Julra T4 entire fight needs to be revisited and readjusted. Period!

Is your Bladedancer an offline char to eliminate lag as a problem, maybe? So, is there another difference perhaps than just the movement skill?

who is acting like a brat lol
sry the world dont revolve around you

Sorry, did I miss out a very mild qualifier? :roll_eyes:

Practically every ARPG I’ve ever played has boss mechanics … What ARPGs are you talking about that don’t have boss mechanics?

No, the basis of ARPG gameplay is action. Action Role-playing Game… It’s the very first word in the name lmao.


Yes, you did miss it :laughing:
My point, though, is that it is faster. Might not be a lot and might not be worth spamming it to travel (like you do in GD), but it’s still faster. So it would be useful in combat for that alone. Although, as Kulze mentioned, the biggest advantage it might have is in acceleration. Meaning you get out of the vicinity of the attack faster.

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So if it were 1 pixel faster (per unit time) that’d be valid & ok for you?

If it had the acceleration frames evade uses, yes, it would be valid and ok for me. It would even be valid if it were slower, as long it would be useful for evading attacks.
The whole point of evade is simply to help dodge mechanics, not to spam it while you run across the map.

In terms of the roll:

Here we can see it. It works, it accelerates early on and tapers of at the end. A well implemented dodge mechanic, simple as that.

So there’s no further need to argue how good or bad or functional it is, the video showcases it.

I respectfully beg to differ.

Yes, you can, but instead of non-based arguments which have nothing to do with the showcased implementation at least lets move over to talking about what’s seen.

It shows a acceleration at the start, clearly allowing to move out from the trajectory of attacks. Then it slows down as it finished the animation. Overall I would say it’s a bit faster then moving but not much, you can spam it when it’s up at the risk of not having a charge for it available when it’s needed.

Also the big question after that showcase and if it’s not what is expected is then: What do you think should the dodge-mechanic have that’s not showcased? What would be the differences?

Are you sure that’s what’s happening (it’s not, you’ll have to trust me on this).

The bit about the acceleration/higher move speed initially is fair. But overall it still feels bad

I’m not entirely sure tbh, probably less slow down so it doesn’t feel similar to walking, but this isn’t the place for that detailed discussion.

I would say it’s a decent discussion to have given OPs topic and the reason behind it.
After all it’s about the puddle mechanic of Julra and the dodge-mechanic is a direct solution to that reducing the defensive requirements as it allows every class to take less damage if they have no traversal skill and no movement speed, opening up another direction of building.

But yeah, the speed itself is something which is important to handle, which the initial burst in speed definitely does.
As for the differentiation between the dodge and the walking… why would it need to be quicker in a clear degree? The function is to… well… dodge. It’s not a mechanic which is supposed to make your traversal overall quicker, actually it shouldn’t do that in the first place as it would reduce the viability of traversal skills being used to traverse actually… at least if we don’t take the respective cooldowns into consideration.

Honestly, without having yet tried it and only seeing the showcases and hearing what Mike said about it, I quite prefer evade in LE to the equivalent mechanic in GD. In GD, most of the time you’re using it to just travel faster. You’ll use it a few times in combat, but mostly for travelling. And it feels bad when you’re walking and it’s on cooldown. It leads to frustration.

In LE, evade only really serves one purpose, at least in theory, which is to dodge attacks. If you’re moving through an empty part of the map, you might as well forget it exists.

And don’t forget that Mike has said that there will be uniques where you can sacrifice your evade for other bonuses, so you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.
However, I think this is a plus for some builds, especially Spriggan (pending 1.1 changes which are unknown at this time).

Because if it’s slower over all then you could get out of the Bad faster by just walking (sorry, though that was obvious). If the made the movement bit quicker but tacked on an unavoidable pause at the end (almost like a stun) to get the overall speed down to that of walking then that would feel bad.

I’m not sure it entirely is, due to the aforementioned speed.

I doesn’t need to make you stop at the end, just scale the timing across multiple stages.

Start, middle, end. Make the start and middle very fast and towards the end you can slow down the animation, when your character is recovering from the roll.

I think in devs terms that would be called recovery time.

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Well, as has been pointed out before, as long as the initial sprint is faster, then it’s a good thing.

Think of it like this: imagine it takes you 2s to walk, let’s call it 500 pixels. It’s arbitrary, it’s just a number to exemplify what I meant.
The aoe telegraph is 300 pixels wide and will hit in 1s. In that second, if you walk, you’re still inside the aoe. However, evade sprints 400 pixels in 1s and then does a clumsy roll for another second.
In both cases you end up 500 pixels away. But with evade you can actually evade the attack, which you can’t while walking.

Obviously these numbers are all made up, but it’s a good example of how an evade with the same speed can be a positive. It’s not meant to be used as a movement skill. It’s meant to be used in combat to avoid stuff/reposition.

Says the guy that relies on having hours of gear farming for his 150k ward build to apparently kill whatever in this game instead of actually relying on his own skill to kill whatever.

An incorrect assumption.

Cause it’s just a simple fact, people who heavily farm for defenses are those that have literally 0 confidence in themselfs to dodge mechanics.

Nice strawman.
Too bad that even if this nonsense was true, it doesn’t change anything about your issue :slight_smile: You couldn’t defeat a mechanic that literally only requires you to NOT stop moving. And you couldn’t survive two ticks of damage that others could. Others, who don’t play 150k ward builds.

You and your build were the problem.

But here’s another reason why i’m right and you’re wrong! After i just built a bladedancer even less tankier doing exactly what i was trying to do with swarblade and behold how it actually worked just because i had more reliant movement skills and instead of relying on 150k ward builds I just relied on skill to kill Julra!

Congratulations :slight_smile: Now you only need to git gud while using your previous character. Or fix your previous character’s build.

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EXACTLY, that was the problem ALL ALONG, is the fact that puddle is so goddamned inconsistent with a swarmblade dash mostly because of the server issues and that’s is 100% a design flaw.
Being able to only take 1 tick on 1 puddle and then on the next you’re taking 2 ticks doing the EXACT SAME THING.
But because the dash is not even enough to take you out of the puddle directly while moving in straight line and pressing dash right the moment the puddle spawns, you get stuck between the server ticks deciding your goddamned fate if you survive or die because you will take 1 extra dot tick if it’s not in your favor?
That’s a player issue? If you say this is a player issue then I trully hope you never make games.
Swarmblade dash doesn’t take you out of the puddle range. It literally only takes you as far as the very edge of it and then you have to pray to RNGJesus that between delay of the dash animation ending and you start taking that extra step out of the range of the puddle isn’t going to kill you. And if you try to the opposite of first walking a step and then doing the dash you end up with the EXACT same result.

The answer to this is very simple, EITHER they don’t want me to be able to dash from that OR they want me to be able to dash away from that with swarmblade.
BUT they have to pick one and stick with it. Not being in this goddamned slot machine called RNG giving me misinformation BOTH WAYS

T4 Julra is not a hard fight… at all…
The interaction between swarmblade dash and the server ticks are NOT something that is justifiable for something being hard.
If that was the case i wouldn’t have made a mockery out of that fight with a bladedancer with even less EHP then the swarmblade build i did.
All because i could actually dodge that puddle without any problems at the tap of a button.

Is it?
Did you see to who I was doing that comment and under what the premise of that sentence was based off? Or you just blindly decided to comment on it without any referal as to why i made that statement in the first place?
Which I highly suspect you didn’t cause again, that was a comment made under the delusion that you thought that I wasn’t even aware of the concept of bare minimum EHP requirements for endgame bosses
But here’s the thing, my statement still stands true, based to who I was asnwering too and his dumb comments. In which I don’t need to build the ammount of EHP which that other (holding my insults) person claimed that i needed in the first place.
You know what is best about it, even you yourself proof me right in your very first sentence.
Wanna congratulate someone on the “dumb comment on the month”?
Congrats, you can do that to yourself now as well since you had no basis on to why that comment was made in the first place.

Glad we are on the same page, since I did end up killing it with a 2 day bladedancer right after with even less EHP. So it means my swarmblade actually had more then enough EHP to survive that fight.
But go on, tell me that me not being aware of the fact at the time between the puddle, swarblade dash and server ticks interaction is a skill issue and DEFINITLY not a design flaw since there’s not player agency between it. Even doe I did kill it doing the exact same thing with less EHP.

Referal to above when i already called out on it.

True, and still not complete, because one of the biggest issues aside from that is that there is a clear discrepancy between classes in regards to movement.
As you stated, Spriggan on of them, as I saw for myself the discrepancy between swarmblade and bladedancer.
The other reason they stated is that it also removes the need for some builds to even invest in movement skills to begin with, and I saw the video, I saw the lenght of that, and that evade is more then enough to get me the hell out of the puddle with NO WORRIES taking at most just 1 tick of damage.
So yes, I am right, they felt the need to put in evade and what i said is ONE of the biggest reasons for it, because there IS a massive discrepancy between classes doing this putting them a goddamned lid on a lot of builds for NO REASON, and they learned it was a good thing to do based of the PoE2 showcases.

Again, refer yourself to above on the “dumb comment” and inform yourself as to why that was made, and then ask yourself who was being narrow-minded

Well, to be fair… that’s the tell-tale sign of a failed build. Even with quite low health and mediocre defenses at least 2 ticks need to be sustainable, that’s the minimum.
And playing with a glass-cannon type build which is by no means well equipped I can say that’s not remotely impossible or unlikely. Julra T4 is one of the hardest fights in the game by design and hence she should need a bit of effort to beat in comparison to others.

That wasn’t what was said, you’re misconstruing the sentences there.
No… not a ‘lot’, not even remotely. And also remember what ‘EHP’ is, it’s ‘effective health-points’, meaning it takes defensive measures into account.

You said you’re playing a high-offensive and low-defensive build, now let’s take it into consideration what missing defensive measures means for EHP
If you take resistances alone then we can say 2000 health with 75 resistances is… well… 2000 EHP since it gets reduced to ‘0%’ resistances through the penetration mechanic on higher levels.
If you have no resistances it already means you get 75% extra damage, which means your EHP is not 2000 anymore but only… 500. That’s too little.

In comparison if you take the experimental mod for DoTs being affected by Armor then T4 can already reach 15% (which I’ll use for ease of math simply)
Which means if you have 30% reduction it nonetheless stays with 4,5% reduction for a DoT regardless of other effects, so your 2000 EHP will turn into 2090 EHP at least, which isn’t much… but it’s something. Which showcases why dipping heavily into either double-layering defensive measures or increasing base HP is basically mandatory, one of them.
The amulet for example which reduces DoT damage by 20% will cause your EHP for Julra immediately to turn into 2400 EHP. Combine it with the base for DoTs effected by armor with both the base and the experimental mod and you’re likely to reach far beyond 3k EHP for it, which already is a vast difference.

Also… just to drive it home a bit… your argument has nothing to do with your assumption there, you changed the goalposts, don’t do that if you want to be taken seriously. It’s a bad habit to easily fall into but is very detrimental for your point.

Unless you have a traversal skill and the player-skill to reduce the amount of ticks?

I mean… isn’t that… self explanatory for a defense-check mechanic?

What does it have to do with ‘it needs to be changed’ though? It’s intended design, it’s not even bad design, it’s at best flavor unless grossly mis-used.

You, social ones in that case.
Don’t play the elitist here with ‘I’m so skillfull, everyone bow to me’. You’re not 12 years old, who are you trying to impress?
The moment you try to put yourself onto a pedestal is the moment you make yourself a joke… it’s not impressive, it’s the opposite.
I recommend taking that into consideration as it doesn’t help making your point. We can talk about mechanical aspects, intent, design-choices and more… but if you try to divert it to ‘I’m such a great player and despite that I can’t handle that fight, it must be broken!’ and others come along to tell you ‘Nah, never had a problem with that no matter the build I used, some just took different measures’ then yes… yes it’s a ‘you’ problem, and the sooner you realize that the sooner you can adapt and overcome.

So, this specifically highlights what I just wrote.
You have 2 viable options to take here given that people tell you ‘Well, I haven’t had issues with this mechanic unrelated to the build I chose’.

Option 1: Yes, the build I use is at fault.
Option 2: I guess my personal skill is at fault.

You’re taking Option 3 though: No, it’s everyone else just spouting lies!

Which… is not very grounded to say it mildly.

Can you please provide both builds so we can compare it? That would likely solve the whole mystery and bring the thing you’re complaining about into the limelight rather then declaring ‘it is like that, trust me bro’.
Several people don’t believe in it and have opposite experiences… you’re hence the person which has to act and prove your position, if you do and it’s one coming from a sensible point then people here will definitely lean back and say ‘Yeah… yeah, right. There is a point to that!’ Or… if not… they’ll dismantle it and showcase the mistakes made.
And if not… well… you can keep this up which leads to literally nothing.

So maybe it might be time for you to stop antagonizing people, it’s not proving a point, unless the point is supposed to be that you’re making a clown out of yourself, unrelated to the quality other people provided with their posts, that’s their bit to think about… you only got to think about your own behavior towards communication here, not others.

Use the mechanical setup of Julra to avoid it outright then? Don’t let it come into existence in the first place? It was talked about that this is actually a viable possible way to deal with Julra.
And no, ‘server issues’ are not a ‘design flaw’ but a network code issue… which as someone who knows how network code is set up in several different genres is utterly understandable given EHG is new in that area and hence can’t be expected to get it ‘right’ for the next… 2-3 years I would say.

Yeah, it clearly is a player issue. But before you go off the rails again, hear me out as to why.

You have a different skillset then most characters if you use swarmblade, meaning you have a inferior traversal skill. The task of you as a player is to make up for that aspect by providing improved defenses since you can’t compete with said content via mobility, meaning it’s your task to make up for it via gear.

Is it weaker compared to other builds? Absolutely!
Is it a heavier time investment compared to other builds with different traversal? Also, 100%!

It’s a balancing issue, you won’t ever find all builds being perfectly balanced. They actually shouldn’t even be, it would be detrimental to the longevity of the game as the only way to make sure every build is at the same level of power for every single situation is to make them differ less, otherwise it’s a utopian prospect to try it.

Is the disparity in some situations too big between different classes? Absolutely again!
Should EHG handle those things and put them closer together? Also, yes, obviously so!

And that’s also well known. Why do you think EHG implements a dodge-mechanic in 1.1? To get every class a baseline mechanic for traversing and getting out of such situations as it already was deemed a problem and hence solved
So… what is your suggestion hence?
You’re solely complaining about a solved issue… and if not what is the issue you’re having since the dodge behavior is already implemented with 9.7.2024?

Mechanically in comparison to the others? It absolutely is.
High amount of mechanics.
Small arena
Several things to keep track with.

It’s one of the mechanically most taxing fights in the game. Not the harshest to survive (I think Lightless Arbor is given the fairly RNG mechanic of ceiling drops) but the one which is the hardest to learn as you have to memorize the most different things.

I would say the deadliest is Cremorus T4 as he’s fairly fast to shower you with the combination of ground and wave-effects, the mountain beneath being the most unfair since RNG has a big effect and can screw you over despite playing decently well. Julra? No RNG, no fast paced reactions needed… but you need to memorize her mechanics and react accordingly.

So, once again, if the puddle is the problem… avoid creating puddles, switch the timeline half a second before the explosion, switch back right after. She won’t follow you.

Is the fight utterly unfair to classes without a good traversal skill? Pffft… nah… you either out-tank it or you remove the ability itself to exist and it’s done, those options exist.

And nonetheless… you didn’t answer it :slight_smile:

What are you expecting? Kaizo Mario style tight controls to beat it? That’s not the type of game it is in 1.0, won’t be for a long while to come.
I think you chose to wrong game for quite a while yet. If such stuff makes you go off the rails I recommend stopping to play and leave until it’s up to par to your standards. Or alternatively get some proper help with that attitude issue you showcase, but that’s something unrelated to the game in general.

That’s the prime example of wrong expectation.
You’re comparing a game which is released since more then a decade (with several years of early access and alpha stages before that) with one that’s here since what? 3 months?
Not to speak that GGG had years of major problems with their movement skills and equipment, with people simply not using specific whole categories of items because they screwed up the skills related to them.

Also… which one are you talking about as ‘the best’ there?
Blink Arrow which has the windup time that gets you killed?
Leap Slam which still gets you stuck in walls since years?
Flame Dash which has the downside of charges?
Shield bash which can’t get you over obstacles?
Whirling Blades which is deemed a joke overall?

Which one there is it for this ‘equal access’ for every class? You can’t use leap slam with a caster, that would be utterly nonsensical. You’re often ‘stuck’ with the third best option that’s Flame Dash since Shield bash also is not an option since you can’t focus on Attack speed with most of them. Archers even more so since Cast speed isn’t a option, Shield bash and Leap Slam being impossible to use, hence leaving only Blink Arrow in most cases… and nonetheless some use Flame Dash despite it being a lot worse because it at times outperforms Blink Arrow heavily in functionality.

Frostblink has too little range, Dash the same and is simply inferior to Flame Dash, not to speak about charged Dash actually… the others we don’t even need to talk about as they’re mostly unused or have the tag for secondary reasons. Nobody uses ‘Flicker Strike’ for the movement aspect itself, besides the point that skill is basically a meme getting you killed with guarantee… consecrated path is a support skill but not used for general traversal, chain hook is a joke, cyclone is a attack skill which just lets you move while you charge it, phase run is a support… and so on.

If you wanna compare things at least compare them properly, the argumentative direction you used there tells me you know jack-shit about PoE. It’s a misconstrued argument in the first place trying to compare a open skill system which has massive secondary issues it causes (the socket-system is one of the biggest detrimental mechanics for the game) while only taking the good parts of it and then trying to put it above a completely different system that’s set up in a way which doesn’t have those flaws but also - by design and actual choice even - not the freedom of PoE’s system.