Last Epoch Hotfix


  • Fixed an exploit related to gold generation

so sad it’s too late :smiley:


oh well, what else can u do? :frowning:

Could Either they had a hard time finding it in the code. Or this stuff just takes time. Could be anything really. TIme to wipe everyone’s gold

Glad it was caught this late in the cycle i hope anyone who used it gets perma banned

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it’s too late. i saw this said they provided multiple reported, designers don’t care and no reply and they exposed bugs to everybody it has been a long time .maybe 10-20 days ,how to save this ? Illegal gold coins have been circulating in the market since a long time ago


Ok but now what? MG is dead this cycle. What’s the plan with this cycle?


Nice launch. GZ

Shame about the bug and bad actors ruining everyone’s experience, I hope we see some retaliation based on any logs that EHG has.

Thanks for the quick fix during a holiday weekend, have a happy Easter all.

Quick? Sarcasm?

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It’s a holiday weekend.

it’s been here since launch

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Source of the report? The launch day report of this method? I literally just heard about it.

I understand the frustration and the economy will repair itself over time but people often forget the human element behind running a game.

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It was introduced in the last patch then, if that makes you happy.

I mean I’m CoF and not married to the game, I’m chilling. Slinging insults, personal attacks etc at the devs and company and game does nothing productive.

EHG has been more communicative than many companies I’ve dealt with over my long gaming career and I’m sure we’ll see a post mortem and plans moving forward this week. AFTER the holiday weekend, time that should be spent with your family.

The constant bashing will only cause the communication to cease altogether.


This has nothing to do with an exploit that generates a server side currency, sorry.
Gold generation and duping is something you should take care of when coding a online game with an economy.
The fact that this has been fixed only because the method was leaked online publicly is a shame because the flow of gold in the market was evidently rigged by long time and the intervention was too late. I just hope that they are logging this activities and ban the lamers.


That’s exactly my stance as well, apologies if that was unclear. I want to see the bad actors made an example of, but that also depends on the logs and data EHG has on their end in order to ensure that any bans are well targeted.

The economy will repair itself over time, there’s over 2 months left in the cycle, I don’t know what can be done in terms of a gold reset or anything else such as a patch revert etc.

But, given their track record, I’m confident we’ll hear more this week and I look forward to their response on the matter. Although I’m CoF I’ve been very involved in other game economies so I get the feeling of invalidation at the moment for MG players, I’m empathetic towards both them and EHG.

People forget this is a passion project by a team of 90 or less (20 or less for much of its early development), fully remote, why are we making it out to seem like some cash grab? I’ve gotten over 300 hours out of a game I paid $35 for 3 years ago now.

If I value my time for entertainment in a game at $1-2 per hour (a subjective value but still), I’m well over that with future cycles for FREE (supporter pack purchases and MTX is optional, there will never be pay to win in the game) every 3-4 months, every year, for as long as the game is good. This is their first cycle and first launch ever as a studio, idk, maybe I’m taking crazy pills or just getting old and complacent lol.


How do they fix something if they don’t know the problem or fix for it?

You honestly think they wouldn’t hotfix this sooner if they know? If it was happening since whenever and you are aware of it, where is the tips to help developers ??

From what I am reading and logged in to check, It was only widely abused and exploited this morning that every LP 3 and 4 Item was sold out and everything else was 1.5BIL.

I’ve quit about a week ago and when I was still playing, check and play market daily, there were not much 1.5 bil items listed or sold.

IMO, a rollback to the very least, yesterday, should be done. More if they possibly suspect anything else. As for banning, if they can pinpoint who exploited and use it, yes, ban them for sure.

Interesting to think that they can ban people for logs they clearly were not keeping of such activities :thinking:

As much as I don’t think it’s possible, i don’t exclude any benefit of doubt… Maybe they can see who inccured into the negative of gold in inventory since it was done through programs to change it??

One thing they can do is pinpoint people that bought multiple items in a short period totaling over the the max cap gold threshold? I believe the there is a > 3 bil threshold? If anyone were to use the market and purchase item’s over that total amount in a short period, it’s a obvious flag.