Last Epoch Patch 1.1.2 Patch Notes

well chest is just 12%. and helmet is 50. its just rng. but anyway. waiting for rank 10 cof fix. i would like to get 2-3 rings per julra run and almost garanteed helmet from lightless.

thanks for the falcon fixes. I had to change my stuff around to ones that worked. hopefully I can remember how it was before haha :wink:

Guarantee nemesis spawn in every monolith map, and show where it is from anywhere on a monolith map, this is the cycle “bonus” why make it annoying to find.
Nerfing it’s spawn chances on low level maps instead of understanding why people would farm it that way is ignoring the issues it has.

i know the chances, its just everything seems to be dropping at lower rates, but there’s always the possibility that i am just that unlucky of course

Thank you guys, great to see a lot of bugs being fixed as soon as possible.

Am most glad that you have fixed the situation with Nemesis as we players were obviously abusing that mechanic. Now it seems to make much more sense :slight_smile:

Awesome work, appreciate much.

I agree too…very annoying…

ehh really ? I wonder when the economy and the gold and faction levels in the game will be fixed in the off-season

just want to see how many titles i have


Nemesis are, by no means, a cycle mechanic… They’re a core mechanic that has been added to the game and will likely be present in all next cycles, in which they’ll be adding even more core mechanics before they even begin to tackle the whole Cycle Exclusive mechanic aspect of an aRPG.
So there’s no way they’ll make Nemesis guaranteed in every map, same as there are not Exile Mages, nor chests in every map. Just so you know…


We wanted

Dungeon crashes often fix
FPS drops off randomly fix

We got… 79 fixes other then those 2?

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Thank you very much for the effort
Please give more love to the item finder in the merchants’ guild.


MG econ is 1000% bricked.We won’t be getting rollback i realise that but players need some form of reimbursement,the many should not be punished for the crimes of the few.What I and many others have suggested is free transfer to COF while keeping favor+rep,if you wanna be even more generous let us keep our items(though that would help the dupers too,maybe put a limit of LP1/2 i doubt most would mind).


Ayyy, skill bar for Lich is fixed. Let’s go!

Noice job boys, keep it up

Imagine not playing HCssf btw

Is it live right now ?

you are literally the 1% most people dont enjoy “tryhardmode” for the hell of it,i play games to relax.

I went COF last cycle wanted to try MG this time around more fool me i guess.

I was here

Every cycle thing added is going standard, devs have already said that. So that isnt a reason not to have more of it. When its introduced as a cycle feature, we should see it way more often and possibly every echo. Just because someone offers an opinion different than yours doesnt make it a bad one. Just so you know…