Last Epoch Patch 1.0.7 Notes

Give me Back global Chat please. Not working since Last update. Repair ing/reinstalling didnt Work.

Plox = plx = plz = please

FIX wraith summoning!

Blade Dancer has some bugs and only shadow daggers looks to be good after 500 Corruption.

I like dancing strikes skills, I ve created 2-3 builds with it however I believe that even perfected the build I will be at 600 corruption with cost. In other hand low budget build from other classes hit 1000


Need to fix the bug with warlock’s skill tree : Aspect of death. It doesn’t proc the %increased damage per negative ailment on you. It’s a big nerf for us :cry:

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Could you also be so kind to fix the issue where Frey’s Retreat breaks all frost wall passives? Especially the ones on pass through the wall. Not fun having the entire passive tree i skilled become useless like that.
And maybe make it possible to maintain mana on cold damage frost claw. The Frozen Reign node provides too little mana saved compared to the efficiency mana node after the damage conversion. How can a cold skill get better once it loses its cold type, wtf?

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Still waiting for the patch that lets me get past the character select screen! (LE-65)
It’s been a month now… :frowning:

Total nonsense

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Cannot get into dungeons, cannot get into monolith, cant do anything due to LE65… anyone would think this was a free to play game given the issues, but we paid for this.


When are they actually gone to fix builds like some of the basic moves for primalist need to be reworked. Its annoying watching the npc can do inplace jump but FURY LEAP nope take yourself to the other group. It sucks assk in hc and its worth fixing.

Well, The devs said any build that reaches 300-350 corruption is a good build and any build that reaches above that is over performing either due to overlooked interactions or bugs so these builds u r talking about believe it or not are the true legit ethical builds :smiley: … like my melee detonating arrow trapper doing 150-200k rapid damage at level 70ish is normal ?! … my favorite skill in game is Dancing strikes and both shadow cascade or shadow dagger versions are amazing. and yes I wish Gladiator’s oath will be buffed or something next cycle to enable dancing strikes to be viable as a stand alone build.

Am noticing today that holding ALT is now showing “Mod Explanations” And CTRL ALT is “Mod Ranges” wasn’t this yesterday and can’t seem to find a key bind to change it? Not seeing this in the notes either???

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Another patch and we still can’t search for items with Shred Armour on them in the Marketplace. This seems like the absolute simplest bug to fix?

Did you perhaps change your auto-compare setting, or did the patch change it maybe? I noticed in the past that toggling auto-compare would also flip the explanations vs ranges behavior.

Edit: it would seem that the behavior flip was probably unintended. Now that I’ve logged in, it looks like toggling auto-compare no longer flips the binds for explanations vs ranges; default is alt alone for explanations.

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its not that they wont fix it, its that they are keeping most changes/fixes for 1.1.

the bigger the list of changes/fixes they make now, means the smaller the list of 1.1 changes/fixes.

I see I found the tickets about this bug but it looks like it is still here, not sure why it popped up today but I can’t seem to get my game to go back to alt for ranges would be fine loosing the “explanations” all together don’t know what use they are.

flurry not benefiting from increased attack speed after patch

Need to be able to check Tiers and Ranges by just holding down ALT. Cant after the patch. I REALLY hope this change was unintentional and gets reverted

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no. this is steam doing that. my understanding is steam has to rebuild some files while downloading the patches. you can see this on other games as well.

the patch size is much smaller than that

300-400 yes is the target balance for good builds HOWEVER you left out part of what mike said.

going past this doesnt mean they have over looked something. what Mike said and was left out of your reply was this…

if builds are hitting 1k+ aka 4 digit corruption they have overlooked something. from that i would say even if a build can reach say 700-800 that still falls with in the good build balance of things. in this case imo that wouldnt be just a good build but meta