Just saw 2 streamers having 60k+ ward

So, is the solution to introduce ARPG communism where everyone and every build can achieve 437 arena waves and 437 corruption? T4 Julra Kills must be done in exactly 23 seconds, so that nobody is envious of the other player?!

What if a players sees a streamer with 6k ward instead of his 3k health? Is he envious because he has twice as much? Is he salty if the streamer has all legendary gear, because he invested 200h in this cycle, but the player only 50h?! Where does it start, where does it stop? You can only lose if you make your happiness dependent on the comparison to others.

That said, balancing is required when builds have a 10-20x more power than others. But, we should get rid of the delusion that people are going to be less salty. In cycle 8 people are probably going to get mad because the reworked spellblade can push 100C more than others.

There is usually going to be an outlier when it comes to power in ARPGs and POE, D4, LE, are no different. Balance is a process and will always be.

The issue here isn’t that certain unintended mechanics can cause Ward to stack to high, or that ward is too good, or that blue cool aid tastes the best. The issue is you are unable to accept or use what you find is objectively better.

Life builds use to be the way to go before Ward was buffed and life builds are still competitive you just lack the understanding on how to create them. You are right ward is easier that’s why it is so prevalent but that doesn’t mean life isn’t viable.

Here is a life build around 500 corruptions on hardcore that was created in CoF.

Last Epoch - Me Smash! Tempest Strike Build Guide (youtube.com)

To be fair he was using the OP Beast Master class and Tempest strike as pure melee.

Please learn how to interpret sentences before overreacting and throwing such clueless and exaggerated answers like this. The solution is something between everything we are discussing.

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No, they’re not. Press L and you will see, not only do we have 1 build that is 4x more effective than the 2nd and 20x more effective than the others. as the top BM builds are using ward. And once again, people will ALWAYS look for and progress in what is most SIMPLE and effective, that’s how nature works. So the problem is not the WARD, on the contrary for me it is the only defense that is currently working, 1.0 came with an IMBECIL buff on the damage and on the area of effect of the mobs, the same as we saw in the weak D3, all to create a barrier to kill players, to impede progress and so that they don’t see that the game is shallow. for a 1.0 this game has a good start but man it is an infinitesimal fragment compared to the already old PoE 1. the end game based on repetitive rift failed on d3, I expected more from this game.

At one point in POE’s lifespan Energy Shield with Ghost Reaver was the only viable defense as well. I am not saying ward isn’t a stronger choice than life is right now just that saying life isn’t viable is untrue.

The obsession with leaderboards, I am almost certain you are not on, is ridiculous. Even among ward builds only a few builds outshine everyone else. You can nerf anything you want and there’s always going to be a few builds above all the rest.

You compare this game to POE, have you played POE at the start? They used to call the game Path of Life Nodes as after they nerfed the Ghost Reaver/energy shield meta that’s what we called the game for about 2 years.

If you want the game to be balanced, you have to accept it will take time. Pre-Beta life was the meta and ward needed a buff. Now ward received more help than it needed (a new ward decay affix, increased ward on hit in trees, etc.). That will need to be balanced and it has been adjusted. Thats the entire point of leagues is that you can have something new be OP then balance it next league after a wipe. If you can’t wait 3 months, then I do not know what to tell you.

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I don’t know why my answer warranted a personal attack, but ok.