entitled.


That’s what he doesn’t seem to understand. It’s almost like he assumes that overperforming stuff is working as intended & that any reduction in any way for any reason is a personal attack that requires litigation amelioration or recompense.

Yes there is.

That is why EHG significantly buffed Earthquake and other abilities to compensate for the massive nerf because of a bug fix.

Except here is the massive compensation below. Sigh…

The reason EHG did this is because fixing the bug gutted the damage of the build making it not fun to play anymore. So to “COMPENSATE” they decided to follow up with massive buffs so that way players that “INVESTED” in those builds didn’t get shafted and quit.

You guys pick stupid hills to die on. Jesus. I’'m convinced a lot of you only argue on the forums and don’t play the game. It’s exhausting my ignore list grows.

  • So can we get a buff for people playing Shield Bash to compensate for fixing a bug removing ALL the extra flat damage please and thanks EHG. It would be appreciated. So that way players don’t stop playing Shield bash or decide to not even try it now.

  • Suggestions would be to increase the “Indomitable Force” node too 1.5 flat damage per 40 Block effectiveness per point up from 1. Compensating for the flat damage loss from the bug fix.

If there is no compensation then no one should bother playing Shield bash anymore. It’s a dead skill and everyone that is playing it just wasted time investing in the build.

This effectively nuked the area on Ballista’s Armed Construction node, it went from A=πr² where the r was scaling to where the A was scaling. So, let us say that the base area of the explosion is 10 units (A= 10, so r ~ 1.78): if you had 4 points in Armed Construction (+4% per Dexterity) and 100 Dexterity, the Area went from 10 units to A=π(1.78x(1+400%))² = π(8.92)² = π(79.62) = 250 units (a 25x increase in area from 100 dexterity) the formula SHOULD have made the area become 10 x (1 + 400%) = 10 x 5 = 50. If my math is correct, the bug fix literally cut the area of the explosion by 5x. Guess what we didn’t see for Ballista… “Compensation”.

Edit: But please, keep telling us how you know much more than we do. I’m fine with you putting me on your ignore list.


Since 1.0 MP, a Bladedancer I leveled still has the weapon attack speed not applied (two katanas is a more 20% attack speed and greatly affects the setup I went with), I reported the bug again.

Good luck fixing the game. Not touching it until that is fixed, don’t want to play a bugged game. Best of luck.

Why should two katanas give 20% more attack speed? There is no inherent attack speed bonus to dual-wielding, IIRC. PoE grants more attack speed for dual-wielding.

Do you mean the increased attack speed from your gloves, or the increased attack speed from the sealed t1 affix on one of the katanas? Or the increased attack speed form the 5-point-bonus in the bladedancer’s passive tree?

Increased does not equal more.

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A katana has an attack rate of 1.2, which is 20% more compared to a weapon with an attack rate of 1, but this has always been applied to the % increased attack speed modifier on the character screen.

@Ninakoru dual weilding weapons in LE averages the implicit attack rate but adds all other modifiers. So dwing 2x katanas would have the same effect as just using 1 (assuming there were no other attack speed modifiers on the second weapon or dw-related modifiers).

All games have bugs, good luck not playing any game.