Is Majasa overtuned?

almost every enemy is overtuned in this new majasa stuff - you go from tanking most damage to getting killed really fast.

And the devs have spoken - she was! Time to go refight her.

EDIT: Just finished. She is now legitimately my favorite boss in the game - every time I died it really felt like I had made several mistakes in a row, and totally deserved it, and the fight went much shorter than last time. A+!

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I do partly miss the challenge of old majasa, but prefer the new version - perhaps super majasa in a lv 95 mono that has all the old bs and new even crazier stuff(maybe even a third form) could be a thing


Or 1 phase only that combined first and second phase ability + permanent gems + new void skills. I can already see the tears if that happens

Why do you need to stay at range with Javelin? Have I missed a node that does increased damage based on distance or something?

Fought her on a level 59 Javelin Paladin, area level is 57, physical resist capped, 33% movespeed, started fresh so I didn’t go into any endgame mechanic.
First part is ok, the attacks are properly marked and can be dodged, it’s actually fun.
The second part of the fight is not only overtuned, it’s also badly designed. Lunge + combo is too strong, you are punished for staying away with the tail swipe, the medusa stare builds up too quickly, and sometimes it’s impossible to escape the blood AoE/medusa stare because my only dash is tied to enemy position. So I spend most of the time running around.
In fact, most of the enemies in the new area seen like the devs expect you to already have gone into endgame to get some better gear.

I did it with Multistrike & didn’t need to use Lunge to get out of the petrify attack. Also, they’ve changed the blood AoE so it doesn’t add phys shred so they should be somewhat less dangerous now in 0.8.3c.

(skip to the end, around 1:05 mark))

Have you done it since the latest patch? It’s a lot smoother now IMO.

Also I’ve recently experimented and discovered Shield Rush is by far the superior movement skill, and can be specced into to not have the shield requirement. Works perfectly here.

I know, I suspect that given the removal of the massive crit buff from Lunge that more people will try Shield Rush.

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FIrst try on a lvl 73 full fire mage, and i had to log off for the day without the kill.
P1 is pretty easy, paying attention and learning paterns is not that hard with such a build at least. I can go through in a few minutes without problems, and after a few tries with no need for potion.

P2 is where the nightmare begins for this character, as Majasa is almost impossible to keep at a distance, spamming lunge attacks followed by huge aoe. Thus using teleport to get out of melee range is mandatory on a regular basis, meaning that a bad timed freeing cone from her becomes almost impossible to escape, especially if she’s out of the screen on the lower part - the cues for the attacks aren’t enough in this situation.

I’m not sure pure damage is the problem here (i’m not paying a tanky build, so i don’t expect powerful boss attacks to not be deadly), but the main problem would be that Majasa’s cooldown seem a tad too low, allowing only very specialized builds to navigate her attack sequence without struggling.

New hero against Majasa, now a Void Knight.
The whole chapter was relatively easy, with several more intense moments.
The fight against Majasa was threatening but I won without dying. I felt the difficulty was adequate… for me, which means that it may now be a bit too easy.

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I just beat her again for the first time after the nerf. Off-meta Rogue 0 death with 2 potion to spare. Granted I already know the mechanic and my melee rouge is tanky (60% glancing blow, 20% endurance, titan heart, max physical and poison resist), so I don’t know if she is overnerfed or my rouge is just tankier than my VK. I think it is the latter.

Anyway, my view on nerfed Majasa:

  1. Poison pools amount are just right but they should drop slightly faster to compensate (same delay and duration)
  2. Essences died too fast to melee now, given that the need to be careful of their attacks has decreased. Once, they died before Majasa even appear

2nd phase:

  1. Second phase is tankable for 4ish second now until she stack enough armor shred. Still dangerous but more manageable.
  2. Lunge definitely needs longer CD. My rouge tank can survives it at low health but she can lunge 2-3 times in a row to close up distance quickly. Ranged gonna shed tears.
  3. Blood pool need the phys shred back. At the moment, there is no reason to avoid stepping on them. Slightly more qty maybe?

Interestingly, I actually died 5 times in the inner temple before apophis encounter to 20ish emerald and ruby nagasa. They smoke teleport around me, trapping me from moving and rip me to shred in 1 sec. Mob tactic. My fault though for not saving my shift. The revive waypoint is too far.

With my build, my impression is Crystal Lotus>Majasa>Lagon

Here’s my new VK fights.

Fight 1: intentionally face tanked to test deadliness.
Fight 2: Tried. :slight_smile:

Late to the party but decided to test new patch today, fresh character SSF. I’m not very good at the game, or very knowledgable about many mechanics (I just learned what shock actually does in this game) but I still reached lvl 80+ on 2 characters.

Well, I’m not sure I want to finish the campain now that I have seen chapter 9. Majasa runs me over like a truck and the counterplay is so minimal I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. I steamrolled the entire campaign kiting most mobs/bosses and then she came around and I can’t do much. P1 was easy to learn for me, don’t stay in AoE and nuke crystal, I don’t even spend a potion there. But then P2 comes around and she perma lunges me. I’m playing mage and she can dash 4 or 5 times per blink I can do, all while running at least twice as fast as me when I have t3 move speed boots and haste in my skills.

But I could probably figure out a way to kite her, if it wasn’t for the gaze. Oh boy the gaze. In P1 it feels natural, she’s a caster, I can safely hug her to dodge the gaze, I just have to stay really close. But her swipe speed in P2 do not allow me to be anywhere near her for more than 2 seconds, so I need to be really far away, probably expending blinks to stay out of reach… Only to get petrified instantly. The speed at which it stacks is also awful.

I fail to see a weakness in that boss when she enter P2. No telegraphed attacks. Deadly at close range and threatens to stun you at long range. Runs faster than pretty much anything and has a lunge almost every second.


Title of Thread: Yes, she is over tuned in phase 2.
How to cope until fixed: hug her tight on all builds. This eliminates lunges and gaze (you can stroll around her and avoid it). Stick + move (attack-move-attack-move), do not spam attacks. It will take a long time but she will go down.

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I disagree, even before the nerf she wasn’t that hard. I downed her with a self-made Lightning Javelin build with Lunge / Smite / Holy Aura / Sigil of Hope. You dodge the gaze by Lunging towards her and walking past or Lunge towards the crystals if summoned, you usually get 1 stack or none depending on your movespeed. I sustained by using pots + sigil regen.

For P2 you just kite the moment you hit 5 stacks of armor shred and then blast her when she stands still and casts the blood ability, rinse and repeat.

The only thing that was a bit too much was the fact that one of the crystals could shotgun your character resulting in a oneshot, I figured this out after the second time I died to it so I’m glad that’s fixed, can’t imagine how bad that would feel in HC if left alone.

This is the first time I’ve actually disagreed with a change they’ve made. I don’t think overnerfing things is the way to go, especially so short after a patch release. I get the rest of the nerfs to mobs, like the teleporting snakes being just plain stupid at high corruption or high arena waves but the Majasa nerfs are too early imo.

Give people some time to adjust to new things and let them solve the puzzle aka fixing their gear/build and strategy. I do think the difficulty curve should be changed as to not have this much of a spike because that’s part of the problem. Act 8 is a breeze and so is early monoliths and suddenly you’re getting trashed in Act 9. If the earlier acts were ramping in difficulty people wouldn’t be this surprised to get steamrolled. This is all just a numbers thing so I’m not worried about them changing it, I’m moreso worried about which direction they’re going to go, stupid easy or PoE tier ‘hard’. Hard to find the right balance here.


This boss has a few problems, in my opinion, and while I haven’t fought her since the patch that changes her, I didn’t see anything in there that would really alleviate my concerns with her.

It’s obvious that some builds will be better against her and some people won’t have a problem at all. But that’s really anecdotal evidence. “My build was fine so she’s fine,” isn’t really a good argument, in my opinion. One of Last Epoch’s greatest strengths is that almost any build you can think of works. Except Majasa, apparently.

In Phase 1, there’s a few problems that I personally see.

  • The petrification AoE tracks the player for far longer than it honestly should, considering what it does. It slows you almost immediately, and then turns you into stone for what feels like above 5 seconds. If you’re in the middle when she starts, and have no movement ability off cooldown, I don’t really know what is expected for the player to do. It tracks you for a long time and then the time between when the tracking ends and you’re full petrification makes it impossible to actually escape before being petrified. There’s too many spots in the ability where basic movement has no chance. That’s wrong, in my opinion.
    Then the petrification lasts for a really long time, if you have a build that relies on leech, ward generation, or things like that it probably means you’re dead. So it’s really easy to be hit by the petrification, and then some builds will just fall over because you’re out of the fight for an excessive amount of time.
  • It’s very easy to have way too much crap going on at once. When I did my fights against Majasa, it felt like she’d summon the poison pools almost immediately before she’d go into a crystal spawn phase every time.
    All three crystals PLUS randomly generated large pools of DoT is simply too much going on at once. Sometimes you can have the entire area besides a tiny segment of land covered in poison, and then Majasa starts to use the Petrification ability, and no matter where you want to go you’re in it deep because there’s death everywhere, three other enemies spamming their abilities, the list goes on. It’s, “What am I even expected to do here?” territory, in my opinion.
    Can you sustain this damage? Some builds certainly can. That doesn’t stop it from being a really shitty situation. Some builds rely on being able to generate in combat (Ward heavy builds, for example), and that’s not really possible when you’re avoiding 5+ mechanics at the same time.

Phase 2 isn’t so bad, honestly, especially since Shred has been reduced in the more recent patches. That was the big problem with that phase.

The silliest thing to me is that I tried to do Majasa a bunch on the initial patch, gave up, went to Monoliths, gained a few levels and came back to beat her. But the silly part here isn’t that I overleveled, it’s that I did a ton of stuff in Monolith with the same build and faced virtually no issues at all. I did multiple timelines, did the Shade of Orobyss multiple times, all of them were fine. It’s specifically Majasa that gave me trouble, which suggests to me that Majasa’s mechanics are too harsh to some types of builds.

This thought is even stronger when you add in how divided this topic is. Some people absolutely insist Majasa is fine and there’s nothing wrong, and a completely different subset of people insist that Majasa is an overtuned and horrible boss. You can try to create some, “Git gud,” reasons but I don’t think it has anything to do with that, I think it has to do with how the build you’ve chosen works and some types of builds faceroll her and others get completely devastated. Yet, Last Epoch is a game that has done very well in keeping that divide reigned in. I say that with this boss being the major exception I’ve seen so far.

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The game should not be balanced around the worst possible build. I don’t know what you are doing, but instead of banging your head against the wall expecting something different or demanding the game change, you could try something different in your build to cover the weakness.

I beat her pre-patch with a new character (Lv. 55) on the first try, no deaths. Wasn’t a problem at all.

Maybe this is just the first boss that really punishes squishy ranged characters instead of melee characters. People have been complaining for a long time that ranged was so much better than melee because of boss mechanics. Maybe its just fair play.