Julra T4 entire fight needs to be revisited and readjusted. Period!

Just don’t stay in the other timeline for longer than 3 seconds. There.

Also, post letools link. Maybe someone here can help you with your build. T4 Julra is certainly doable even on Swarmblade.

Gotta agree with this. Distance and cooldown. Swarmblade is critically underpowered. But I’d fix dps first and foremost. Across the whole primalist class.

yeah but she doesn’t create any puddle if you go back to her right after the explosion.

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Imagine you die in two DoT ticks. Apparently that’s the world OP lives in :person_shrugging: they said so here:

So yeah, it’s casuals that have no DPS AND no EHP. They go fight a T4 boss and get their butt kicked, and then you get topics like this one :sweat_smile:

I don’t know why they always fabricate some silly issue like “I can’t win because my dash is too short”. Like, wake up dude, you’re dying in freakin’ TWO DAMAGE TICKS. It’s the build that needs to be revisited and readjusted.


Says the guy that relies on having hours of gear farming for his 150k ward build to apparently kill whatever in this game instead of actually relying on his own skill to kill whatever.
Cause it’s just a simple fact, people who heavily farm for defenses are those that have literally 0 confidence in themselfs to dodge mechanics.

But yes, you’re right, I should have built a fuck ton of defense because of a dumb mechanic that is reliant on what class/build you’re playing cause apparently not every class had equal acess to reliant movement skills and to top it off also reliant on ping due to how inconsistent the dot ticks from those puddles are as soon as they spawn.

So, don’t worry, I can understand your point of view, you just build some dumb 150k ward to trivialize you actually getting good. Because it’s funny, how that puddle was the only thing i complained about the entire fight with Julra or anything else in the game for that matter.

You want to know why i’m right and you’re wrong? They felt the need to add evade roll in the next patch. I wonder why!!

But here’s another reason why i’m right and you’re wrong! After i just built a bladedancer even less tankier doing exactly what i was trying to do with swarblade and behold how it actually worked just because i had more reliant movement skills and instead of relying on 150k ward builds I just relied on skill to kill Julra!

So i can do what i want with one class but i can’t with another?

Seems like to me the reason why they are adding evade roll is even more apparent now! hmm

“huh they don’t know what they are talking about and they come here and get topics like this bla bla bla bla bla, i trully know what i’m talking about bla bla bla bla”

I’m killing Julra T4 with my 2,2k health build in melee, which is very squishy for the DoT but doable. I get a singular tick which I can survive, with proper timing that’s no issue hence. The bigger problem for me is not getting hit in-between.

That build is btw a detonating arrow build without trap usage, hence a very dumb and weak one which could be several times stronger… but I wanted to head-on experience.

The second one as a Wraithlord Harbour build is obviously a lot easier, 20k ward without investing into it, sustain sucks because the wraithlord dies over and over but overall more then doable. Also… no issue there.

T4 Julra is a hard fight, mechanically… but in no way shape or form unfair, Julra is piss-easy as soon as you get the timing down and know her mechanics, which at T4 should be a given.

Congratulations, this is the ‘dumb comment of the month’ there for me. I know where you’re coming from but it’s a nonsensical argument by design. You have a minimum required amount of survivability and if you don’t fulfill that requirement then you fall flat on the ground with some enemies. Call it a ‘EHP check’. It’s the same as a ‘DPS check’ and those are utterly fine. It enforces to acquire a specific amount of gear rather the fully leaning into the player skill, for a ARPG like LE this is something which is vastly under-valued and too few developers do this, diablo-clones are as much about player-skill as they are about gear-progression, both need to be enforced.

Yes, in general, solely for the aspect that higher corruption with hence higher alpha damage makes heavy defense investment a no-brainer.
What you write after isn’t in the quote because the argumentation further on doesn’t even matter, it’s a simple ‘yes’, you should always invest into as much defense as possible while upkeeping the most comfortable amount of damage still possible. This is the basic balancing act of a proper build in those types of games.

This specifically is a very viable point an still a issue with the game, same with the desync of beam attacks.
That’s something EHG has to focus more heavily for their network code, but… as we know… the same issues creeped up for GGG (if you know the history of Path of Exile at least) and it’ll likely follow the same steps as EHG is a new development studio for the genre without any former experience. It went as well as I expected in that regard… which means ‘not good’ :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the argument there? Yes, obviously you do that if you can!
If you prefer another play-style then obviously you don’t do that! There’s several ways to handle the fight.

If none of the viable styles to beat the boss are something you enjoy… then well… maybe think about another game in the same genre which is more leaning into your direction. Some prefer their ARPG to have less impact with gear and more towards player-skill (Souls-Likes will be more your style there probably) and some prefer gear to be more important, which leans heavily into the diablo-clones.

So the notion of saying ‘you can only do something because your defenses are so strong it’s no danger anymore’ is the actual goal of a good build. Denying that is just nonsensical by design for this genre.

Upcoming content and alleviating the issue of classes which don’t have a traversal skill, namely Spriggan as an example. As a side-thing allowing to make more mechanically in-depth fights which the current system simply doesn’t allow.
Not pre-existing content but future one. The current content poses no problem for any class. It’s harder for some but all of them can beat all the content without major issues as long as you’re at least mediocre in skill and your build isn’t ‘bad’.

The mistake you’re making there is the difference between correlation and causation, which is a very important and easily done mistake… but also a very severe one.

The follow-up example is also a sign of not playing into the strengths and weaknesses of your specific build. Yes, some content is for some builds more punishing. It can be done, simple as that. Not all content is supposed to be at the same difficulty for every build.

So if you’ve got issues with your build itself it might be time to build more tanky with that build given that skill can’t bridge the gap created from the skills it has… for that fight.


No, once again, causation versus correlation.
It correlates with the situation but it’s not the causation, rookie mistake there.

Oh, you definitely got a nice underlying topic with how balancing is done there! Some classes need definitely work, upwards as well as downwards. There’s specific builds which overperform vastly and some which have a hard time even in the best times to perform ‘well’. But that’s a balance issue, it has nothing to do with the Julra fight itself, that one just showcases the weaknesses of some classes.

The solution is plentifold possible there, either via implementing mechanics to alleviate it or by scaling their power through gear more then comparable other classes which focus more on the personal skill level.
If you simply think that personal skill should be the only defining aspect on how far someone can go in the game then that’s narrow-minded. Someone investing a lot of time in a character which scales through gear rather then personal skill is as viable as your option. Not only makes it the game more accessible but also provides enjoyable variety for different playstyles.


I haven’t bothered farming Julra too much (I’m mostly waiting for balance to normalize a little before I start investing heavily into legendaries) but I did kill her a few times. In almost all fights, I didn’t have a single pool appear. That’s because when she does the clock attack, I shift away and then shift back before she follows me.
As far as I’m aware, she only places the DoT pools when she shifts, to force you to shift back.

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My issue with evade is that it’s not going to be faster than walking, so yes, you can press a button to move in a direction out of the way of the bad, but you could also walk and have the same effect in a similar amount of time. So builds without a traversal skill won’t be better off (unless the player just likes pressing a button rather than holding LMB). So what is the point of it? It’s not going to enable the devs to add twitch mechanics any more than high movement speed does.

Doesn’t the dodge-roll imply a i-frame situation though? Hence a moment of invulnerability to avoid damage?
Otherwise… if it’s the same as movement it’s only a different animation… for movement?

Nope, it has no i-frame. It is, as you say, just a different animation for movement with a cooldown.

Quite why people are getting all gooey for it given what EHG have plainly said about it I don’t know. It’s like they see the dodge roll & their brains shut down and they skip all the words.

Well, to be fair the dodge-roll is one of the ‘big’ points of 1.1, isn’t it?

So anything else but it having a meaningful and clearly thought out function would be a utter and entire fail on EHGs part.
Obviously given the presentation of it the result is that people not only ‘think’ that it has meaning but it’s basically mandatory for it to have it.

Ok, so no i-frames, no extra movement speed… acceleration to traverse the start quicker and then have basically a sort of ‘false stun’ towards the end-area where the animation ends?

Just ‘another animation’ would be the dumbest call for a mechanical implementation in the last years as much as I know… and I don’t take that EHG is that dumb actually.


So I would like to know what the intended use-case is given it’s not faster than walking & it has no i-frame.

If the overall traversal is the same speed as movement but the distance moved at specific times is different then it still has use-cases.

For example:

If we imagine our character moves ‘10 meters in 4 seconds’ normally and we cause the character to do 7,5 meters in the first second before ‘winding down’ with a big animation-ending for the last 3 seconds in the last 2,5 meters it means we can get out of a attack nonetheless, risking vulnerability at the end of the traversal to avoid damage at the beginning.

While not a big thing it at least has variety and hence functionality in niche cases, like for example… the Julra Fight when the time-switch pool is created.

I don’t know where you got the idea that it’s not going to be faster than walking. What Mike said in his stream is that it’s not going to be much faster than walking. But it will be slightly faster.
He also said that, in his tests, he seemed to have gotten more benefit from having it in combat to reposition rather than mashing it to move.

I already gave feedback when it was first announced and my feedback will very likely not change even when playing and testing it more once the patch is live.

I think evade should slow you down overall and should only be useful to traverse a small distance very fast e.g. evading an incoming attack.

If evade is the same speed or even faster than walking I absolutely will hate the mechanic.The only time it should be faster would be with some kind of external investment like a unique.

If it’s only slightly faster, as Mike implied, then using it to traverse a map wouldn’t be beneficial. If you save 5s in a minute of walking but have to constantly spam the button, then you might as well not use it and save it for evading attacks or repositioning (like gaining some distance from a big group).
That’s how Mike presented it and I have no issue with it if that’s the case.

But you don’t need any movement skill or mobility options to avoid the puddles … The puddles are summoned underneath you and as long as you are moving at all, it won’t touch you once she finishes summoning it.

That is incorrect. 1 tick of the puddle is unavoidable once it’s dropped.

The purple circle/telegraph indicating a puddle will spawn will follow you until the puddle is dropped.

If you keep moving with enough movement speed you will receive 1-3 ticks, depending on your movement speed.

When you use a movement skill to get out once the puddle is dropped you can definitely avoid 1 or 2 ticks if your build doesn’t have enough movement speed.

But 1 tick is unavoidable unless you use in vulnerability from some skills (like warcry).

But 1-3 ticks are usually not deadly to begin with. If these puddles are dangerous for you there is a flaw with your defensive layers.


Assuming you’re right, which I do, because I haven’t successfully killed T4 Julra solo yet. While my original statement was technically incorrect, the point still stands … You shouldn’t be dying to 1 tick of Julra’s puddle, and a movement skill isn’t required. Right?

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Absolutely yes, I didn’t want to dismiss the meaning your of statement, just the factual part of it.

Having a movement skill makes it easier and more forgiving, but that is true for many bosses, not only Julra.

The Void Puddles are also one of the medium dangerous mechanics, they do hurt, but are not lethal by any capacity.
Many builds with low Health and not good defense against Damage over Time often struggle with it, but that is a flaw in the build.

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Great, I appreciate the detailed info.