Julra T4 entire fight needs to be revisited and readjusted. Period!

I’m sorry, but there’s no way that T4 Julra is in any way, shape or form a “fair fight”.
It’s just not.

Devs already made a really lousy job with indicating the actual hitbox for almost every boss mechanic in the game players where you have no god damned clue where is safe or not.

One look into Rahyeh, and this is very much true specially if your playing melee where you’re CLEARLY avoiding the cone attacks but CLEARLY the message that is being sent is:
“Please do NOT attack the Boss even doe you’re NOT inside any visual AoE and you’re avoiding everything”

Ok, so does it also feel right that if I’m in Swarmblade form my god damn dash isn’t enough to get me out of Julra’s puddles Hitbox? Like… Is that fair? 1 goddamn milisecond misstiming just gets me killed cause the frigging puddle ticks 2 times before i can get out even doe i dash the precise moment it spawns? are you kidding me? It’s already bad enough that there’s literally no grace period whatsoever the moment the puddle drops but to whoever decided to make a Swarmblade build, tough luck I guess, might as well go level up another character just for that 1 boss.

Or I guess i’m just c***blocked from doing that fight until i finally manage to drop aurora’s time glass

That crap needs to be toned down as soon as possible. It’s unfair. Period. I don’t care what you do, raise the ammount of travel distance of swarmblade dash, gut the damage from the puddle, reduce the puddle aoe, you have a lot of options. Just make it happen

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I am not good enough at the game to defeat one of the hardest bosses that gates the best possible items in the game. This is the game’s fault, and the boss should be made easier.

lol, ok.


Boss is possible. I’ve killed her. She’s tough by design, not by accident. Could hitboxes use work? Maybe. Fight’s fine though.


Good for you, to act like mindless brat

Thanks for the info that nothing I said is wrong

Literally everything you said is wrong.

The TLDR of this post is “skill issue”. The fight is fine. You just aren’t good enough. And if all you do is throw a fit when you lose, you never will be good enough either.

Yeah, it’s possible, if i have double my current HP, aurora’s time glass or I don’t get ticked 2 god damn frigging times in that puddle even doe i perfectly dash out of it

Dying to the puddle means you didn’t perfectly dash out of it, slugger.

Clearly that a simple mathematical concept is too hard for you to understand.

No worries, i can understand you didn’t finished 5th grade so clearly you don’t know the difference between mathematical concept to “skill” concept.

No worries i’ll explain to you = Puddle is bigger then your dash = Puddle insta ticks and ticks again before you move out!

Word of advice, go finish your 5th grade first before doing comments as dumb as this.

Mathematical facts have no justification over “skill issues”. Learn that first. Thank you

You know what is funny in that comment, you talk about dashing out of it perfectly, but you said nothing about the fact the dash is still shorter then the hitbox of the puddle? =)

So what is it then? =) Skill issue or Mathematical Issue? =)

Go ahead, I’m waiting Mr 12838IQ =)

Julra is fine.
Rayeh is iffy with the circling attack since desync plays a role, same as Elder Gaspar in ‘The Last Ruins’

Those are the only problematic examples but also fairly fine as soon as you get the hang on how the game handles sync.

I did those bosses with a pure melee detonating arrow marksman, with the unique daggers changing it to a melee range of ‘I need to fuse with my enemy to hit’.

Did it nonetheless. All of those, without issue.

It’s not easy but can definitely be done and is definitely fine.

Julra is a fight which can be done without being hit once outside of the ground effects.
What needs to be done for a melee build is to kite her away from the laser circle and then you can wail on her as you want. The only direct damage you’ll take is the shot she does from time to time as it’s hard to see the telegraphing of it.

You might want to slow down on insulting people in this forum unless you want to be a silent watcher of it.
Just a recommendation.

Also the puddle is a time-gate plus a measure of having baseline defenses needed for the fight.
If you can’t survive that then something else then a missing unique is the issue.

Post a link to your build and people can go over it, screaming around while people tell you ‘nah, it’s not the fight, something’s going on on your side’ is nonsensical. You’re not a child… and if you are you shouldn’t be allowed to play the game in the first place, so behave accordingly.

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The irony in this 5th grade accusation. You act like you’re that or younger yourself. You can’t try to belittle people while acting incredibly immature yourself.

Or… You can. It just won’t have the effect you might want.

If you put as much effort into learning how to do Julra as you are into trying to raging out about dying to Julra, you might get good enough to beat the fight on T4. :wink:

outside of the ground effects.

There you go, That’s my ONLY issue. THE ONLY ONE. I have absolutely no issue whatsoever with the rest. NONE.

And my issue is, the friggin dash in swarmblade form is SHORTER then the goddamn puddle, and I get killed PRECISELY because of that since it ticks 2 TIMES before i can fully get out.

And that is plain and simple unfair.

Press D.

For what? to risk Jura swapping as well and drop another puddle on the other side???

No, so you move 3 steps and then press ‘D’ again, hinders you getting another tick.

To get away from the puddle. You press D. move away. Press D again before she transitions over. Then, all of a sudden, you aren’t in the puddle.

Funny cause I tried that and she insta teleported before i got out of the puddle’s aoe to transition back to Divine

Was that a bug then?

Nawh, she can move fast too. Odds of her throwing another puddle that soon is pretty rare. Even if she was to throw another as soon as you got in the other timeline, at least you are out of the first puddle, can move, and bounce back and be away from 2nd timeline puddle also. Part of the fight is balancing those puddles.

THe puddles can be “placed” where you want them. Be near the edge of the arena when she starts to toss it, so you can always avoid them in future transitions.

It’s just a little bit of brain power. A little bit.

Yeah thanks i don’t need the info where to drop the puddles. I did that right after the first time I saw it, but thanks you very much all the same. So thank you i don’t need that brain power. Already had it. Didn’t need to look up any godamned guide to anything compared to a lot of people probably.

So TLDR is she shouldn’t transition that fast between Ruin/Divine, but there’s a chance she still can?