Last Epoch Patch 1.0.3 Patch Notes

I played a lot of multiplayer, working fine.


It really seems like a joke when in the previous patch you broke the filter for searching unique items, and it’s still broken, and there’s still no affix shred armour on hit as there wasn’t from the beginning of the cycle. I’ve written about it five times everywhere: on Discord, in bug reports, on the forum, on Reddit, and by the way, I haven’t received any feedback at all


What does it mean that you do not have information on this error? I personally sent the report, video and file in logs! There are also many posts on this topic on the forum. I didn’t have such problems before patch 1.0.2
Hot topic FPS incredibly unstable after 1.0 patch - #155 by Seraa

Sadly, many RMT sellers use the credit cards of their buyers to purchase additional accounts, so it’s not fully effective if gold sellers do have active buyers. (As if anyone needed additional warnings not to RMT)


What is the issue, what doesn’t work?

you cant expect to get feedback for every message. 10k people reporting something and you expect a team of 50ish people to anwser every1? what? some things take more time, some things take less time. and because something is an important bug or case to you doesnt mean IT IS important. Gamebreaking bugs, server stability, performance, etc pp are much more important


It has been my experience that multiplayer works fine in the past week unless the people joining, have crap internet connections. What I don’t get is why someone’s awful internet connection causes my client to also have high latency. This is easily reproduced when zoning into the end of time vs zoning elsewhere.

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There’s still the bug of Traversal Rogue skill that cause the character to get stuck for the duration of the Traversal skill cooldown, i know you can unstuck by using another skill but not all of them works and i can only imagine how frustrating this bug is in hardcore and how many died because of it. Please fix this annoying bug, thanks.

I only mean that I do not personally have the information on hand, not that our team doesn’t have the information of the report. While I wish I had the time to read every bug report and keep up to date on the status of every bug being processed at all times, I am only a human.


How many tickets can your system handle? I have a lot to say about this topic :wink:

Been playing multiplayer mono’s with my friend the last 2 weeks atleast 50+ hours, we haven’t had a single problem?.

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I don’t know the thought process of those who buy gold especially in Last Epoch. Like why??? Guess they just simply got money to burn. Anyways thanks for the info.

Edit: But it made me think. They spend 20USD on a game, just to get banned instantly and they do it a LOT. They must be earning a lot too from selling gold in LE. Well, I don’t feel bad if those buyer’s credit card info gets stolen through the process, they deserve it.


the price is not changed! Still takes the old price for stashes!!!

Any plans for a faction balance pass? You’ve dinged CoF a number of times because of MG players (streamers) abusing it and you’ve no problem quickly dinging bugs that might benefit CoF.

The result, of course, is that MG is better and we get gold spam bots to take advantage of that.

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Any updates on adding the shred armour affix in the bazaar? It currently isn’t showing up on the affix filters for any of the items.


Spine of Malatros is back on the menu, folks! W patchnotes.

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Then why are streamers doing multiplayer monoliths?

I hope that the issue that has been present since the beginning of the cycle will be fixed, or at least what has been broken will be repaired. What do you think my reaction should be when I have to scroll through about 100 pages just to find the item I need, and the developers neither fixed nor are fixing the problem?

Time is money.

No idea what the price for gold is, but say $10 to be able to buy some of the best items you want VS spending hours/days farming them.

Now of course this is an ARPG where farming items is one of the main point, but I’m sure plenty of people just want to be OP and have the best gear possible.

Thank you guys, awsome patchnotes. Whats wrong with Infernal Shade? Iam using it, cant figure out whats wrong.