Time to improve the bazaar

Third day into the cycle and I’m already thinking about switching to CoF to not deal with the bazaar crap. Using it wastes too much time. It could be fixed with simple UI improvements, yet there were no bazaar changes in 1.1 (MG rank changes feels the same as before).

Here what I’d like to have:

  1. Item roll filters, including uniques, but especially for idols. For example try to search for something with more than 2 rolls, like double health idols or phantom grip. Manually searching for the good roll is a time sink. Browsing more expensive items doesn’t guarantee you’ll see the best rolls.
  2. Easier price checking. I’ve already proposed a good way to that many times, just take inspiration from awakened POE trade. Make a UI, accessible from the bazaar (even better from everywhere), where you can put an item, and click on base/name/LP/affix/whatever, set the minimum roll, and search for the filtered items on the bazaar. Ideally add a price textbox and a button to sell it immediately, why we have to use THREE separate windows to sell one item? And please make a unique item filter, cause that makes the pricechecking problem and overall gameplay experience worse.
  3. Better searching. You’ve added possibility to add many affixes to the loot filter, now add them to the bazaar. Searching for exalted items with more than two affixes feels bad.
  4. Idol base selector. Different idol bases share the same affixes, especially general idols. Searching for some of them is so time consuming, that I just gave up. Try looking for the shared physical damage small idol with a good roll, there are dozens of pages, most of the idols are the wrong base, and the most from the remaining have bad rolls.

Dear EHG, maybe you don’t know, but players learned to deal with those problems in an unintended way by bulk selling items without even looking at the mods (example). With time more players discover that meta strategy, and with time it will make bazaar unusable. Idol and exalted market is flooded with mispriced items, inconvenient filters make searching even harder. All these problem stack with each other, making players waste exponentially higher amounts of time at the bazaar.

I feel, that devs don’t respect MG players and just want them to spend as much time in game as possible. Cause I don’t have another explanation, why there were no bazaar updates in 1.1. In 1.0 it was a new thing, you had a lot of feedback and yet didn’t fix anything


Bazaar interface and search improvements will be coming soon within this cycle. They confirmed this already prior to the release of this patch

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Yeah, I’m waiting on that. Started and tested the mechanic shortly, had some stuff to sell… went right away ‘nah thanks, I’m good for now’ :stuck_out_tongue:
No need to interact with something that’s frustrating, I’ll simply wait until they fix it since it’s announced anyway.

I forgot :crazy_face: