Last Epoch has the worst "pathing" in any game I have played (Warpath Edition)

Very nice report with those videos, upvoted. I also suffer from it on other skills.
It’s like it targets obstacles between your mouse and the ground and tries to target the place, where obstacle would be. Like many corridor echo maps. It tries to target at the ceiling, which is invisible to us.
There could be some trick to it in the game engine to automatically make things transparent and not showing. It could also be done on map design, every map carefully studied and reworked not to have those things obscuring our vision and targeting.

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Bro I can feel your pain :smiley: played a lot of warpath in 1.0, was worse, belive me :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
BUFF WARPATH THO :stuck_out_tongue:

I played for like 2 hours but somehow the other maps just didn’t show up, only Festering Sewers. Videos of me switching back and forth with M&KB controller. Somehow it’s fine traversing in these spots using a controller but starts to go retarded when using M&KB.


I did just now. Thanks for reminding me.

Un-fun fact, there’s no Vitality scaling for Warpath once you’ve converted it to void with Apocalypse Whirl node as I mentioned from previous post. And I feel like Warpath is the most point-hungry skill in the game despite not having 6-7-point nodes which is common on OUTDATED SKILLS LIKE MARROW SHARDS COUGH* and many more. (Sorry EHG, you really missed your best chance to update this skill since Warlock release in 1.0 and you even included this as part of Ghost Flame tree. Having a very outdated skill as part of new skill just ain’t feel right).

Sorry I slightly went off topic there. I also love some Warpath buff :slight_smile:

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Elemental Nova wants to have a word with you :smiley:

LOL :slight_smile: But EHG got a “fix” for that. Say hello to Crest of Unity and Unstable Core.

True. I think I have pushed it to lvl 41 in LE tools.

You beat me to it! Thank you for making this.

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More proof.

Tmprol snctom

As usual works fine on controller…

↑ The same area I was using with Transplant skill from previous video. But using Void Cleave this time using both controller and mouse+keyboard.

And more proof, I’ll just include it here in the reply. lol

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As someone who uses Lunge a lot I feel your pain. Half the time I either can’t go where I want due to terrain and the other I get stuck mid lunge. It’s enough to want to strangle someone.

Casters really have it easy with teleport and transplant

Even more proof.

Thank you very much for putting together these great clips! Pathing issues like these need to be addressed on a case by case basis, so having videos of where exactly it’s happening is perfect. I’ve passed this along to the team for these areas to be addressed.


I hope this gets resolved quickly. The clip sharing platform I use only keeps these clips temporarily, maybe around 3-4 months before the URL for these expires. But I do still have the original video recording saved in my PC. I just don’t want to use youtube to upload stuff because of personal reasons.

And I’d like to add more:

Hi user38,

We addressed a bunch of these internally recently, but I did take a look at a couple that I missed during my pass of pathing problems. I was able to reproduce all but the one in the The Frozen Fortress internally. I did notice we made some adjustments to this zone so I’m hoping that is why I am not seeing the same results as you are. If this is not the case and you are experiencing the same problems after we pushed out our resolution to these problems, please let us know.

Thank for bringing this up to us and take care!


I know it’s part of the dev team’s job to fix this but I want to express my gratitude for taking your time testing and fixing this. Hopefully, the weird “slowed down” movement gets fixed too when walking near obstacles as if the character is trying to squeeze through as I have provided in my sample videos above.

I will test the areas you fixed too as I play when I get these maps in monolith. And I will continue to update this thread if I find more areas that needs fixing with Warpath skill. Thank you very much.

After playing for a couple of hours. Sad to say that most of the ones I’ve reported still got issues. I also want to clarify that these are 3 (THREE) different cases. One for Warpath pathing. Two for Background/Obstacles messing up with targeting of traversal skills. And three, the grazing of character when moving near objects/obstacles.

Yes, my game is patched to the latest version you released today. Here are more samples:

Pretty much ALL stairs in Snowbound City (I’m guessing it’s the same with its different versions or whatever the map is called in different era/timeline).

While nothing has been fixed in Devoured Armory:

ALL ramps in Gates of Solarum are messed up:

And this ramp in Temporal Sanctum:

↑ While still about Warpath, unlike the other issue, this one is more on where the character just completely stops if the mouse/cursor is hovered over empty spaces/gaps in the map. The pathing in general should be “corrected” by the game/engine or whatever is responsible for this thing to move the player on movable spaces even their cursor is pointing on something without any floor or ground.

↑ Cursor is pointed on the gap. Instead of the game telling the engine “you can’t go there, therefore you must be stopped”. It should correct the pathing instead to the nearest-available path.

This is very problematic on areas like this one (Soulfire Bastion) as there are so many gaps between spaces.

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↑ I haven’t really found other areas yet aside from these two but I think it goes in the same category as “pathing”. This is when using traversal skills on some areas with arch or some large whatever on top that covers the ground behind it.

↑ And lastly, the “grazing” issue overall which I think also related to “pathing”. I’ve posted this before but here it is again just to keep better track on things.

↑ A little bit extra but I’d like to add it here. Why bone wall is SOOOOOOOOO inconsistent when it comes to deciding if players can phase through it. Sometimes it keeps happening even there’s no more bone wall exists where my character just kind of bounces back. I’ve had this problem during combat.

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Yes, other variant of Snowbound City shares the same problem. Here’s example for Imperial Metropolis:

I am not going to record all spots as I’ve already covered in Snowbound City as I’ve already sent a lot of samples. Also, it’s too much work for me.

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