Last Epoch Patch 1.0.3 Patch Notes

Hello, when will we get an auto-cast function ingame? Thanks and keep it up!

Search for Last Epoch Numllock Trick. there are several videos on how to autocast skills in LE.

Already using that but not with keyboard because i don’t have a Numpad on my keyboard, i am using with a mouse macro but it’s buggy sometimes. I want an ingame option. Thanks for the reply tho.

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When I am in a shop tab, forge, stash or inventory if I click an item it often makes my character move to where I clicked, rather than selecting the item.

Thanks for all your hard work


Here I was wondering why my stash has so many exalteds I could use on my MG characters.

Are you kidding? There’s still no affix “shred armour on hit” in the auction search, and the filter for unique items is still broken.


I miss my trunks that they promised to return!

We 100% want to add an in-game report feature and it’s high on the list to be added. However, this wouldn’t work for gold sellers. They already get banned about as fast as they come in (I spend many an hour after work just watching chat logs banning gold sellers to try to reduce their effect). We need more automated solutions, and are working on it.

Having an automatic mute/ban after a certain number of reports is also extremely abusable. It has already been abused in other games where groups of friends will all report someone legitimate together just to silence them or get them banned because they don’t like them.


I am now not dead inside.


Where are the optimization improvements? Where is the fix for the FPS drop when you move the mouse cursor over items?
Why is this problem ignored???


That’s not something that would be implemented in a patch anyways so you won’t ever see those in a patch note.

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What about Infernal Shade is currently bugged?

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The price for STASHES is bugged!!

Reduced the frequency of the Falcon’s CAWWWWs (attack vocal sounds)

sad falcon noises


Hi, I know nothing about how these works to be honest, but I am just curious how do we even have this much bot gold sellers. Doesn’t one need to own a copy of the game, make a character and then probably automate that same character to do the chat spam. Won’t banning the account the most effective?

And I don’t see the benefit of buying the game on a different steam account, pray to not get banned and repeat the process. Again, this might not be how it works, so I don’t know.

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they literally write the following in the last sentence in this post:
“We will be releasing a bugfix for Infernal Shade in a hotfix later this week”

Lags and staters, fps drop when hovering over items. I have the same problems, if I knew that such lags will be, I would have requested a refund. But they manifested themselves after the middle of the acts when I played more than 2 hours in the game.

i5 9400f + RTX2070S + 32GB RAM.


I don’t have information on hand about this particular bug, however some potential reasons a bug may not be fixed in a particular patch:

  • We cannot reproduce the bug internally meaning it has a much longer investigation time
  • The fix is very complicated, requiring a larger amount of dev time
  • The bug’s overall impact (severity and/or number of affected users) is less than others with the same demands for resources
  • The fix may be reliant on another system or fix being completed
  • The fix touches either a large number of systems, or critical systems requiring more QA
  • There’s only so many hours between the QA, production, and release management teams to process bugs

Just because it’s not fixed doesn’t mean it’s ignored, we’re aware of it and on it!


Спасибо вы Лучшие !)

Kind of a bummer, no compensation for people who already owned a large number of stash tabs. :frowning: Thanks for updates, though!