Last Epoch Hotfix Notes

You guys created this hell yourself.

Hello I can´t enter the game. This is the error that show me: LE-52 what happen with?

Run arenas or sell them
The same thing you did with them before.

Bug fixing isnt nerfing.

They fixed a bug they didnt nerf profane veil

Please learn what the difference is.


I hope there is a way to bring a working solid and fun economy in the future… Services such as power leveling and a working economy for trading is a big part of massive arpgs hence why D2 was so successful and opened up the era for ARPGS… All games will eventually hit a wall and just be repetitive but there has to something that makes it addicting and rewarding and even finding that 3 or 4 LP item outside of CoF doesnt give you that feeling.

Is this thread invisible @EHG_Kain ?

While I haven’t always agreed with the changes EHG makes I honestly do appreciate the communication you guys put forth an seeing that the team is willing to learn and adjust is reason enough for me (as well as many others) to stick around and watch this game grow.

I don’t mean to pick on you in any way. But hearing things like this just makes me think people would rather be happier playing D2 or something for all of eternity.

The game is really underwhelming and is yet another entry into this genre that continues to do the things that have been done for decades. There were a few instances where I was understanding the mechanics that make this game different. And at the end of the day all it is doing is shifting problems / numbers from one side of the abacus to the other. QOL ? sure that’s nice, but what about doing something new for the genre.

If this continues like this, the game will be unable to stand out and just be something people play between seasons of D4 / POE1/2 . And there are many here who actually want exactly that.

Which is disheartening to say the least. I’m not a fan of dark souls but with POE2 taking much inspiration from that game I can say with certainty that at least its doing something with the genre albeit severely uninspired.

NRFTW taking a similar approach with more emphasis on the dark souls part. I’m not sure if its investors limiting creativity or the creatives limiting themselves. Apparently the community pushed EHG to add a trade market to this game, And if that’s true then this has no hope of ever being something original, It will likely remain an uninspired grim dark clone of a series of other games, helplessly mimicking its competition.

Hopefully there are some of you here who are capable of doing something. Best of luck.

I’m still mad about the keys, and nerfs that don’t aim to balance but rather impede.

There’s no current alternative to focus gold farming like there was when you could exchange keys to gold at a reasonable rate. MG has ample generation, but CoF lacks in both experience rate AND gold rate, without mentioning the gear progression rate MG affords…

Where’s that balance conversation? When will we see a player survey about an overwhelming push for us all to play MG? WHEN WILL OFFLINE PLAYERS GET THEIR HEALTH BARS?

Prof. Veil - good stuff. Key nerf, tome nerf, all these anti-player actions though…? Come on.

okay but are the 50+ (likely more) skill/node/passive bugs going to be fixed anytime soon?

changing the key sell gold is only a negative impact, when there are massively glaring issues in the game. the extra gold from the keys was nice because it allowed to more easily switch off a bad skill/bug interaction.
same deal with the glyph, although i personally never found a need to spam the glyphs.
while i guess it’s fine, i just think there are other things that time should be used on.

put simply, there are other FAR FAR more pressing concerns that have been around well before 1.0, that 100% have been reported (many times) that are still not addressed.

i can’t even trust the text in the game anymore because like 20% of the time it’s simply incorrect, this includes the values and the behavior described by the text (skills/passives).

i like the communication but i just fail to see the reason to spend time on these changes. i get that they where something you thought of before but again there are skills in this game that hit like a wet noodle and can’t even do 100 corruption at a reasonable rate. then there are skills that do 5-10 MILLION damage per second (“cough” Jelkhor’s Blast Knife “cough”), hit the entire screen and you can fly at the speed of light because defenses mean noting and the gear is far from perfect. it isn’t a small crack on the ground that can be addressed at a later time, no the gap is more like the distance from Earth to the Sun. it’s astonishing how big it is.

to be clear, i don’t want the reasoning for the weird priority, i just want the skills/passives to be the priority. they have been neglected in favor of getting multiplayer working and then 1.0 launch. they need to be fixed.
i mean maybe that’s what happening? i wouldn’t know, i hope it’s happening.

oh and i can’t teleport to other players inside of the echo anymore, this happened a few patches ago…it wasn’t a listed change, it should 100% be fixed/reverted as well or at least talked about…


A friend of mine still keeps crashing when is this going to be fixed? He has not been able to play for 3 weeks!

Can we please get a fix for friendslists being bugged showing friends offline… when they arent… only been a bug for a year + now with zero attempts at all to fix… in a multiplayer game…

There is none. You nerf player power you nerf player power. I didn’t mistakenly write the code or the tooltip. It’s like saying we are to blame for selecting something the performs well within the game. This “bug” made your character more tanky. They nerfed the skill profane veil. MY character cannot come close to it’s past potential. They are huring us as players instead of fixing the real issues THEY have with the systems. Bro EVERYTHING is bugged. Most of it is just not OVERPERFOMING while being bugged…

Pretty poor design choice imo.

I think you should revert keys to their full gold value , since arena keys are next to useless and you are FORCED to take these echos to path to wherever you want to go.

If you don’t want them to be a gold farming method, get rid of the prophecy.

If there is like a random bunch of players that only play arena … they should honestly have enough keys already , if not just make them tradeable for both factions or something

we are waiting so long for this tiny patch

While I agree that Arena Keys gold farming as it was may be unbalanced to a certain point, the problem is that there are far more problems than that.

Arena Echo key rewards are now meaningless and MG vs CoF progression with the added XP tome nerf continues and the problem that comes with the factions being swappable and stash tabs not being locked to each faction, you are nerfing stuff while giving nothing in return that is always a loss if it wasnt a bug.
There are also far more skills with bugs than only profanity veil and this is the problem with the way I think you are doing things, you can’t only bugfix one class or build if you want to do it mid cycle you have to at least be able to acknowledge all the priority bugs there are and people have pointed that they have reported them, something is missing here that I can’t grasp.

Glyph of Despair reversion is a good choice though.

Thank you for all the hard work.

Could lowering the number of Key echoes that appear in a Mono not help with your problem?
I don’t know if many people like to do arena and feel like they’re running low on keys, so just drop their chance of appearing by 50%-ish and the other echo rewards that exist get raised evenly to fill the space.

There is no mid cycle balance, there is only bug fixes. Cycle balance is cycle balane, so balance would happen every 3-4 month. If that is hard to understand, i would suggest going back to school.

Great work, as always

Take key rewards out of monoliths, they are no longer rewards, just reminders of what many of us wasted time farming, just to be cut off at the knees without communication.

3 weeks into launch key prices are changed, but was overlooked for years prior to launch.