Last Epoch Patch 1.1.2 Patch Notes

Ugh, this will probably brick my build since I don’t have -5 mana cost rings (and playing COF). Already stacking a massive amount of mana regen and barely getting by. Now you’re bricking my build. Not fun.

Your “fix bugs mid-league and brick builds that people don’t even know are bugged” has got to be the stupidest decision around as you just hemorrhage players.



A little sad to see a form of unique target farming removed (Nemesis encounters capped per area level). Loved Mephisto grinding in D2 and this reminded me of that.

That aside, appreciate the abundance of fixes this close behind the very excellent 1.1!!! Well done team :slight_smile:

Here’s one.

Who is this illusionary “we” of whom you speak? They have fixed a number of issues, kudos to them. They are fixing a number more, so they’re working hard at improving the game - that is what matters to me.

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Here, Harbingers of Ruin: Quality of Life & More

What do you mean? Unique target farming during campaign? Did you miss the part it says this happens only during campaign?

This is a response for the feedback that there was no reasoning behind Nemesis, during campaign, offering items that are gated behind much higher level areas.

Item bases follow area level rules, but if affixes roll high they can spike up the level requirement.
Thanks for this EHG clean red rings starting from 1B, thanks for fair bazaar.


Exactly :slight_smile: Say I want a pair of +2 Phantom Grip rings. I could go to an area level 14 zone to limit the number of available uniques and essentially guarantee I could eventually get them if I grind enough Nemesis.

WHEN will the BUG with IMMORTALITY of monolith bosses be fixed?

And you can still farm them the same way. What they stopped (are at least are trying to stop) is someone getting a Nemesis in monos, getting a high level item, and then going to a low level campaign area to get farm Nemesis for that high level item. Lowering their risk of dying trying to beat the Nemesis for that item.

This doesn’t affect you in the campaign at all.

any fps drops after patch?

thats not how it should work. if item has 50% chance to drop there will be 3 events (rolls) with rank 10 cof. 50% 50% 25% each time you kill boss. so you can get up to 3 items per run. (but is is bugged currently and we are not getting extra chances for dungeons bosses)

Are you sure? Reading this, to me it seems like I’m limited to 4 Nemesis encounters per area level.

anyone else not getting the patch to download?

Really hoping to see some more substantial changes next patch, EHG.

QoL and Game Systems aside:

Dungeons are simply not functional. Is EHG aware of this? I was really disappointed to see that 1.1 didn’t address loading screen crashes between dungeon floors. It’s not like 10% of the time guys. 50% of dungeons I attempt are ended by an infinite loading screen while changing floors. (Little icon still spinning, so the game is not frozen)

I was going to list some problems but honestly nothing comes close to the dungeon problems. Guys, dungeons literally don’t work. Do you need more devs? This should have been at the top of the list for 1.1.

Me and my friends aren’t gonna stick around for many more seasons with problems like this going unaddressed.

Restart steam.

did it couple times, not helped

Hi EHG, can we get a QoL improvement for the opening/closing of the Crafting Menu. Currently the behavior is that if you open Crafting, it opens that menu + inventory menu. But if you close the Crafting menu, the inventory does not close, necessitating two clicks/buttons instead of one. This behavior should ideally factor in which button you used to open or close these menus, subsequently closing both menus with the Crafting key, since you opened both with said key. Any chance we can see that?

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