Last Epoch Patch


Event Modifiers

  • Loyalist Undead enemies no longer spawn in Monoliths.
  • Removed
    • Increased Favor and Reputation Gain
    • Increased Gold Drop Rate
    • Increased Random Unique Drop Rate

Favor and Reputation

  • Reduced Faction Gambler item costs by around 35% on average and made them more varied.

Circle of Fortune

  • Reduced the cost of most prophecies by around 30% (this varies case by case due to aggressive rounding).
  • Reduced the cost of Exalted Helmet, Boot, and Relic prophecies by slightly more than 30%.
  • Reduced the cost of Legendary Potential prophecies by around 50% in total.

Merchants Guild

  • Bazaar Favor cost reductions:

    • Idols cost 600 (from 800)
    • Experimental affix tiers add 300 to Magic and Rare item costs (from 400)
    • Set items cost 240 + 4 x level requirement (from 300 + 4 x level requirement)
    • Uniques with 0LP cost 800 + 4 x level requirement (from 1200 + 4 x level requirement)
    • Uniques with LP cost 3000 + 1000 x LP^2 + 40 x level requirement (from 4000 + 1500 x LP^2 + 40 x level requirement)
    • Legendaries cost 6000 + 1000 per affix tier + 40 x level requirement (from 8000 + 1500 per affix tier + 40 x level requirement)
    • Exalted items cost 2000 + 200 per T6 affix + 1400 per T7 affix + 400 per Experimental affix tier (from 2500 + 250 per T6 affix + 1500 per T7 affix + 600 per Experimental affix tier)
  • Listing costs remain at 25% of buy costs with a minimum listing cost of 150.

Rank Requirements

  • Reduced the reputation needed for most Item Faction ranks. Reaching rank 9 now requires 43% less reputation, and reaching rank 12 requires 34% less reputation than before. Changes are measured from previous Rank, not cumulative;

    • Rank 3 requires 2000 reputation (from 3000)
    • Rank 4 requires 7500 reputation (from 11500)
    • Rank 5 requires 20000 reputation (from 37500)
    • Rank 6 requires 40000 reputation (from 75000)
    • Rank 7 requires 70000 reputation (from 125000)
    • Rank 8 requires 110000 reputation (from 200000)
    • Rank 9 requires 180000 reputation (from 300000)
    • Rank 10 requires 320000 reputation (from 500000)
    • Rank 11 requires 500000 reputation (from 750000)
    • Rank 12 requires 800000 reputation (from 1100000)

Loot Lizards

Updated Loot Lizard occurrence rate changes (values are for level 90+):

  • 4% fewer yellow and purple lizards.
  • 27% fewer blue lizards.
  • 25% more white lizards (the ones with orange beams that give Uniques).
  • 7% more big green lizards.

Other changes:

  • Loot Lizards now wait 40 seconds after last taking damage before burrowing underground to escape (increased from 20 seconds).
  • Lizards drop 2 fewer shards on average.
  • Yellow, purple, and green lizards drop slightly more Exalted items than before.
  • White lizards drop slightly more Unique items at level 60+.

Bug Fixes


  • Improved character pathing across a number of scenes, improving map navigability.
  • Fixed issue that prevented ā€˜Chance to Shred Armor on Hitā€™ from being applied to applicable base types that are class specific.
  • Fixed an issue where, after dying to the boss in the Sanctum of the Architect, characters couldnā€™t move upon respawning.
  • Fixed a bug causing the incorrect player character voice line to play upon entering the Shattered Road.


  • Fixed a bug that occurred in Offline mode that would cause the player to be immortal after going through a Time Rift.
  • Fixed an issue causing Offline players to teleport back to End of Time when using a Town portal during a fight with Aberroth instead of exiting the boss run as intended.


  • Fixed a bug where Black Arrows created by Aerial Assaultā€™s node Darkwing Fall were not able to be picked up.
  • Fixed Aerial Assault not being able to go over gaps. It now behaves more like Fury leap.
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect player rotation when spamming Shield Rush with ā€œThe Rush of Sacrificeā€ node in Online.
  • Fixed a bug where Runemasterā€™s Hydrahedron was targeting an un-targetable ballista in the Argentus bossfight.
  • Fixed an issue where the maximum companions stat would be displayed incorrectly on a Beastmaster with Artorā€™s Loyalty or the Natural Bond passive node unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue causing arrows to get stuck in the air after hitting an enemy when the player uses Flurry.
  • Fixed Evade clipping through stairs and other ramps.

Visual and Text

  • Fixed a bug where the fly-by indicator from Void Rahyeh in The Black Sun didnā€™t line up correctly with its dash.
  • Updated skeleton visuals, including adding a double stab animation for the Acolyteā€™s Rogue Skeleton.
  • Fixed an issue where Gasparā€™s beamā€™s hitbox did not always line up with its visuals in Online play.
  • Fixed some enemies using outdated descriptions.
    • For example, Void Prophets used the description of the old void prophets, ā€œAlways crits distant enemiesā€, despite them having no such effect.
  • Fixed an issue where Phoenix Shrine could block the view of Runes that Runemasters could have above their character.
  • Fixed a visual bug where some fire torches appeared bright pink.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple Forgotten Knights could appear on top of each other in the Shattered Road.
  • Fixed an issue where the Boss Ward bar would not animate.
  • Fixed a bug where in the second Quest Echo of Reign of Dragons, a VFX would never disappear during the Lightning Dragons fight. Also fixed a bug where the Lightning Dragonsā€™ shake attack would sometimes produce ability indicators that did not disappear afterwards.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip for the ā€˜Reduced Bonus Damage from Critsā€™ stat was missing in the character stats menu.


  • Fixed a bug where shrines would spawn items in inaccessible areas in the Majelā€™ka Slums.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Reclamation Shrine displaying the visuals for its beam.
  • Fixed a bug where shrines could be placed on top of each other and other random encounters such as Nemesis in Temporal Sanctum in Online.
  • Fixed cases where shrines and Nemeses could spawn in inaccessible locations in the Ice Caverns.


  • Fixed an issue where the Bazaar menu could not be navigated when using a controller.
  • Fixed a controller targeting issue when using Terrify.
  • Fixed a controller navigation issue where you cannot navigate down from the second specialized skill in the skill slot.
  • Fixed an issue where abilities couldnā€™t be used with a controller after navigating the action bar.
  • Fixed several issues with controller navigation of the Passive Tree panel.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented reaching the Party panel when using a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where the prompt for additional information in Skill Nodes in Skill Trees wouldnā€™t change when using a controller.
  • Fixed a gamepad-related crash that could occur while opening the radial menu.
  • Improved controller navigation of the Stash menu. Pressing Y/Triangle while hovering over a tab in the Stash menu now opens the configuration window for that tab.
  • Fixed a controller issue where the screen keyboard showed incorrect icons, and also adjusted the size of the screen keyboard keys.


  • Changed the Dungeon Key & Tier Selection UI so that it no longer shows for everyone in a party, preventing confusion about whether everyone in a party had to expend a dungeon key.
  • Items duplicated via Rune of Creation or Lightless Arbor now properly show their mirrored images in the Bazaar UI.
  • Fixed Class Masteriesā€™ descriptions appearing squished and made UI scaling improvements.
  • Fixed a UI scaling issue that could lead to the minimap appearing to move outside of its frame.
  • Fixed a bug with the Loot Filter rule UI where the color picker would sometimes be visible for ā€œshowā€ rules.
  • Fixed a bug where the Observatory reroll constellation button could not be interacted with in some circumstances.
  • Updated confirmation popup for selecting a Mastery to make it clear which Mastery you are selecting.
  • Fixed the Mastery selection panel for Acolyte showing the old icon for Reaper Form.
  • Fixed the Mastery selection panel and the Passive Tree side banner showing the old icon for Forge Strike.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking Empower on a Nemesis panel would reopen it.
  • Improved item tooltip interaction behaviour.
    • CTRL then ALT shows ranges with comparison, while ALT then CTRL shows ranges without comparison.
  • Fixed an issue with the close button access in tutorial tooltips where the visual button did not line up with the actual area that could be interacted with.


  • Made performance improvements to the Character Select screen and several in-game scenes.
  • Added further performance improvements related to opening the Stash.

Love the bug fixes! Thank you for taking action on these, many were very frustrating.

Thank you also for the Lizard changes, I really like understanding what they are keyed to drop and now you have given us a couple of those so weā€™re not just guessing.

Thank you! Great update for this tooltip interaction. If I want to compare I want to be able to but donā€™t want it showing up every single time.

Keep up the great work!


no fix for cursor disappearing?

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I didnā€™t know that was an issue. Is the cursor actually disappearing or are you losing it in the action when fighting (just not visible enough)? I know I lose it sometimes when fighting a lot of mobs.

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Kermodeā€™s Cage keeping brown fur instead of changing it to white fur still not fixed 4 months laterā€¦

Still not working on my end!

The issue for me has been occuring when I would Alt+Tab and move back to the game. My cursor would disappear and become locked under my character. Would have to alt+f4 to fix.

At first using full screen over windowed (full screen) would fix the issue but then that stopped working as well. Iā€™ve been able to make it playable by unlocking the cursor from the game screen but if I need to use my browser for anything it would be a restart about 70% of the time.

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Merchants guild didnā€™t need buffs to favor costs, it is extremely good to begin with. Also we have huge issues with almost all listed items being 0 gold, thus eliminating most of the reason for selling to begin with, there needs to be a minimum price.

Please make the ā€œRareā€ items in Prophecy scale with player level or story progress. Iā€™m not saying to remove it completely as I understand new players or early play-through might struggle with finding equipment that they can equip within their character level. But at least make it completely doesnā€™t appear anymore at certain levels (maybe at Lv60+) where most players are already using exalted.

Also Loot Lizards still feel like it appears a lot. Iā€™ve had many runs where like I get 3-4 of them in one run and keeps appearing one after another. Not that I hate free loot, it just feels like it has lost some of its value due to how often they appear. It kind of overshadowed treasure troves too which feels like has far inferior loot now. Before, I get this dopamine rush when I see ā€œruneā€ chests as Iā€™ve been farming Rune of Ascendance. Now, nothing, since lizards drop them a lot.

How long did you wait? I know that I Alt+Tab sometimes and it goes to a Windowed view even though I use Full Screen. I have to hit O (options) and change to Windowed and then back and save that and it fixed it for me. I know the games hangs sometimes when doing something ā€œWindows-likeā€ is why I ask.

Iā€™ve waited about 3 minutes the first time. I canā€™t even select anything in the options menu. My cursor is completely locked under my avatar. I can see the move here animation clicking on the ground by them but i canā€™t move my cursor anywhere.

I have never seen this bug before. Now that it is supposedly fixed I ran into it during the second Age of Winter quest echo where you fight Grael in the docks area.

This was a tough one but the team did recently figure out the cause!

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I honestly think they need a currency system, similar to that of PoE / D2 to be able to handle an economy properly - gold just isnā€™t going to do it, specially when the playerbase becomes so low as it does after a month or so.
I have no incentive to sell my items, if i get gold of out it when i already might have way more than i need.
Instead they should make some kind of currency, that could perhaps go along with crafting, take affixes out and store, or secure a roll or something in that direction, less rng++ - and then those should be the go to trade currency. Atleast i think that would be a step in the right direction.

If they do that then they may as well change shards entirely - I really think that several dozen shards dropping on the ground, where only one is useful(but you do not know it because you already clicked it) is not good for the game. And it would be odd for items to be priced in individual shards with the way shards are now.

I would prefer if the affix shards were not for individual affixes but for groups of affixes, it would make individual shards more interesting on drop and would actually turn rarer shards into chase items instead of just something you happened to pick up without knowing it.

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My idea was more like the ā€œrunesā€ like very rare runes you could use for crafting, but that would also become some kind of currency because of the power and rarirty.

But yeah i honestly hope they remove the shards entirely from my screen, they are an annoyance, and makes the game laggy.

But would also be a cool idea with what you said, i could see that working out aswell.

Of all maps Iā€™ve reported in my original post WITH VIDEOS, Iā€™ve only seen Festering Sewers got an improvement. Itā€™s still crap in many maps/areas and it didnā€™t really fix the problem when youā€™re hovering your mouse in empty spaces/gaps like the one in Soulfire Bastion where your character just stops moving. Of course this is with when using Warpath.


  • ENTIRE Soulfire Bastion
  • ALL stairs in Snowbound City and Imperial Metropolis (and most likely other variant of the map in different era/timeline)
  • Devoured Armory
  • ALL ramps in The Gates of Solarum
  • ALL ramps in Temporal Sanctum
  • Traversal skill issue (same with Warpath) on certain area in Lightless Pits and Rotting Fortress

I am really grateful for the fix, but Iā€™d like to know what was actually improved in this update that was stated ā€œacross a number of scenesā€, because Iā€™ve ran multiple echoes for couple of hours and tested these areas and only got 1 working map which was Festering Sewers and nothing else.