Last Epoch Patch 1.0.5 Notes

can we please get a frost claw fix for eg rtx 3080ti 1440p holds down frost claw ping on eu (im from south africa) 180 goes to 230 and in monos some of them the fps while holding frost claw can tank all the way down to 15 were the game looks like its stutter steping :frowning: the worst is death to nothing on a screen wait 5min on the death screen then the thing that kills you pops up and t bags ur corpse i have a friend in the uk plays on 30 ping same problem so i dont think its entirly ping also a visual slider on how skill effects look would be nice id like to dial down nova so that it doesnt look like a acid trip

The loot filter issue seem to be fixed with the very recent hot fix ‘’ i beleive

They didn’t state that they fixed that. Should they give you money to upgrade your GPU?..

Are you using a VPN? Temporarilly disabling it solved the loading screen bug for me. Hopefully they will fix it soon though.

still no lifebars in offline mode

Thanks for the patch, keep up the awesome work!

The loot filter sensitivity I believe is referring to the controller input where it shares the same button as open portal.

The duration of holding R3 to hide items was quite short. Idk how they could have possibly messed that up for non controller users.

No VPN, have had this issue since launch. However, it has gotten a slight bit better since then.

Finally. Now we just need to adjust the “armor” WW prophecy icon from a body armor icon to generic too. Even though there is no WW body armor, still confusing players since they just go by the icon and don’t read.

Fixed a bug where Soul Embers would persist after the dungeon was completed

this is not fixed try t4 5 run everytime its reset.

We released a fix for this in patch 1.0.3. Are you still experiencing this bug?

Storm totem will fail to target new minions that come in range after it has been summoned or moved via experimental traversal affixes (in which case it doesn’t target anything that wasn’t in its range upon initial cast). This seems to still be happening after the patch probably because it probably had nothing to do with grace periods, but it’s a bug that sort of destroys the all-in buffing on storm totem builds. I hope you all can find a way to fix this. I’ll try and post to bug forum too.

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Bug on shield rush still happening :frowning:

any update on when Artem’s Offer quest will get fixed?

Shred armour still MIA in the Bazaar.

Dudes really, loving you and the game but how can be THAT difficult to fix the health bar on character not appearing if playing offline?

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my stash…

Birds Aren’t Real

Fix When?

Acknowledgement when?

Why’s it so hard for anyone to be like “Hey sorry yeah we know it’s been on our radar for a while here’s what’s taking so long to figure out a fix for it. We are working on it. We’ll probably have an update within the next couple patches or at 1.1 at latest.” or something, anything.

Just deafening silence followed by the most random updates/fixes.

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Have you fixed the major gamebreaking bug that loses you stability in echoes io you goto the bazzar and come back after your stability has been reduced?

I have been loving seraph blade healing hands. I thought the scaling on cast speed was weird but didn’t realise it was a bug.

Unfortunately, I’ll have to regear but at least I wasn’t too deep on min/maxing. Hopefully this opens up some different options with weapons but it will mean losing cast speed on amulet and relic.

Good work on the bug fixes - hope to see this continue regularly.