Just saw 2 streamers having 60k+ ward

Ward ofc :rofl: :rofl:


i dont know what to do. i see these giga ward builds, and wonder if im doing something wrong. stopped playing my rogue after empowerment now that its so easy to die.

That wasnā€™t the case prior to 1.0. All low-life builds built life because it turned into even more ward. ( Exsanguinous, Last Steps of the Living, etc.)

You can go ward with beastmaster. I did, LOL

canā€™t you just be good enough at dodging stuff and not even have to worry about ward?

I played spellblade in beta and all my ward did was allow me to stand in one place and do damage while taking hits I should have been dodging.

Iā€™m playing a sorcerer with 1.5K ward and teleport around a lot. Of course, Iā€™m only at 100 corruption and getting kinda beat up but itā€™s all good. Feels like slow but sure progression to me. I did find an Exsangious and just stashed it in the bank.

Umm yeah, thatā€™s it. You found me out!

Drats! Now how will I maintain my superiority in this world of pixels!?!?!?! WOE IS ME!

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And thatā€™s perfectly fine. I also have a minion build thatā€¦ get thisā€¦ doesnā€™t use any +minion dmg gear. But it would be strange if my other minion builds had their damage capped based on my non-minion +dmg stats, wouldnā€™t it?

I have the tank kink: ā€œHit me, Zombie, one more timeā€

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If you werenā€™t watching streamers youā€™d still have a beast master thereā€™s going to be broken builds in any game you play the fantastic thing is you can build that same char that has 20k plus ward itā€™s not a government secret lol.

So I am using ward on mage builds. I am aware there are nodes on acolyte masteries and maybe one other(?) that have ā€œbroken/unintendedā€ maths. I see lots of posts about ward being terrible and abused.

-Iā€™m in camp ā€œfix nodes that are unintentional/brokenā€ but Iā€™m also scared of ward being screwed overall. Since I play mage builds, I rely on ward but believe me, it is NOT saving me from one shots etc while not utilizing whatever nodes are broken.

-So I get that if people are using WHATEVER(s) that are granting them mega wardsā€”this should be fixed but also scared all these people crying wolf at ward will kill me while I can only manage 2k-3k wards that still donā€™t save me.

My Runemaster which I havenā€™t optimized for ward decay or retention at all, can routinely hit 12k ward, and isnā€™t even at lvl 100 yet. I still die on a regular basis.

At some point people might need to put the pitchforks down and realize that while a small number of specific builds have issues, EHG clearly intended ward to be a build defining mechanic for some masteries.

Whatā€™s funny is Beastmaster might be the most broken build in the game with hitting for 3 million and able to get 12K walking around town ward with capped armor.


Edit: Kripped said 40k ward is probably possible but he stopped playing the Beastmaster due to it being to OP.

Why should they nerf it?

Why do the classes have to be balanced?

The point of the game is to have fun and enjoy the differences between the classes. Not make all the classes the same.

The ā€˜balance the gameā€™ crowd that shows up always ruins these games because they cant handle difficulty and challenge.

Well, classes need to be somewhat balanced because there is a competitive aspect to the game with the leaderboards on the arena. If there was none, then it wouldnā€™t quite matter as much. But still, any game where people can compare and showcase builds and such needs some semblance of normality between itā€™s classes.

You are correct, I totally forgot about that as I dont care about that kind of stuff. im purely a have fun kinda guy. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I mean, yes, but also no. There are absolutely no stakes. ā€œWinningā€ the leaderboards doesnā€™t mean anything, and neither does ā€œlosingā€. So, IMO, anybody getting all twisted up about it is being a big weirdo.

Iā€™m sorry i touched you in the ā€œno noā€ spot and said the WARD word which is what your build probably is. Iā€™m not asking to make them equal but not also OP beyond the limits of where it is the only way to play the game to progress easily. The game should be getting harder the more corruption there is but with ward it is like no corruption.

Against dummies, right? Considering the 87% damage reduction in empowered monolith, this would scale down to 390k.

By nature, Iā€™m fairly competitive (even if I donā€™t necessarily care about being so in LE), so I understand why people would be upset with needing to play a very specific set of builds to be able to compete with others. The leaderboards are to show off, and have bragging rights. Itā€™s a lot of fun to say ā€œIā€™m the best.ā€

And to be fair. Weā€™ll never achieve a fully balanced set of classes and skills, but we could aim for there being a wider range of things available to those who want to be competitive. Iā€™m in no way saying that we must have every skill and every class 100% balanced and in no way can we allow the slightest deviation in that balance, it just wonā€™t happen.