Just saw 2 streamers having 60k+ ward

The first streamer was playing warlock ( bone curse + profane veil ) and there were times that he had 120000 ward.
The second streamer was playing paladin smite ( with healing hands ofcourse ) and his ward never dropped below 55000. He was playing with one hand smiting the mobs and with the other hand eating a sandwich.
After that i deleted my lvl 92 beastmaster with barely 2500 health.
I love this game, i am playing since 0.7 beta but some things are out of control.
Plz EHG do something and don’t let this game become a ward fiesta.

Really?!?!?!? This is news to me!!!

Or, is this the same thing that’s been hashed, re-hashed, re-heated in the microwave and served for lunch on Saturday already? There’s at least 10 threads on this issue. There’s a few bugged interactions concerning ward, allowing for ward levels far higher than intended.


Sorry to correct you but I think you mean 100.

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Letting other players, who are abusing exploits, ruin your fun, in a over-all non-competetive game is a little silly. Don’t let streamers give you fomo. If you were having fun before you saw that, and seeing that broke your will to play the game and keep having fun, idk man, that’s on you.


I mean, I’m on your side when it comes to the balance debate, but the last thing I think when I see this is that I should immediately delete my character.

On the contrary. These builds are peak crutch gameplay and any gamer worth their salt would steer clear of them.

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seems a bit of a waste, you might regret that after the patch comes out the buffs your beastmaster that no longer exists


Pretty sure its gonna get nerfed, if not soon then with 1.1. Just try to enjoy the game with what you like to play. I absolutely enjoy my beastmaster ^.^ crows for life.


You think so? I mean, I drove my M3 off a cliff, when I saw some other person, I never interact with, driving an Aston Martin. I know he can go faster than me, so my car is pointless. I refuse to buy another car, until all the luxury sports cars have their engines nerfed!


Too late for the ward fiesta. I am afraid they won’t nerf it cause the babies will cry and quit but it needs to be addressed to have some sort of cap like 1x your life or 2x that way it isn’t the only build to play. Sorta disappointed they havent addressed it to be honest

I stopped living when I saw other people have better lives than me.
Even worse, I started being ashamed of my kinks because other people have better kinks than me.


So you have to gear for 2 builds, in order to have a worthwhile ward? That seems kind of stupid… I mean, should you have to gear for block and endurance, if you want your Void dmg over a certain threshold? The point of ward is NOT having to gear for Life…and vice versa.

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The life kink, is the greatest kink of all…


Deleted your character because of what somebody else was doing???


You must be one of those ward abusers… and u dont see the imbalance of having the absurd amount of ward makes the content trivial. Forces builds to go ward or dont play.

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But what if you have an inferiority kink?


It doesn’t force people to play ward or not play if you don’t play ward. But people get an incredible amount of fomo over it. But there isn’t any real competition in the game, stop letting what other people do ruin the game for you. They going to big numbers in corrupted monoliths doesn’t stop you from playing and progressing at your own pace.


I am not a ward build and i dont get fomo over it. But you are wrong about forcing players to ward builds because 3 of my friends just converted to it because it is much ezier to progress. Then you watch youtube videos and most are ward builds

It literally, no where in the game, forces you to play ward. There is 0 amounts of forcing players to do anything in this game, let alone build ward. My Endurance/Block Rogue with 1900HP is closing in on 300 corruption, which is where the devs are trying to balance around anyway. I’m doin’ great, not being forced to use Ward.


Its prolly just me, but I didnt pay for a game to watch streamers. :rofl: :rofl:

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ummm … how are you still alive lol