Last Epoch Hotfix Notes

Can confirm, the issue is fixed.

Here’s what you need to do if you are still experiencing the “cannot do the 800+ stab boss” issue:

  1. Exit the game completely
  2. Apply the small update through the Steam
  3. In case Steam does not suggest you any updates - restart Steam completely (not just Alt-F4 the window, it goes into tray that way). After rebooting Steam from scratch it WILL provide you with an update
  4. Apply the update and get back to the farm.

I have tried all of the above yet still cannot enter boss echo. :frowning: The fix might have helped some, but certainly not all players. I’ve been checking for the last 15-20ish minutes now. :frowning:

Strangely for me some bosses can be accessed without completing the optional echoes but some I must complete the echoes.

:musical_note:99 bugs on the wall, take one down, patch it around, 10976 bugs on the wall.:musical_note:

Any news about the bug that gives the wrong prophecy? I spend like hours trying to farm favor plus the headache of spending like half of my favor just on rerolls just to get the wrong prophecy when I finally found the weapon I was looking for in the prophecy window. It’s driving me crazy.

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So they break dungeon bosses, need a survey to decide whether or not they fix major class bugs, now they break empowered timeline bosses? is out, no patch notes tho… Try again, maybe this fixes the problem.

still no player health bar fix for offline characters? …

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i hope you fix the chat bug very soon! it does change the channel like from Group chat to Global anytime you switch the zone. this is terrible !
happend some time that i had a private talk with a friend and posted it in global chat because i did not listen on the channel after zone change!

Still having this crash every 10 minutes:

since 1.0.3.

There is this dragon mini boss in one Quest Echo that starts at like 10% hp so you proc ‘‘cull’’ effect and one shot it. Took me like 5 times to realize this was the case.

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It would make RMT a bit harder but they would just ask you to list a specific worthless item for 100k favor then they would buy it after you sent them the money.

For some reason Runic Invocation is not gathering more than one rune at a time.

There is a bug. Last Epoch PC will not fully finish loading when returning from sleep mode. It gets stuck on the end of time loading screen.

Nope, US West. All my gear’s up-to-date. My Internet speed is always around 300mbps wired. And my ping is consistently somewhere between 10-30 ms. Offline runs perfectly also, as stated. And two of my buddies have already quit the game here because of the same thing. This is a server issue.

Hi. what is patch? no patch note here

Thank you for the bugfixes!

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I came with my necro wraithlord to do some old quests to get rid of them off my quest log. In the Ritual site waypoint where you have to kill the void amalgamation my wraitlord one shots it and this will cause the quest not to progress, there is some growth blocking the way further and this will not despawn while my wraithlord kills the void amalgamation. Had to manually kill the boss with other spells minions in order to progress this quest.

Something is broken with teleporting to party members since this patch. Used to be able to teleport to an ally in the same map but now that seems to not work? And teleporting into an on-going orobyss fight is a never-ending loading screen whereas before it worked fine. Did I miss an update or something?

Gentlemen you need to look to julra gloves cast speed not working and not calculated only shred armour working and another thing the node called Titans Bane we dont have the 100% cast speed i try every thing to buff my minion AKA Totems with cast speed not working at all by taking the node and remove the node its the same what is going on here the class is dead not working Fix it

Freezing skill nodes for Primalist are still broken since the previous patch, and are stunning instead of freezing.