Just saw 2 streamers having 60k+ ward

Everytime people come around comparing builds and mechanics I feel like there is a lecturing approach in the answers.

Dread come with a great answer to these guys: EHG (and in extension many of you around here) can’t think about what the player should think. EHG (and some of you) should think about what players are thinking.

"You are trying to lecture people about how they should feel about the game pretending feeling is a logical process. Players are not vulcans. Each one has a wide variety of feelings.

If many people are feeling discouraged to explore their builds and try different stuff because some builds achieve 50k ward, 150k ward, while HP builds get around 4k Health, it is something that needs to be fixed."

It looks like you got your way. But don’t worry - I’ll go get you a towel.

I heard it’s possible to get to about half a mil right now

And since humans are not vulcans, what others and EHG can do is limited.
The problem lies in the thought process.
When I see others reach 55k - 120k ward, I can think:

  • “Oh crap, I’ll just delete my char”
  • “Oh cool, could I achieve that with my build?”
  • “I don’t care about that”.
  • “This sucks”
  • “I’ll stop playing the game”
  • etc.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the game can’t fix people (and I’ll add) and their thought processes.

Next time “many” people will be discouraged because others are doing much more damage with their build and EHG can’t fix that because it wasn’t caused by a bug, it was caused by the players’ experience.

Why would anyone delete a character because of someone else playing a different class? Ideally, if that was your bent, you’d copy their build and make one of your own game-breaking builds.

Makes no sense to zero out your own input. It doesn’t seem like people play games for fun anymore.

I can feel that. Deleted my level 1 primalist as well after I saw those videos. <)


There is no shot they actually deleted anything. It’s just a kid that wants attention.

Yes, I am aware of the monster damage reduction but typically when discussing and displaying builds its pretty standard to use the test dummy numbers for comparisons. For example, my Warlock that stacks Torment to 100+ stacks do about 80k a tick on dummies and melts bosses extremely fast in monoliths, but it does nowhere near 2 million a second like a beast master can achieve.

Wait I’ve not heard of that one before. Someone call the Ladder Police urgently!!! Assemble the men! Round up the usual suspects!

Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf.

Where is a mob of torch-wielding villages when you need one???

Someone on the ladder is clearing higher waves than me (my personal best is wave 0). This cannot be allowed to stand and I will not get any sleep until it is nerfed. And even then it must be nerfed a bit more than needed, just as an extra punishment. Won’t someone think of the children?

Well, there’s a few regular posters around here with unhealthy Ladder obsessions that should do exactly that and give us peace.

Nah he’s just one of the people who enjoys just playing the game and doesn’t give 2 hoots about some Ladder that hardly anyone plays or cares about.

Also I have many level 100 Alts who are over 1000 corruption with zero ward, so your final sentence is utter nonsense. The only reason that you think that is because you’ve jumped onto a bandwagon driven by a bunch of people who know nothing about the game and who have found a scapegoat to blame for why they are being beaten in the Ladder.

Heck, Flame Wraiths is probably the strongest build I have for corruption pushing - and one of the strongest builds in the game, even post nerf - and yet it doesn’t even work if you try to make a LL ward-based version. Explain that?

Wudijo is currently playing a life-based Beast Master with 3800 HP in 700+ corruption on Hard Core for what it’s worth and it’s a no pet melee-based build.

With the fixes to Mage regen (Sanguine something or other) and Profane veil only paladin will be able to hit 20K plus ward and that’s unintended for healing effect to affect ward as well. Once all these unintended reactions are fixed 8-12k ward will be the standard.

Everyone will still complain because bad players will always die too much and project that frustration wherever they can.

My advice to OP is stop watching streamers because they will always upset you when you see how much better their builds perform than yours.

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How dare he. This contradicts the “ward is OP” narrative and must not be allowed to stand.

Is it a DoT EQ build by any chance? Just curious. I’ve pushed that BM build quite far without ward and it is an absolute monster.

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No, it is a pure melee tempest strike (the worst skill in the game) build. Why didn’t anyone tell Wudijo Beast Master and Tempest Strike is bad? Wasn’t it your turn to police the game Ghostlight?

Oh I was too busy exploiting the hell out of the Merchant Guild.

Well, I can’t do it I am stacking 400k ward in the monolith on my warlock. I will write Wudijo a cease-and-desist letter on playing an under powered class well.



It’s fine as long as no one sees this video.

Last Epoch - Me Smash! Tempest Strike Build Guide (youtube.com)

Edit: The worst part of it is he appears to be having fun with the game. Disgusting.


The problem is that people have lost the ability to understand causality (cause and effect) the ward is not a problem, it is the player’s response to the real problem, the game is extremely unbalanced because there are MANY areas of massive damage on narrow maps and the other defenses are SIMPLY not working, you have to stack several stakar life defenses (which honestly isn’t easy) and you can still suffer a hitkill in an idiotic way, the ward is much simpler and more effective, THAT’S why people are migrating For her, the problem is this and only this. to solve it is simple make the defenses simpler and equally effective MAINLY for the meele classes, better the HP because 10 talent points to have 50 hp is a bad JOKE, improve the block because you have to stake a defense that doesn’t Hold NOTHING is pathetic, make Dodge mitigate area damage (this game is moved by the mouse cursor, I want to fight against the mob/boss not against little marks on the ground).
unfortunately I know I’m a weak voice in the void of Korean “RPGs” that destroyed the true Western ARPG, at least I still have PoE (or what’s left of it) and D2

I can understand your frustration, even if I do not feel quite the same. But why delete your character? What did that accomplish? I am genuinely curious.