Instead of auto loot affix, how about a keyboard button to AOE loot shards near the player?

Somehow I just remembered the even older times in D1 when I dropped gold stacks around the Well. I guess the stash in D2 also already was a great improvement :laughing:

It’s ok to stop doing things that you find annoying.

The more I think about it, the more I believe that part the issue lies with the shards themselves.
Shards are abundant and highly specialized.
The abundancy of the shards is partly releated to the fact that the game sprinkles some shards everywhere to beef-up the loot and make sure that most encounters drop something.
In practice, since they are so common, it is rarely worth the time to pick-up a shard.
However, since shards are so specialized you still have to pick-up shards to a certain extent.
While you might be drowing in certain shards, the consumption rate is not uniform and you might be running out of others; and running out of “basic” shards would be really bad.

The only way to target-farm a shard is to fracture for it, however that is very boring to do.
Class-specific shards are usually what this treatment is reserved to.
I got close to running out of non class-specific shards only once, I edited my filter to show fracturable items with the affixes I was running out of and the problem fixed itself.
However I’d argue that that was tolerable because it was a one-time thing for only a couple of affixes.
I don’t mind shattering for rare affixes, however, having to shatter for dozen of common shards would really suck the fun out of the game for me.

This produces an environment where it simultaneously feels mandatory and pointless to pick-up shards.
The solution that this thread proposes simplifies the choice associated to picking up the shards.
Auto-loot is the extreme version of this, where picking up shards is not a choice at all.
However, I sort of think that this would only offset the problem.
You would still end up with thousands of shards that you will probably never use, the only way of target-farming for shards would still be fracturing, and the shards monolith reward would still remain pointless.
I really hope that some form of shard sink is in the works, or some blanket improvements to the shard system.


the more I read people arguing about this the more blafed I become. What you are pointing out as a problem is no problem at all. The shards have infinite space, as you pointed you can edit loot filter to show the rare ones you need to shatter, and I think its a great system the game offer us. Its always worth to loot shards, as it so easy, 1 click and its done, another click and it goes to the infinite storage. And with this you can find some usefull ones here and there, among the other trash ones.

There are much more important things the devs need to worry about the game or work more to offer a great experience to gamers.


Granted, there are much more pressing affairs.
However, we are not the devs, we are allowed to discuss about whatever we like or we enjoy talking about.
We are under no obligation of optimally addressing the problems of the game to deliver the best experience to the gamers.
If you think there are better things to talk about, why not make a thread yourself?

because posts like this could create unnecessary pressure to the devs about irrelevant things. Its not even a valid point. of course everyone is entitled to his opinion, but a fair dose of judgement would not hurt for some people.

Its my opinion, but as I posted before, this request is ridiculous, its a step in the direction of auto-loot, and games that go to this direction generally lack good development.

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I see it the same way. The vacuum system is such an improved compared to other games. It’s only one click for all shards I’m range. Maybe a small adjustment regarding the vacuum range could be fine.

But one thing that bothers me a bit is that the crafting mats just block your inventory very much. I chip in this point whenever this discussion arises, so I do here, too. I don’t see the point in having the shards, glyphs and runes in the inventory. We can click on “send to stash” and they’re all gone. Why have them in the inventory in the first place? Nobody is looking at them. Theres no meaning to it.

Somehow the devs want us to treat them as regular items. They also introduced new 2D art for them some time ago. But why? This I don’t get.

It’s not a big deal if your inventory is empty. It takes some time to fill it up with shards. Then you empty it again with a single click.

But when your inventory already is full of other items and you only just have 6-10 free inventory slots, you have to stop every single fight and click on “send to stash”. Sometimes there are so many shards on the ground that you have to click “send” several times in a row, while vacuuming up shards from the ground inbetween.

There are several solutions for this:

  • Make shards, runes and glyphs of the same type stackable and not let them eat up 1 inventory slot per piece
  • Make a separated inventory for crafting mats for those who love looking at the 2D pics
  • Make “send to stash” mapable (does this word exist?) to a hotkey like <shift+s> for more convenient access
  • Finally: Send them to stash immediately on pickup without the detour to the inventory

As frustrating as it is for the rest of us to see yet another (active) post about XXX, I don’t think the devs hearing about what a part of the community (no matter how small) wants is ever “bad”, nor would it create “unnecessary pressure” on the devs. They have their view on what they want XXX to look like and feedback from the community helps inform them on it. The devs are well aware of the difference between one or two extremely vocal posters arguing about a thing and a much broader support for a particular position. Then if there is a “sufficiently broad” base of support for the opposing view the devs then discuss it internally and decide whether to stay their course (auto-pickup) or change (the bazaar).


What is, and isn’t, irrelevant is completely subjective. Personally, I find Multiplayer, and the Pay2Win nonsense irrelevant…moreso than autolooting shards/runes/glyphs, which I think we should have to some degree.

Might have to take a fair dose of self-judgement as to why some people feel their opinion is more valid, or relevant, than others.

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In this case, it’s not. They’ve made it very clear that they are not going to put auto looting for shards or items into the game. Everything there is to be said about it has been said. Every half cocked idea that pretends it’s totally not just autolooting wearing a fake nose and mustache has been pitched at them.

The topic is settled. Opinions to the contrary of that decision no longer matter - AKA they are irrelevant. The only correct action for dissenters on the topic of autolooting is to accept they won’t get what they want, and move on.

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The same could be said for Archnemesis mods in PoE. Just because something has been said, and because the devs have said no, doesn’t mean people should just stop talking about it.


That is the attitude my 4 year old takes towards cupcakes, skipping baths, and listening to “Ghostbusters” on repeat in the car. It is not an adult’s response to hearing “No”.

The fact that this subject comes up regularly in one form or another is an indicator of a fundamental problem, no offense to the most obtuse fan boys, who apparently spend their time on these pages coming to spoil at purpose the posts of people who come to make proposals in all goodwill.
Fan boys, if you are so convinced that you are bathed in divine light and know better than anyone the will of the devs, what will be and what will not be, what need do you have to come and rehash your counter-arguments here?.. you should be playing your favorite game already perfect in beta don’t you? :grin:

Or … accept the point of view of people who a priori appreciate the basics of what the game offers and have no other intention than to point out what could be improved.
Accepting does not mean agreeing, I assure you, just letting people express themselves without being rude or giving others intentions that only exist in your twisted minds.

Because constantly ignoring the opinions posted here could lead to actually missing out on things that could jeopardize the success of the game when it is released, think about it.

To come back to the subject, personally I came to point out something that may seem different and yet…
I cursed hundreds of times after having to try several times to pick up any object (runes or other) which regularly turns into a painful struggle, I first blamed the size of the text area of ​​the items on the ground, too small and not very customizable.
Then I realized that I also regularly struggled going from my stash to the vendor, which opened and then closed every once in a while in totally stupid ways.

I think some of these wobbly mechanics are related to something that I didn’t realize at first, when the character stops walking there’s an animation, like stepping forward, stepping back , before really stopping, and that can takes precedence over the other actions that you think you have done before.

I don’t really see the point of this animation except perhaps to want to make the movements “realistic”, but given the “heaviness” that this engenders in several ig actions, including picking up items, it could be a good thing to replace it with something much faster, which makes these actions more fluid.

This could avoid people having the impression of struggling to manage a character who seems to weigh several tons when it is supposed to be a sharp warrior :grin: and it will also avoid semi-automatic looting requests to try to overcome that.

Because apparently some people dont know what the devs have said before on any given subject (which is kinda fair enough). Whether said people get the hump when told the devs current stance an a matter is entirely up to them.

That said, Mike has always said that even with their most vehemently held views that when there’s enough of a countervailing push back on the forums/etc that the do discuss it internally. But for those aforementioned strongly held views of what the want their game to look like, their answer tends not to change.

That cuts both ways, I assure you. Just because a person refuses to accept or hadn’t realised, if one is being charitable, that what they are asking for is “autolooting with extra steps” doesn’t mean that it’s not. A rose by any other name would surely smell as sweet, after all. Also, disagreeing doesn’t mean that one’s mind is twisted.

Or it could have been that the location of the ground label wasn’t particularly close to the location of the item you were trying to pick up (PoE/TQ without a loot filter and some massive drops were particularly bad examples of this).

And the whole vendor/stash screens opening over each other or closing is annoying.

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Yet this is exactly how you respond to everyone who disagrees with you. People share a differing opinion and you fight with them relentlessly. It’s actually strange just how fitting your description is here.


That doesn’t make it irrelevant, as something people still want to see. If enough people want something, then the devs will most likely…at the very least…have a new discussion around it, just like they did with multiplayer trading.

Opinions are not irrelevant…

Do you also tell your 4-year how irrelevant her opinion on everything is? Makes for a real shitty parent, if that’s the case.

And, last time I checked, your 4-year wasn’t paying you to be in her life. She wasn’t the source of your income. Paying customers, informing of their desires, is never irrelevant. Just ask any successful business.

Arguing about things that the OP hasn’t expressed is having a twisted mind, as well as going to insinuate that he has no more judgment than a 4 years old child…
The question is who do you think you are?
Generally people come to this section to make suggestions to the devs, if you’re not, bad news, generally people don’t care about your pseudo wisdom.
I’m not saying that you can’t leave your opinion, but from there to systematically and repeatedly pollute the posts of people who have an opinion different from yours in order to drown the initial statement under your sterile and systematically identical comments is really something else.

As said before, if a subject comes back regularly it is not by camping on a position that it will disappear, taking a step back and seeing if there is not something underlying that deserves to be reviewed would be more constructive.

Unlike you, I don’t think people are stupid and want a game that can be played on its own, without any difficulty and which would therefore no longer have any interest.

imho behind the initial suggestion of this post and the others there are surely lessons to be learned by going beyond the “autoloot vs no autoloot” thing.
Maybe people are thinking of this as a possible solution to some issues which I think are more basic and could be fixed by tweaks to the interface and character control.

There are all kinds of reasons designers may be interested in hearing dissenting opinions and arguments in favour of alternative systems even if their conviction in the current system is pretty strong.
EHG have made it clear that they don’t expect to change this design choice, but it’s a big jump from there to “any conversation about it shouldn’t happen”, let alone “people with different ideas should be attacked and made to feel unwelcome”. If that’s what they wanted they would say it themselves.


Just because someone doesn’t say “Hey guys, you know what would be super awesome? Autoloot with extra steps!” doesn’t mean that’s not what they’re effectively asking for.

The thread title is asking for autolooting of affix shards with an additional step (of having to press a button for it to happen). Except we live in an age of Autohotkey (which I’ve already mentioned & linked to) which allows a person to create scripts to automate stuff such as button presses, and keyboards/mice which allow people to create scripts & macros.

If the devs did enable this (autolooting of shards in an AoE with a button press), the first thing most people would do would be to dl Autohotkey & create a macro to press said key every X seconds (or X times a second). People would likely link their scripts here to make others lives easier (much as Heavy’s created a set of loot filters that people can download & use).

Then the very next thread to be posted would be “Hey, while the autolooting with extra steps is awesome, how about you just make it happen automagically rather than me have to remember to run a script while playing LE?”.

I’m someone who’s usually intellectually honest enough, or aware enough to realise that what I’m asking for isn’t quite what the words I’m using are actually asking for. I liked Sacred 2’s loot in an AoE button, but given the devs’ viewpoint on the particular automation is that they don’t want to do it & have said “what you’re asking for is autoloot with extra steps” (can’t remember whether it was to this particular idea or something similar), then I think we can reasonably say that they don’t want to do it (at the moment, as I’ve said in previous posts).

I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.

Indeed, and that’s what he devs do (as I’ve mentioned before). They see that topic X has several active threads on the forum again, so they discuss it internally again & either come to the conclusion that they still think it’s a bad idea for the game or that maybe there’s some merit to it given the changing nature of their game.

I never said people were stupid, again, you’re mistaking me for someone else. That said, some people most definitely are stupid (my current audit manager definitely tests the f###ing bounds of civility by some of the eye-gougingly stupid questions he asks), some people also don’t realise that what they’re asking for isn’t what they’re asking for “Totally not asking for autoloot, but can I have something that could be trivially converted to autoloot on my end please”.

Indeed, and in addition to that, there’s certainly discussions to be had about automation versus manually doing stuff & how that changes how a player engages with a game & where on that continuum a game (be it LE or another one) should sit.

I agree & that’s why I’ve never (recently) said “this conversation & done(/dumb) & shouldn’t occur 'cause the devs are unlikely to change their minds”. Something that Ruzor appears to be mistaking my comments for (in this thread, I’ve totally done that before).

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