Is possible to launch LE at least one week earlier? (LE vs POE drama)

Never open servers for people earlier then it goes live. It has negative impact on perception and also causes people to have a unfair advantage. Not a big thing for CoF but for MG players it definitely causes problems inherently.

Also it’s not said that the testing environment is even playable, usually development is not a straight-forward linear process. A mechanic implemented in a specific way can be adjusted days before release even if something easier and better understandable is found. Wouldn’t be the first time it happens. So would your results still even function as they need to be removed maybe? Or have you gotten a massive upside/downside comparatively to what others will experience?
Also… would you keep the characters of the testing environment? If so it’s not a fair cycle start… and otherwise you would need to re-do it which people often are averse of.

It’s not a good thing to do in general, too many places which become ‘rigid’ when opened up for players.


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Because people would be pissed that their characters wouldn’t be transferred over from the CT server to the Live server.

Instead of beta, it could be labeled a pre-release server stress test or something (insert your own scenario). Character progress in legacy could carry over, but the season 2 start would be 2 weeks later.

They could theoretically do the new update two weeks LATER to avoid a clash.

I am still playing the update

This wouldnt solve the downsides of doing something like this.

Like first impressions. Advantages trade players would have like @Kulze speaks about. Ect


Have you also asked GGG if they can postpone it?
Honestly, LE shouldn’t be postponed just because some people are bothered by it. They just need to pull themselves together and decide what they want to play.

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It’s the most naive thing I heard this week :slight_smile:

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I can’t know unless I ask. I don’t want to pretend I know the answer just because it might be true. If that seems naive to you, that’s perfectly fine.

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