me personally don’t care about POE 2, becouse LE is my favorite arpg of all time and i will playing it and support it over POE, but a lot of people and streamers are upset becouse POE choose to launch their update on april 4.
So is there a chance that you (EHG) could launch your update 10 days or at least one week earlier than planned i think it would be best thing for you to do at this point…
And i am curious what other people thinks about this?
Thank you and much love for you and this fantastic game
I don’t know whether or not a week is feasible, but I think it’d be hilarious (and slightly more plausible) if they did an April Fools and released it on April 1st. I’d hope they’d be ready before the literal day of the launch and besides being funny, it’d have some practical benefits. Obviously it would give some people one extra day to play if they know and care about the limited time, but it’s also a way to stagger the players for the sake of the servers if that’s at all a concern at this point since not everyone is going to know it launched or would think it’s just an April Fools joke if they hear it launched that day.
Ghazzy is doing an interview later today and he will ask them if they would move their date from april2
That’s a bit of a weird post to link to, but ok.
I’d be surprised if they did since it’d give them less time to fix bugs & the like & that’s always been an issue. The more time they have the better.
Ye but Ghazzy wants to launch LE later move it later again becoue of POE… but i think that is very bad idea…
Not really. OP asked what other people thinks about it and in that post people were discussing what they think about moving release date forwards or backwards.
Actually Ghazzy said he would like at least 10 days for LE. He though GGG should have announced it one week later. I don’t think he’s said anything about LE postponing their release.
But why the last post? The thread was fine. 'Cause I don’t have a hard-on for him but I do enjoy the occassional troll, especially with those who don’t appear to be able to accept that others can have their own, differing, views.
I hadn’t noticed I had linked to the last post, I thought I was linking the thread at the top.
Already edited it.
yeah, that’s not the solution, if LE can anticipate, great, if should be postponed, definetly no, you will piss off also the one that have planned to play LE regardless of Poe2, and those people will not quit playing Poe2 after 10 days in the new “season”.
But anyway the Poe2 update itself will have a big role in all this, if is a “small” patch, like just one new class, and some adjustment to the endgame with a couple more activity and some balance, LE will easly win the “duel” for the players that are in the position to chose one game to play, instead if the update is a big one, also i doubt to stick with LE after the Poe2 update release
They said they were going to release it on the 1st but it was April so decided against it.
1 day is 1 day, yo
Yeah I assume we’ll get an answer today and my guess is it will be “NO” they can’t launch a week earlier.
Poe2 content is lacking. Even if they add a new class and some other stuff, to my understanding they aren’t really doing anything at all to some of the core problems existing in the game since its EA release.
I played that game with other classes already. My desire to play new LE stuff is significantly higher than anything poe2 is offering now or in their next patch.
We don’t know yet what they’re actually adding. The class is a given, some lacking content in terms of support gems as well (albeit they all look like utter crap plainly spoken).
The interesting part will be their actual reveal video and if there’s a sort of league mechanic upcoming which we haven’t seen, because that’s ‘make or break’ for them and if LE or PoE 2 will be more relevant for the time.
When it’s only 2 days, i days matter, so releasing April 1 would be better I think. Probably few streamers would advertise it 1 day longer then.
I would be for 1 week earlier release but I will significant amount of LE S2 regardless.
Anyway the fact that they haven’t answare to the Ghazzy question regard the date, and that they are not writing in the lasts social post on X the release date as they have done in the previous ones, let me think that they are trying to do something about it, mainly the lack of the date in the posts, really suspicious
Why not open the test server to the public on the 2nd, then delay the live launch 2 weeks?
First impression wouldn’t be as good.
The risk is that if player involvement drops like a rock after 2 days it will kill a lot of momentum for the brand. Going from 200k, to 15k is no bueno. For die-hards, who just want to blast the new content, they can jump in and go crazy. Streamers can stream it. Casual players can be introduced into the realm of testing (PTR is more fun than live in Diablo games, FYI lol) and in two weeks, everyone will have leveled up a new amazon or druid or whatever in POE2. I’m sure EHG would survive the clash, but why not thrive instead?