Last Epoch 1.1: Harbingers of Ruin Twitch Drops

Greetings Travelers!

Last Epoch 1.1 - Harbingers of Ruin is just over the horizon, and with its Launch on July 9th, we once again will be bringing two new Twitch Drops.

First off: Head on over to and make sure your accounts are correctly linked.

Starting July 9th, you can head on over to the Last Epoch category on Twitch and look for users who have drops enabled. Then, watch for at least 2 hours each day on any drops-enabled stream to be rewarded that days drop!

There are two cosmetic items available and they will be available three times each - in case you miss it the first or second time. You will not be able to get the same drop multiple times.

Schedule: July 9th - 14th

  • Tuesday July 9th - Gloomfeather Cosmetic Pet
  • Wednesday July 10th - Midsummer’s Dream Cosmetic Back Slot Item
  • Thursday July 11th - Gloomfeather Cosmetic Pet
  • Friday July 12th - Midsummer’s Dream Cosmetic Back Slot Item
  • Saturday July 13th - Gloomfeather Cosmetic Pet
  • Sunday July 14th - Midsummer’s Dream Cosmetic Back Slot Item

Any creator who is streaming Last Epoch can enable these drops. Make sure to find a streamer from an amazing pool of creators on July 9th - when Last Epoch 1.1: Harbingers of Ruin launches.


Always up for some free mtx :smiley:

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unless pets actually pick up items there basically useless and pointless - maybe instread of wasting artists time you can work on functional pets

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That’s your opinion. I actually like having pets following me (though they should boost their movement speed so they’re not usually 2 screens behind).

Personally, the MTX I like the least are armor/weapon ones. Though I would never tell the devs they should focus on something else.

Lastly, the people that create MTX aren’t the same ones that implement code features. Artists aren’t going to be coding stuff like pets picking up gold because that’s not what they do. So time isn’t wasted.
In fact, the only time that would be wasted would be pulling devs from important game systems just to implement the “I’m lazy” feature.


yeah it is my opinion well done for stating the obvious… Clap Clap

as for the feature MANY people have requested i guess alot of the player base is lazy like you said, but infact many games implement it not for the fact people are lazy but to stream line loot progression and to reduce the need to backtrack,

it would be for shards scrolls gold not just for gold…

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You were accusing EHG of wasting time (even though, as I explained, artists don’t code features) designing pets. I was offering a counterpoint.

Many people request things that aren’t good for the game, or at least for the identity the devs want for the game.

They are. I am as well. I wouldn’t mind this feature (for gold only). But it is purely for laziness. And I’m aware that there are more important things to implement first.
Mike has always said that they have no intention of doing that, anyway.

If the devs wanted us to autopick shards, they’d just do what happens with gold and autopick them up in a radius. You don’t need a pet for that. Autotransfer would be more useful anyway.
However, the devs don’t want us to autopickup. I won’t go into it because there are already plenty of threads about it. I don’t totally agree with it either, but it’s their choice and pets wouldn’t change that.


when can i use my skins in offline? because until then this means nothing to me

Is it possible to just make a twitch account, get these drops and the delete it again?
I don’t care about Twitch whatsoever but the cape looks cool

That would work yes, there will be more drops in the future though so you could keep the account, even if you are not actively using twitch.

Given the announcement of the Bizarre update happening in a few days, does anyone know if there will be any sort of ‘transition time’ to the new cycle. Like, if memory served d3 would have a week or two where the old cycle would end and new cycle would start two weeks later.

Or is EHG just going to run 1.0 right up until Jul 9?

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I think the norm is about a week of downtime. That’s what PoE does as well.
D3 had 2 weeks downtime because they had a week of PTR. I don’t know what D4 does.
That being said, considering there is no effective difference between cycle and legacy at this time, I’m not sure it matters either way.


Ok, thx
Hm, will see.

Well, just a convenience thing really. Gives time to sort through your legacy stuff or what not. It’s not a big deal but it’d help some of us “plan.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

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Hey, leave my legacy stuff alone! :laughing:

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Never seen the first transmogs frm the drops. And i was connected and claimed it…

It starts 9th July, there’s a bit over 2 weeks to go yet:

Unless you mean the original ones around release.

yeah the one from launch.

Do you play offline ('cause no MTX are available offline)?

i played them both on launch, now i play online only

If you don’t have your twitch drops from launch, you should open a ticket in Technical Support. You should have actually opened one shortly after launch.